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词汇 abell
释义 abell
Far from a smooth distribution, Abell2744 not only has knots of galaxies, but the X- ray emitting hot gas colored red in the cluster appears distributed differently than the dark matter.
秩序混乱的阿贝尔 2744不但拥有成群的星系,而且由 X-射线所探测到的高温气体分布红色区域与暗物质迥然相异。

Sam Abell lives in Albemarle County, Virginia, with his wife Denise.
萨姆·埃贝尔与妻子丹妮斯现居弗吉尼亚州阿尔巴玛县。 yeeyan

The cluster of galaxies Abell2218 is itself about three billion light- years away in the northern constellation of the Dragon Draco.
星系团阿贝尔2218自身约在30亿光年远,在北天星座天龙座。 yeeyan

The many galaxies in the Abell383 cluster are collectively so massive that their gravity acts like a huge magnifying glass, bending and amplifying light from objects behind the cluster.
Abell383星云有着许多星系聚集着很大质量,因此他们的万有引力像个巨大的放大镜,放大偏折星云后面物体发出的光。 yeeyan

The composite image on the left is of the galaxy cluster Abell85, located about740 million light years from Earth.
左边的合成图像是描述星系群 Abell85的,它距离地球7亿4千万光年。 yeeyan

To start, most of the yellowish objects in the above image from the Hubble Space Telescope are galactic members of a massive cluster of galaxies known as Abell2667.
这张图片由哈勃空间望远镜拍摄而成,图中的微黄物体都是一个超大块头的星团的成员,这个星团就叫做 Abell2667。 yeeyan

To understand what was going on in the collision the team needed to map the positions of all three types of matter in Abell2744.

A brass instrument consisting of along cylindrical tube bent upon itself twice, ending in abell-shaped mouth, and having a movable U-shaped slide for producing different pitches.
一种铜管乐器,由弯曲两次的长圆筒形金属管构成,尾部有喇叭形口,有一个可滑动的 U形拉管,可发出不同音高的音。

Almost all of the bright objects in this Hubble Space Telescope image are galaxies in the cluster known as Abell2218.
这张哈勃太空望远镜的图像中,几乎所有的明亮物体均是阿贝尔2218星系团的成员。 yeeyan

Also known as Abell21, this Medusa is an old planetary nebula some 1,500 light-years away in the constellation Gemini.
也被称作阿贝尔21,水母星云是双子座中一个1500光年远的年老行星状星云。 yeeyan

Composite image of the galaxy cluster Abell2744, also known as Pandora's Cluster, taken by the Hubble and Chandra space telescopes and the Very Large Telescope in Chile.
Abell2744星系团又称潘多拉星团的合成图象,由哈勃望远镜、钱德拉太空望远镜和在智利的甚大望远镜所拍摄。 yeeyan

In 1990, Eastman Kodak published a retrospective monograph of his photographs titled Stay This Moment: The Photographs of Sam Abell.
1990年,伊士曼柯达公司将埃贝尔的个人作品结集出版,书名为《凝固精彩一刻:萨姆·埃贝尔摄影作品》。 yeeyan

One person in the family will ring abell and call everyone to come to the room.
每家有一个人摇着铃铛叫所有人去屋里看礼物。 ksyzs

Sam Abell's photographs of shifting Irish life and storied landscapes capture the island's moral and economic evolution.
山姆.阿贝尔 Sam Abell拍摄的一组照片记录了爱尔兰生活变迁和传奇景观,见证了岛上道德和经济演变。 yeeyan

The PCC director, Stephen Abell, said MPs had failed to understand the work the PCC carried out.
新闻申诉委员会的理事斯蒂芬·阿贝尔认为国会议员没有理解新闻申诉委员会所做的工作。 yeeyan

The merging picture of these sub structures suggests that cluster Abell2199 is far from the status of dynamical equilibrium, which supports the hierarchical clustering model.
结果表明,这三个子团正处于并合阶段,该星系团还没有达到动力学平衡状态,从而支持星系形成的等级模型理论。 cnki

The Fund has made a seed investment in Sphere Fluidics, which was formed earlier this month by Profs Chris Abell and Wilhelm Huck of Cambridge University’s Department of Chemistry.
这项基金是研究球形流体的种子项目,在这个月的早些时候由剑桥大学化工学院的 Chris Abell和 Wilhelm Huck教授创立。 yeeyan

What struck you about Sam Abell’s photo?
山姆.阿贝的照片哪里打动了你? yeeyan

What's happening to the galaxies of cluster Abell2667?
Abell2667星系群那儿出什么事了? yeeyan

Abell's book credits include Contemplative Gardens, The Inward Garden: Creating a Place of Beauty and Meaning, Australia: Journey Through a Timeless Land, and Seeing Gardens.
埃贝尔的个人作品包括:《冥想的花园》、《心灵禅境:献给美丽与意境》、《澳大利亚:穿越永恒之旅》、《视野》。 yeeyan




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