释义 |
Amami 基本例句 雨海¹⁰⁰ HotaruAmamiis a private investigator, also manages her own office.天海萤是经营天海侦探社的女侦探。 HotaruAmamiis a female investigator who has wisdom of law and a beautiful figure.天海萤是一名利用法律知识和诱人身段作武器的女侦探。 HotaruAmami, who defeats swindlers target women with a sharp consideration and a mature body, is a female private investigator.天海萤是名女侦探,她以敏锐的观察力和成熟的身体作武器,击退以女性为欺诈目标的男人。 AmamiWoodcockn. 琉球丘鹬 AmamiThrushn. 阿迈地鸫 Amamirabbit琉球兔 |