

释义 AMAR əˈmɑːr COCA⁴⁰³⁴⁴BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺
On June2nd it also closed Amar Desh, a BNP-backed newspaper, and detained its editor, Mahmudur Rahman, one of Mrs Zia’s closest advisers.
6月2日还关闭 Amar Desh,一个支持 BNP的报纸,并扣留了编辑—— Mahmudur,拉赫曼夫人齐亚最亲密的顾问之一。 ecocn

“ To run our families we have to do this, overcome the hurdles as well and then we have to control our hearts from feeling too much, ” Amar adds.
阿玛补充道:“要经营好我们的家庭我们必须这么做。克服心理障碍,克制多余的内心情感。” yeeyan

Bharat makes progress in his business ventures even as Amar plunges deep into poverty.
巴拉特使得他的创业进度甚至阿马尔深深陷入贫困。 blog.sina.com.cn

For example, Sheik Amar Alfred Molina, the tax- resisting renegade, provides some comic relief with his illegal ostrich races, his black market double- dealing, and his speeches.
例如,拒绝纳税的西科-阿玛阿尔弗雷德-莫里纳为影片平添了不少喜剧色彩,他的非法鸵鸟大赛、狡诈的黑市交易和雷人的言论让人忍俊不禁。 iciba

In a cage match between basketball star Amar'e Stoudemire and a duo of microbiologists, who will emerge victorious?
在篮球明星阿玛雷斯塔德迈尔和一组微生物学家的搏斗中,谁取得胜利? yeeyan

Obama is not the first president to retake the oath of office, according to the Yale law professor Akhil Reed Amar.
根据耶鲁大学法学院教授阿马尔 Akhil Reed Amar讲,奥巴马并不是第一位重新进行总统就职宣誓的美国总统。 yeeyan

One Example of this is when she forgets baby Dia in the bath tub luckily, Amar came and saved the baby and rushed her to the hospital.
其中的一个例子是,当她忘了在浴缸内幸运的孩子直径,阿马尔来了,救了孩子,赶紧把她送到了医院。 blog.sina.com.cn

Signing Amar’e Stoudemire has been a big help both on the court and with sponsors. The Knicks sold out their full-season ticket inventory for the first time since the2001-02 season.
成功签下阿玛瑞-斯塔德迈尔在观众和赞助商中都取得了很大促进的作用,使尼克斯队自2001-2002赛季之后第一次售空所有的季票。 yeeyan

That creates practical problems, Professor Amar went on.
这造成了一些实际困难,阿玛尔教授继续说。 yeeyan

The judgment day for Amar arrives and everybody is present at the courtroom.
对于审判的日子来到阿马尔,每个人都在法庭存在。 blog.sina.com.cn

The man tells the guy to pull the stick to hang Amar.
该名男子告诉家伙把控制杆拉挂阿马尔。 blog.sina.com.cn

The AMAR Foundation also supports projects in India.
AMAR基金会也支持印度的此项计划。 unsv

Then All- Star forwards Amar'e Stoudemire and David Lee were forced to withdraw on the opening day of training camp.
之后全明星前锋小斯和大卫李也被迫在训练营的开幕日离开了球队。 yeeyan

Then Amar is30 minutes away from being hanged, time passed by and Amar has the rope around his neck.
接着是30分钟的路程阿马尔被绞死,通过时间和阿马尔有脖子的绳索。 blog.sina.com.cn

They phone the man to stop Amar death and Amar is saved.
他们手机的人停止死亡和阿马尔阿马尔被保存。 blog.sina.com.cn

Those expectations fall squarely on the shoulders of Amar'e Stoudemire, who gets to lead a team for the first time in his career.
这些期待生生砸在了斯塔德迈尔的肩上,他将在职业生涯里首次率领一支球队作战。 yeeyan

Wade can return home to Chicago or stay in Miami and perhaps team with Bosh, Amar’e Stoudemire or Carlos Boozer.
而韦德则可能回到家乡芝加哥,可能仍留在迈阿密,还可能会和波什或斯塔德迈尔或是布泽尔成为队友。 yeeyan

Amar at first refuses to love the baby, but later realized the baby had nothing to do with their relationship he now started caring for the baby.
起初阿马尔拒绝爱宝宝,但后来意识到孩子无关,与他们的关系,他现在开始为孩子的关怀。 blog.sina.com.cn

Amar Naga, the boss of the Milford facility, admits that consulting proper is so far just2.6% of TCS's revenue.
米勒福德分部的老板艾玛•纳迦承认咨询业务的业绩仅占公司总收入的2.6%。 ecocn

Amar resumes office but gets to know that his company has been taken over by B- ventures.
阿马尔得到恢复办公室,但要知道,他的公司已经采取由 B-企业了。 blog.sina.com.cn




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