

单词 amaranth
释义 am·a·ranth 英ˈæməˌrænθ美ˈæməˌrænθAHDămʹə-rănth' 高COCA⁵²⁰⁸⁰BNC²⁷⁷⁶⁸iWeb²⁸⁶⁸⁶Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
seed of amaranth plants used as a native cereal in Central and South Americaany of various plants of the genus Amaranthus having dense plumes of green or red flowers; often cultivated for foodredroot amaranth西风古globe amaranth千日红

用作名词Layer bang used deeperamaranthin, and outer used nigger-brown.里层刘海采用了较深的紫红色,而外层用到了深棕色。 Products with a greater number of grains will likely include some of these alternatives, such as millet and amaranth.
最好是含有多种谷物的那种,比如含有一定量的小米和苋菜的面包。 yeeyan

Shows the colors between deep amaranth.
酒液颜色呈现为深沉的紫红色。 big9china

Some green vegetables such as spinach and amaranth should be eaten more in ordinary days.
平日饮食要多吃菠菜、苋菜等绿叶蔬菜。 com

The intervention of Citadel— which last year snapped up bits of Amaranth, another troubled hedge fund— is seen by some as encouraging.
Citadel的介入——它于去年拿下了另一家举步维艰的对冲基金 Amaranth——有人看作是鼓舞人心的。 ecocn

The nucleus and cytoplasm of trophozoite was amaranth and blue, respectively.
滋养体包核为紫红色,胞质为蓝色。 chemyq

The results of the classroom's color preferences of primary scholar were that their favorite colors were cyan, amaranth and purple.
教室颜色偏好调查结果显示,小学生最喜欢青色、紫红色和紫色的教室。 fabiao

The satisfactory results for ponceau 4R, sunset yellow and amaranth were all93.55%.
胭脂红、日落黄和苋菜红的检测结果满意百分率均为93.55%。 zgspws

Compare Amaranth, which lost $6 billion trading energy futures in 2006, with Long- Term Capital Management LTCM, which had lost$4.6 billion eight years earlier.
2006年 Amarant因能源期货交易损失了600万美元,长期资本管理公司 Long- Term Capital Management, LTCM八年前损失了46亿美元,我们不妨将两者做个比较。 ecocn

Farms in the Andes still grow native crops such as quinoa, corn, and amaranth—along with wheat, barley, and oats, which were introduced from Europe.
安第斯地区的农场里依然种植一些本土作物,如藜麦、玉米和苋菜,当然也不乏小麦、大麦和燕麦这些从欧洲引进的作物。 www.internet.org.cn

Influence of acetic acid on seed germination was studied using tomato, kidney bean and edible amaranth as materials.
以番茄、菜豆和苋菜种子为发芽材料,研究了乙酸对蔬菜种子发芽的影响。 cnki

Objective To study and compare photic stabilities among extracted black rice, amaranth and grape pigment from natural products.
目的从天然产物中提取黑米、苋菜红、葡萄红这三种花青素类色素,并比较它们的光稳定性。 chemyq

Of11 vegetables under study, the accumulated heavy metals in amaranth and leek were high, which those in green pepper and tomatoes were low.
在研究的11种蔬菜中,苋菜和韭菜的重金属累积量较大,而大辣子和西红柿的累积量较小。 magsci

Paired electrolysis for decolorization of amaranth, one of azo dyes, on activated carbon fiber ACF electrodes was carried out.
研究了偶氮染料苋菜红在成对 ACF活性炭纤维电极上的电解脱色和发生成对电解脱色的电流密度。 gy65

See what the Diet Detective had to say about Amaranth here.
所以饮食专家不得不在这里讲述苋菜了。 yeeyan

Spend small scent, purple, amaranth or blue.
花小芳香,紫色。紫红色或蓝色。 bcaiwa

The blanching temperature was higher, the color of dehydrated amaranth was worse, and the content of amaranth pigment in dehydrated amaranth was lower.
随着漂烫温度的增加,脱水苋菜的外观色泽变差,脱水苋菜中苋菜红色素的含量降低; cnki

The nucleus and cytoplasm of the trophozoite was amaranth and blue respectively.
滋养体有紫红色的细胞核和蓝色的细胞质。 cnki

Then again, the move in energy prices that caused the collapse last year of Amaranth, the hedge fund, was a nine standard-deviation event.
其实历史早在去年就上演过一次,能源价格的变动导致了对冲基金 Amaranth的破产,当时 Vix的涨幅达到了900点。 ecocn

Amaranth’s losses barely ruffled world markets.
Amaranth的亏损对世界市场几乎没造成什么影响。 ecocn




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