

单词 frow
释义 frow 英frəʊ美froAHDfrō COCA²³⁸⁰³⁵BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³
As a branch of financial accounting, accounting for income tax is different frow income tax accounting and it deals with the difference between accounting income and taxable income.
所得税会计是财务会计的一个分支,它不同于税务会计。会计所得和纳税所得之间的差异是所得税会计的处理对象。 cnki

The main body of agrotechnique innovation is different frow industrial innovation, it Consists of government and farmer.
本文认为,与工业技术创新不同,农业技术创新主体为政府和农户并存的二元结构。 dictall

Keep away frow your thoughts of things that are past and done, for thinking of the past wakes regret and pain.
不要想过去的和已做的事情,因为想到过去会唤起懊悔和悲伤。 bbs.education.163.com

Pearl layer powder frow fresh water has a strong function of calming and the relatively strong function of anti- gastric ulcers.
经研究表明:淡水珍珠层粉镇静作用强,抗胃溃疡作用较好。 cnki

Proceeding frow the characteristics of building computer subject question bank in science colleges, the author suggested a model designing method of development tool for general question bank.
从工科院校专业课题库组建的特点出发,提出一种通用题库开发工具的模型设计方法。 cnki

Thank you for feeding me! I've given you all my wisdom, but you can still frow me taller!
谢谢你给我施肥!我已经给了你我所有的智慧,但是你仍可以让我长得更高! tts8

The calling for the spiritual growth reflects the deep thinking frow the author.
对精神成长的深切呼唤,彰显出小说的思想深度。 dictall

We measured DNA index DI, DNA ploidy type, apoptosisApo level and proliferative activity of different normal tissues from337 patients with benignly disease or malignant tumor by frow cytometry.
用流式细胞术检测337例恶性肿瘤或良性疾病患者某些正常组织的 DNA指数 DI、 DNA倍体类型、细胞凋亡水平和增殖活性。 cnki

When you were15 year old, she came home frow work, looking for a hug. You thanked her by having your bedroom door locked.
当你15岁的时候,她工作回家,期待一个拥抱,你以紧锁的房门来感谢她。 iciba

You grow frow the reaching;
你会在追寻中成长; blog.sina.com.cn

Frow the viewpoint of system theory an enterprise is a cell of society.
从系统论的角度而论,企业是社会的细胞。 cnki




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