

单词 frown on
释义 frown on 英fraʊn ɒn美fraʊn ɑːn 高短语³⁹⁰⁷⁴
表示不满; 不赞许; 皱眉

look disapprovingly upon近义词 frown upon不赞成
Why not just wear your big floppy hat and frown if anyone gets too close to you?为何不戴上你蓬松的大帽子,当有人靠你太近时,皱皱眉头表示不满。
A frown is often an intimation of disapproval.皱眉头常常表示不赞许。
We interpret a frown as a sign of disapproval.我们把皱眉当作不赞成的表示。
Five fine funny frogs frowned on furry furniture.五只滑稽可爱的青蛙在毛皮家具上皱眉。as in.disapprove
同义词 decry,denounce,deplore,dislike,oppose,reject,vetoblame,censure,chastise,criticize,damn,deprecate,detract,disallow,discountenance,disesteem,disfavor,dismiss,expostulate,nix,pan,refuse,remonstrate,reprehend,reprobate,reprove,slam,spurndiscommend,dispraise,find fault with,find unacceptable,look askance at,look down on,object to,pass on,set aside,take dim view of,take exception to,turn down,zing
反义词 allow,approve,compliment,praise,ratify,sanction,accept,commend,endorse,exalt,laud,permit,promote,welcomeagree,like,loveas in.discountenance
同义词 condemn,deprecate,disapprove,discourage,disesteem,disfavor,dispute,resistcount me out,discommend,hold no brief for,not go for,not stand for,object to,put down,take a dim view of,take exception to
反义词 agree,approve,endorse,go alongback,countenance,sanction,supportas in.disesteem
同义词 deprecate,discountenance,disfavor,dislike,disrespect,slight
反义词 approve,compliment,praise
disapproveverb condemn
blame,censure,chastise,criticize,damn,decry,denounce,deplore,deprecate,detract,disallow,discommend,discountenance,disesteem,disfavor,dislike,dismiss,dispraise,expostulate,find fault with,find unacceptable,look askance at,look down on,nix,object to,oppose,pan,pass on,refuse,reject,remonstrate,reprehend,reprobate,reprove,set aside,slam,spurn,take dim view of,take exception to,turn down,veto,zing
discountenanceverb reject, oppose
condemn,count me out,deprecate,disapprove,discommend,discourage,disesteem,disfavor,dispute,frown on,hold no brief for,not go for,not stand for,object to,put down,resist,take a dim view of,take exception to
disesteemverb disapprove
deprecate,discountenance,disfavor,dislike,disrespect,frown on,slight But in general, we frown on gossips.
但通常我们是不赞成八卦的。 ecocn

Her fellow Democrats in Congress are trying to raise BP’s liability retroactively— the sort of move America’s courts rightly frown on.
他的民主党同僚则试图增加对 BP责任的追溯,而这刚好是美国法院并不愿意采取的行动。 yeeyan

I know the Maven guys frown on this but I think they're being a bit idealistic.
我知道 Maven的拥护者可能不赞成这个观点,但我觉得他们过于理想化了。 infoq

Male rats sometimes eat their young rather than nurture them, which makes them a poor model for studying how fatherhood affects the brains of species that frown on infanticide.
雄鼠有时候会吃掉他的幼崽而不是养育它们,因此对于研究那些不存在杀婴行为的物种来说是,老鼠不是一个好的模型。 ecocn

Many doctors frown on a diet which has a lot of fat.
许多医生都不赞成饮食中脂肪含量过高。 blog.sina.com.cn

They frown on monocultures and chemical fertilizers.
他们不同意单作和化肥。 yeeyan

With a novelist's interest in detail, he carefully observed the shrug of one man's shoulders, the position of another's hands, the scowl on one face and the frown on yet one more.
以一个小说家对细节的兴趣,他认真观察到了一个男人的耸肩,另一个人手的位置,一个人脸上的愁容和很多人的不满。 renren




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