

单词 full membership
释义 full membership fulˈmembəʃip 短语⁶⁹³⁵⁰
The “ observer” status that would be given to them would be similar to that of the Vatican—a position short of full membership, which can be conferred only by the Security Council.
因为只有联合国安理会才会有权授予正式会员身份,所以如同梵蒂冈译注:附后一样,巴勒斯坦将会获得比正式会员身份低一些的“特殊观察员”身份。 yeeyan

The announcement follows a decision on Monday by the United Nations cultural organisation Unesco to grant the Palestinians full membership.
此前在周一,联合国教科文组织批准巴勒斯坦以成员国身份加入该组织。 hxen

The Party standing of a member begins from the day he or she is granted full membership on the expiration of the probationary period.
党员的党龄,从预备期满转为正式党员之日算起。 putclub

Upon the expiration of the probationary period of a probationary member, the Party branch concerned should promptly discuss whether he or she is qualified for full membership.
预备党员预备期满,党的支部应当及时讨论他能否转为正式党员。 putclub

“ We don't want to set any kind of ultimatums, ” said Ms Merkel, who wants Turkey to accept a“privileged partnership”, not full membership.
“我们不想下达任何形式的最后通牒,”默克尔解释道,因为她希望土耳其成为“特定合作伙伴关系国”而不是给与其“成员国待遇”。 ecocn

Washington has stepped up efforts to dissuade the Palestinians from applying for full membership of the United Nations at the UN General Assembly next week.
华盛顿加强努力,劝阻巴勒斯坦在下周的联合国大会上申请成为联合国正式成员国。 remword




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