

单词 fucked up
释义 fucked up fʌktʌp 短语¹⁸²¹

动词 fuck up:
make a mess of, destroy or ruin
形容词 fucked-up:
snarled or stalled in complete confusion First they fucked up the soup, then they fucked up the main course and the dessert.
他们先后把汤,主菜和甜点都弄坏了。 ourwebs.cn

The rain fucked up our plans to go on a picnic.

After three years with Johnny, I was completely fucked up.

If you severely isolate a social creature, of course it’s gonna get fucked up.
如果你残忍的隔离了一个社会生物,他们当然会变得很操蛋。 yeeyan

Read between the lines what's fucked up and everything's alright. Check my vital signs to know I'm still alive and I walk alone.
我思索着混乱和理性的界限。我检查着自己的生命体征知道自己还活着,我独自走着。 zhaidou

She fucked up the exam.
她这次考试搞砸了。 wordreference

The bouncer really fucked up that guy who kept causing trouble.
那个保镖把那个老是滋事的家伙打的够呛。 blog.sina.com.cn

You mad because you fucked up!
你生气是因为你把事情搞砸了! com




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