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词汇 Fukuyama
释义 Fu·ku·ya·ma 英ˌfuːkəˈjɑːmə, -kuːˈjɑːmɑː美ˌfukəˈjɑmə, -kuˈjɑmɑAHDf›”kə-yäʹmə, -k›-yäʹmä 高Economist¹¹⁶⁹⁸
A lack of genuinely accountable government, Mr. Fukuyama says, kept China in a sort of suspended animation.
福山还说,中国缺乏真正对老百姓负责的政治体制,这让他们一直停留在僵化的状态。 yeeyan

And that, for Fukuyama, is what’s most important.
对福山来说,这才是至关重要的。 yeeyan

Mr. Fukuyama ends “The Origins of Political Order” on a sobering note.
福山以一段发人深省的话作为《政治秩序的起源》结束语。 yeeyan

Mr Fukuyama is still the big- picture man who gave us“The End of History”, but he has an unerring eye for illuminating detail.
福山先生仍然是带我们进入“历史的终结”大画面的人物,但他同时也具有一双精确展示细节的眼睛。 yeeyan

On the contrary, if there is any lesson of history, Mr. Fukuyama says, it is that the robust, masterful society of one era— China in the seventh century, say— may be the collapsed society of another.
福山还说,与之相反的是,如果要说我们从历史中能得出什么教训的话,那就是在某个时代中出现的健全而强大的国家——例如公元七世纪的中国,也会变成另一种崩溃的社会。 yeeyan

Over the years, Fukuyama has scampered across the world’s chalkboard like an intellectual chameleon.
多年来,福山象一条知识界的变色龙,游遍世界的版图。 yeeyan

Sitting in his corner office at Stanford, the shades drawn to fend off that California sun, Fukuyama glances at the chaotic piles of books surrounding him.
在他斯坦福大楼一角的办公室里,百叶窗挡住了加州的阳光,福山坐在那里环视着周围凌乱的书堆。 yeeyan

The End of Historywas the making of Fukuyama, not only as a public intellectual, but also financially.
《历史的终结》成就了福山,不仅作为一个公共知识分子,也在经济收入上。 yeeyan

“ All of these people around me were cheering wildly, ” Fukuyama remembers.
“我身边所有的人都在狂热地欢呼,”福山回忆道。 yeeyan

“ We've seen a revival of religion in the world,” Fukuyama says, noting that religion has , played a central role in the historical development of political institutions as well.
“我们已经看到了宗教在世界范围内的复兴,”福山说,并指出,宗教同样在政治制度的历史发展中扮演了核心角色。 philosophyol

“ We Americans pride ourselves on our pragmatism, but right now we're more ideological than the Chinese, who are willing to try all sorts of public policies,” Fukuyama tells me.
福山告诉我:“我们美国人对我们自己的实用主义感到骄傲,但是现在我们要比中国人更加意识形态化,而他们则非常乐意尝试各种公共政策。” yeeyan

Actually, after22 years in Washington, Fukuyama has escaped to Stanford.
事实上,在华盛顿居住了22年之后,福山逃到了斯坦福。 yeeyan

As proof, there’s a grainy snapshot of Fukuyama, wearing a wide smile and a pair of hip sunglasses, eating a mango beside a Pakistani colonel.
有照片为证,在一张拙朴的快照中,带着时髦太阳镜的福山咧嘴笑着,吃着芒果,身边是一名巴基斯坦上校。 yeeyan

At the outset, Fukuyama posits a link between Darwinian natural selection and political evolution.
在一开始,福山假定在达尔文自然选择和政治进化之间存在着某种联系。 yeeyan

Behind the brilliant political theater of Versailles, Mr. Fukuyama says, and behind France's seemingly strict order of administration, confusion reigned.
福山认为,在凡尔赛宫辉煌的政治舞台背后,在法国看似严格的管理秩序背后,是混乱的统治。 yeeyan

In fact, Fukuyama never suggested that the “ end of history” entailed the cessation of extreme violence or cataclysmic events.
事实上,福山从未指出过“历史的终结”意味着极端暴力和灾难性事件的终止。 yeeyan

Not long after the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979, Francis Fukuyama was just a green27-year-old researcher at the RAND Corporation, the military-focused think tank.
1979年在苏联入侵阿富汗之后不久,弗朗西斯·福山还是兰德公司这一军事智库中年仅27岁的初级研究员。 yeeyan

Fukuyama has had the good grace and intellectual honesty to admit he was wrong.
福山出自他良好的品德和知识分子的诚实承认自己错了。 yeeyan

Fukuyama says he does not allow his children to drink milk in the first place, even before this incident or otherwise.
福山哲郎回应说,他从最初就不允许他的子女喝奶,甚至在这次事件发生之前,或是其他任何情况下。 hxen

Fukuyama says the political system needs fixing and many in the US would agree.
福山认为当前的政治体系需要修改,而且很多美国人都会同意。 yeeyan

Fukuyama says two of three external power connections to Onagawa nuclear plant are down, but the plant is fine with the remaining connection.

Fukuyama seems to be warning that, in Darwinian terms, the Chinese system may be more adaptive than the land of the free.
福山好像实在达尔文主义的基础上警告中国制度比美国这片自由之地更具有适应能力。 yeeyan




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