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词汇 fulled
释义 full·ed 英fʊl美fʊl BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹

holding as much as it can


complete; with nothing missing

the time when the Moon is fully illuminated;

the moon is at the full

containing as much or as many as is possible or normal;

a full glass

a sky full of stars

a full life

the auditorium was full to overflowing

constituting the full quantity or extent; complete;

an entire town devastated by an earthquake

gave full attention

a total failure

complete in extent or degree and in every particular;

a full game

a total eclipse

a total disaster

filled to satisfaction with food or drink;

a full stomach

of sound having marked deepness and body;

full tones

a full voice

having the normally expected amount;

gives full measure

gives good measure

a good mile from here

being at a peak or culminating point;

broad daylight

full summer

having ample fabric;

the current taste for wide trousers

a full skirt

to the greatest degree or extent; completely or entirely; `full' in this sense is used as a combining form;

fully grown

he didn't fully understand

knew full well



beat for the purpose of cleaning and thickening;

full the cloth

make a garment fuller by pleating or gatheringincrease in phase;

the moon is waxing


❌ They were full with joy.

✔️ They were full of joy.

✔️ They were filled with joy.


❌ His head was full with clever ideas.

✔️ His head was full of clever ideas.

✔️ His head was filled with clever ideas.


❌ The downstairs rooms were already full with people.

✔️ The downstairs rooms were already full of people.

✔️ The downstairs rooms were already filled with people.

表示“充满”,可以用be full of或be filled with,不可说be full with。


❌ The cake is full of sesame seeds.

✔️ The cake is covered with sesame seeds.


❌ His head is full of sweat.

✔️ His head is covered with sweat.

be full of指内部充满某物,其后接的名词或代词只能指装入某容器或房舍中的人或物,或者能容纳于某物之中的事物。be full of不能指表面沾满某物。

full of, full up with

这两个短语的共同意思是“充满…”。其区别仅在于:full up with多用于口语。

full of, filled with


The bottle is full of〔filled with〕 water.瓶内装满了水。
Soon the hall was filled with〔full of〕 people.不久,大厅里就挤满了人。


be full of指的是“充满的”这一状态,而be filled with通常指动作。例如:

The theatre is full of people.剧场里人满满的。
The theatre filled with people.剧场里挤满了人。直接源自古英语的full,意为完全的
用作形容词 adj.
~+名词full audience满座的观众full brothers亲兄弟full bus满载乘客的公共汽车full cargo满载的货物full daylight大白天full details详细叙述full dress盛装full glass of wine一满杯酒full harvest丰收full house客满full information详细的资料full life有丰富经历的一生full marks满分full maturity完全成熟full meal丰盛的一餐full membership正式成员full mobilization充分的动员full name全名full notes详细记录full pay全薪full potency最大潜力full power全权full professor〈正〉教授full report详尽的报道full speed全速full statement详尽的声明full stomach吃饱了肚子full stop句号full supply充足的供应full text全文full tide满潮full view全景full voice洪亮深沉的声音副词+~quite full十分满so full如此满~+介词full of充满着的,有很多的full of joy生活充满欢乐full of hope充满希望full of people挤满了人full of water装满水的full of admiration怀着钦佩的心情full of ambition满怀雄心full of energy精力充沛full of pride充满自豪感full of vigour and vitality生气勃勃full to满到…full to the brim满到了杯、碗的边full to the roof旅馆等住满了人的
用作形容词adj.full of

充满 holding as much as can

be full of sb/sthThe hall was full of people.大厅里挤满了人。
Don't trust him, he is full of craft.别相信他,他是个十足的骗子。
The party was full of couples, with no single people.参加晚会的人全都成双成对,没有单身的。
The closet was full of piles of old books.壁橱里堆满了旧书。
My drawer is full of pens, books, and the like.我的抽屉里放满了钢笔、书以及诸如此类的东西。
The box was full of sand.箱子里满都是沙土。
The harbour was full of all kinds of craft.海港停泊着各种船舶。
After the storm, the holes in the road were full of rainwater.暴风雨后,马路上的洞里尽是雨水。
The sky is full of stars.满天星斗。
The papers were suddenly full of news about England.报纸上突然满是关于英国的消息。
She was full of the news.她满脑子都是那消息。
Mary's heart was full of distress.玛丽的心里充满痛苦。
My grandfather's life was full of trials and tribulations.我祖父的一生充满了艰难困苦。
Life is full of worries.生活中充满着使人烦恼的事。
You should not trust him, he is full of hatred for kind people.你不应该相信他,他对好人充满仇恨。
His heart is full of goodwill to all men.他心里对所有人都充满着善意。
The men were full of indignation because they thought their friend had been unjustly punished.那些人非常气愤,因为他们认为他们的朋友受到了不公正的惩罚。
In war a soldier's life is full of danger.在战争中,士兵的生命充满危险。
At night the city is full of dangers.夜间城里到处都存在着危险。
The children were full of excitement at the thought of their coming holiday.想到假期即将来临,孩子们十分激动。
A team which is full of enthusiasm is more likely to win.志气高昂的队伍更可能获胜。
His speech was full of striking thoughts.他的讲演充满了精辟的见解。
These books were full of the scientific thought in the 19th century.这些书充满了19世纪的科学思想。
She is full of graces.她很有魅力。
Ask him, he's always full of ideas.去请教他,他总是足智多谋。
He died in 1900, full of years and honours.他死于1900年,享尽天年与荣耀。
She's full of vitality.她充满活力。
The lake is full of aquatic products.这个湖里有丰富的水产品。
The field was deserted and full of weeds.田地荒芜了,长满了杂草。
The sculpture is true to life and full of vitality.这件雕塑品很逼真,富有生气。
The woods were full of game, but now you can hardly find any.从前这林子里飞禽走兽很多,可是现在很难碰见。
The dictionary is full of useful examples.这部词典有许多有用的例句。
Joe would be a nice boy if he would stop being so full of himself.乔如果不事事都为自己打算,就是一个好孩子。
Being full of his own concerns, the egoist never gave a thought to others.利己主义者只关心自己,而不考虑别人。
Some people are too full of their own troubles to care about the difficulties of others.有些人太注意自己的烦恼而不关心别人的困难。
She's always full of her own importance.她总是自以为是。
He's full of his coming journey to America.他心里只想即将到来的美国之旅。n\\u002e+full of sthShe is a woman full of jealous.她是一个充满嫉妒的女人。
My father wrote me a letter full of his paternal love for me.我父亲给我写了一封充满父爱的信。
He is an aspiring, ambitious young man full of enthusiasm and vitality.他是位有远大抱负,充满热情与活力的青年。
Xi'an is an ancient city full of treasures and saintly relics.西安是一个有很多宝藏和神圣的遗物的古老城市。full to

满满的 holding or containing as many as possible; completely filled

full to sthThe glass was full to the brim.这玻璃杯已经倒满了。full to v-ingThe granaries are full to bursting.这些粮仓都堆得满满的。
The bag is full to bursting.这袋子满得快要撑破了。
The glass is full to overflowing.杯子满得快溢出来了。
The suitcase is full to overflowing.这皮箱满得装不下了。
The dictionary is full to overflowing with new words.这本词典包含的新词丰富极了。近义词 filledbrimfulabundantburstingcompleteextensiveexhaustive反义词 emptyvacantincomplete
~+ n.The train was crowded to its full capacity.火车上乘客挤得满满的。
You must accept full responsibility if anything happens to the child.如果孩子出了什么问题,你要承担全部责任。
I have been told the full truth.我已得知事情的全部真相。
Sooner or later you'll know the full truth of the matter.迟早你会知道这件事的全部真相。
The troops were placed on full alert.部队处于全面警戒状态。
The labourers should get the full result of their labour.劳动者应获得他们的全部劳动成果。
He works only half time but draws full salary.他只上半天班,却领取全薪。
A woman worker on maternity leave draws full pay.女工在产假中照领全薪。
A full deck comprises 54 cards.一副纸牌共有54张。
Please write down your full name and address.请写下你的姓名和地址的全称。
His style has attained to full maturity in this novel.在这本小说中,他的文笔已经达到非常老练的地步。
She always turns the radio at full blast.她总是把收音机的音量开到最大。
We're working full blast to complete the order before the holidays.我们正全力以赴,力求在假期到来之前完成订单。
The visiting president was received with full honours.来访的总统受到最高礼节的接待。
The time will come when we are reaping the full benefits of North Sea oil.北海的石油给我们带来滚滚财富的日子就要到来。
Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man.读书使人充实; 交谈使人敏捷; 写作使人严谨。
He has a very full programme for his visit to London.他访问伦敦的时间表排得满满的。
I submit that full proof should be required.我建议要拿出充分的证据。
We should bring all positive factors into full play.我们应该充分发挥一切积极因素的作用。
He was admitted into their fullest confidence.他得到他们的充分信任。
A fuller account will be given later.更全面的陈述将在以后提出。
Everybody has a right to a full life.人人都有权享有充实的生活。
You can't go swimming on a full stomach.你不能吃饱了饭去游泳。
The peach trees are in full blossom.桃树开满了花。
The contest is in full swing.竞赛正紧张地进行。
The motor boat is travelling at full speed.这汽艇在全速行驶。
It's a full four miles to the station.到车站有4英里。
He has been away for a full year now.他离开已整整一年了。
The doctor has a very full day before him.医生的日程安排得满满的。
The machine operates with full capacity.这台机器以最大功率运转。
You can't put any more liquid into a full bottle.你无法在装满的瓶子里再装入更多的液体。
The phases of the moon include the new and the full moon.月相包括新月和满月。
Why does grandmother always give you the full glass of orange drink?祖母为什么总是给你满杯的橘子汁?n. +~It is rude to speak with your mouth full.满嘴含着东西讲话很不礼貌。
This bag of flour is only half full.这袋面粉只装了半满。
S+be+~My cup is full.我的杯子满了。
The car was full but I squeezed in any way.汽车已经满人了,但是我还是设法挤了进去。
The buses, all of which were already full, were surrounded by an angry crowd.汽车都已挤满,可是仍然被愤怒的人群包围着。
All the cafes were full.所有的咖啡馆都客满了。
The theatre is full,I'm afraid you'll have to wait for the next show.剧院已客满,很抱歉你只能等下一场了。
The theatre was full when they got there.他们到那里的时候,戏院已经客满了。
The seats are all full.位子都坐满了。
The plane held about 80 people, and was nearly full.这架飞机载了80名乘客,差不多满员了。
All the car parks are absolutely full.所有的停车场都停满了车。
It's not correct to speak while one's mouth particular is full.一边吃饭一边说话是不雅观的。
I'm full, thank you.谢谢,我吃饱了。
I can't eat any more,I'm full up.我不能再吃了,我已经饱了。
A comprehensive description is one that is full and complete.一篇详尽的描写就是一篇充实完整的描写。
The medical book is very full on the subject of children's diseases.这部医学书对儿科的疾病论述得很详细。
My hands are full.我极忙。
Her face was full, when she was younger, now it's much thinner.她年轻时,脸蛋圆圆的,现在瘦多了。
The boy is full in the face.这男孩的脸又圆又胖。S+be+~+ prep .-phraseHe was full on that point.他对那一点讲得很详尽。
The drawer was full up with old clothes.抽屉里装满了旧衣服。
After the storm, the holes in the road were full up with rainwater.暴雨过后,路上坑坑洼洼的地方积满了雨水。S+be+~+that-clauseMy basket is so full that I can't carry it.我的篮子装得太满,我拿不动它。
The coffee is so full that it might spill over .咖啡满得可能会溢出来。
His letter is so full of implications that one has to read between the lines.他的信颇为含蓄,只好从字里行间揣摩其含义。




full of的意思是“充满…的”,在句中作表语或后置定语。

full to表示“到…程度”, to是介词,其后接名词或动名词。

用作名词The moon can't always be at the full.月亮并不总是都是圆的。用作副词 The school bus was fulled of the students this morning.

This paper mainly introduce a Handling process of a High Voltage Oil- filled Cable after fulled of air, And Analyse the advantage of the Handling way.
主要介绍一起高压充油电缆进气后的处理过程,并分析其处理的优点。 cnki

Under optical microscope, it showed that intestinal mucosa cell was necrosis and fell off. Cardiac muscle cell was granular degenemouseion and the REC fulled of the spleen.
光镜下可见肠粘膜上皮细胞坏死脱落,心肌细胞肿胀,严重颗粒变性,脾脏出血,大量红细胞浸润。 fabiao

A die forging approach of so called IN- OUT way is presented, which, firstly, let metal fulled up die cavity, and then it forced surplus metal to flow out.
前言:介绍了一种所谓“先内后外”的模锻技术,该技术为先让材料充满模膛,然后再把多余的材料排出模外。 chemyq

Four motorcycles running in full speed in a two-two square were followed by a luxury limousine which was still followed by a saloon car fulled with journalists.
四辆摩托,两两并行,全速前进,后面跟着一辆豪华的大型高级轿车,它的后边又跟着一辆坐满记者的轿车。 kuenglish

However, her face was fulled with smile.

The boy fulled his shirt off and threw it onto his bed.




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