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词汇 FSH
释义 FSHCOCA¹⁵¹³²⁴BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺
abbr.卵泡刺激素==Follicle-Stimulating Hormone

a gonadotropic hormone that is secreted by the anterior pituitary and stimulates growth of Graafian follicles in female mammals, and activates the cells in male mammals that form spermFSH concentration determination卵泡刺激素血浆浓度测…
近义词 follicle-stimulating hormone促卵泡素
Its effects closely resemble those of theFSHand LH.用于雌性动物催情和促进卵泡发育;也用于胚胎移植时的超数排卵。
Long-Term Effect of Vasectomy on Serum T. DHT,LH andFSHLevels.输精管结扎对血清T、DHT、LH和FSH的远期及超远期影响
Serum E2,FSH, LU and IL-2 were detected by radioimmunoassay.用放射免疫法测定雌激素E_2和促性腺激素FSH、LH以及白细胞介素-2IL-2,并做卵巢和胸腺的组织形态学观察。
It also accelerates LH andFSHsecretion in hypophysis.IGF-1还能促进垂体内LH和FSH分泌。
FSH,LH,E_2 and P of the Api group were significance level than the ACSF group.单用10-5M芹菜素组与人工脑脊液组相比FSH、LH、E2、P的含量数值小,其差异有显著性。
SerumFSHcould not predict the other type of spermatogenetic damage exactly.对于其他类型的生精功能受损,测定血清FSH水平预测作用。 But the estrogen and progesterone secretions both increased in a dose dependent manner when the granulosa cells were treated with lNG in the presence of FSH.
在与促卵泡素合并处理时,颗粒细胞雌二醇、孕酮的分泌量随着左旋十八甲基炔诺酮浓度的增加而增加。 iciba

The presence of high levels of FSH indicates lower numbers of eggs.
高数值卵泡刺激素则意味着更少的卵子。 oralpractice

The pituitary gland releases follicle- stimulating hormone FSH, which stimulates follicles in one of the ovaries to begin growing.
垂体腺分泌卵泡刺激素 FSH,刺激一侧卵巢的卵泡发育。 ivf

The FSH operates at the protocol layer and does not provide the ability to constrain network resources such that no one application can monopolize the network stack.
FSH在协议层操作,不提供限制网络资源的能力,这样,没有一个应用程序能垄断网络栈。 ibm

These results illustrate that change of the expressive amount or structure and vitality of FSHR adjust the action of FSH.
表明 FSH对卵泡发育的作用受到了 FSHR表达水平或结构与活性变化的调控。 iciba

Activation of the FSH receptor is known to contribute to the signaling of vascular endothelial growth factor VEGF, a protein that stimulates the growth of blood vessels, including those in tumors.
现已知 FSH受体的激活可以促进血管内皮生长因子 VEGF的信号传导通路,而 VEGF可以促进包括肿瘤组织在内的血管的生长。 dxy

Chimp semen contains no FSH or LH, but ovulating females develop a red buttocks, clearly signally reproductive readiness.
猩猩的精液里并不含有 FSH和 LH,但是排卵期的雌性猩猩会进化出红色的臀部,彰显着旺盛的生育能力。 yeeyan

Conclusion A high level of TSH directly with FSH receptor interaction may be their sexual dysplastic pathological mechanism.
结论高水平的 TSH直接与 FSH受体相互作用可能是其性发育异常的病理机制。

Conclusion: With the number of FSH positive cells in pars distalis decreases, the function of synthesizing and secreting diminished during the rat experimental gastric carcinoma development.
结论:在大鼠实验性脾胃癌过程中,腺垂体 FSH阳性细胞数量减少的同时,可能伴有合成和分泌功能减弱。 cnki

Fertility experts regard a high FSH level as a key indicator of having a low egg count.

Finally, recall that in addition to antidepressant compounds, semen also contains two female sex hormones, follicle- stimulating hormone FSH and luteinizing hormone LH.
最后,重回上文提到的,精液中除了抗抑郁化合物,同时含有2类雌性激素:促卵泡激素 FSH)和黄体化激素 LH。 yeeyan

First, check blood female hormone, which is conducted to determine whether menopause and menopause key inspection stages, there are two types of estrogen and follicle stimulating hormone FSH.
首先,抽血查女性激素,它是判断是否进入更年期和进行更年期分期的关键性检查,主要有两种,雌激素和卵泡刺激素( FSH。106jsw

In general, blood vessels which express FSH receptor are found at the periphery of the tumour.
总之,肿瘤周边生长有表达 FSH受体的血管。 dxy

In this study we observed inhibin levels of serum, testis and interstitial fluid and serum FSH level after cryptorchidism or hypophysectomy in rats.
本研究观察了实验性隐睾与去垂体大鼠的血清、睾丸与间质液中抑制素水平与血清中 FSH的水平。 cnki

Low dose of FSH or hCG used before immature oocyte retrieval could increase the clinical pregnancy rate.
取卵前使用小剂量的卵泡刺激素或人绒毛膜促性腺激素可提高临床妊娠率; chemyq

Results There was significant difference on seminal plasma zinc between high FSH group and control P0.05.
结果正常对照组与高 FSH组间精浆锌浓度差异有统计学意义 P0.05。 cnki

Such hormone alterations could, in turn, signal the brain to suppress FSH and LH production.
这样荷尔蒙的改变可能依次的向大脑发信号,来抑制 FSH和 LH的产生。 dxy

The researchers, therefore, undertook an in- depth study aimed at determining if FSH receptor was present in the blood vessels of tumours.
研究人员因此进行了一项深度研究,旨在明确是否 FSH受体存在于肿瘤的血管壁上。 dxy

The issue stems from the fact that all services that share a FSH become“ linked,” and so any change within those linked configuration objects will cause a refresh of all the services that are linked.
这个问题源自这样一个事实:共享一个 FSH的所有服务都会 “相互链接”,因此,如果那些相互链接的配置对象中发生更改,那么所有链接到的服务都会被更新。 ibm

Therefore, blocking the action of the FSH receptor may also block signaling of VEGF.
因此, FSH受体的阻断也可以抑制 VEGF信号传导通路。 dxy

When the researchers assessed the men for several reproductive hormones, they found that the more obese a man was, the lower was his LH and FSH levels.
当研究者评估几项生殖性的荷尔蒙发现:越是肥胖的男人,其 LH和 FSH的水平就越低。 dxy

FSH is produced by the body to stimulate the follicles in the ovaries that produce eggs.
卵泡刺激素由体内产生,以刺激卵巢中的卵泡产生卵子。 oralpractice

FSH spurs egg maturation in ovary.
FSH催促卵细胞在卵巢的成熟。 yeeyan




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