释义 |
fuel-cell vehicle 基本例句 燃料电池车 All previousfuel-cell vehicledemonstration programs had been situated in warmer climes to ensure that the fuel-cell stacks would not freeze up.以往所有的燃料电池车展示会,皆于温暖天候下举行,以确保燃料电池组不会结冻。 Amendola's team had just proved that when dissolved in water an unassuming white powder made from borax, a common ingredient of laundry soap, could power afuel-cell vehicle.经由阿曼多拉小组的研究,证实了那些毫不起眼的白色硼砂粉末,也就是一般洗衣肥皂的原料,溶在水中竟可以发动燃料电池车。 |