

单词 amalgamating
释义 a·mal·ga·mate 英ə'mælgəmet美ə'mælgəmet COCA¹⁶⁴⁹⁷⁴BNC⁵⁸⁷³⁸
joined together into a whole;

United Industries

the amalgamated colleges constituted a university

a consolidated school

to bring or combine together or with something else;

resourcefully he mingled music and dance

amalgam-ating⇒v.合并⁷⁹;混合²¹近义词 mix混合join连接band乐队merge合并unite联合blend混合alloy合金fuse保险丝commix混合cohere粘合combine联合conjoin结合mingle使混合intermix混合coalesce合并integrate整合interfuse混入commingle混合compound化合物consolidate合并admix 使 … 混合incorporate合并intermingle混合centralize使集聚fused接上保险丝的…consolidated加固的unify使统一、使成为一体…coalesced动词coalesce的过…amalgamated动词amalgamate…

用作动词Our local brewery hasamalgamatedwith another firm.我们本地的酿酒厂与另一个公司合并了。
There are plans toamalgamatethe village school with a larger one nearby.有计划让乡村学校和附近一所规模较大的学校合并。 And then analyses operation conditions and compare in front and at the back of amalgamating to university to go on thesis, summarize the achievement, find out the question.
第三章论文着重对合并高校运行状况进行分析,对高校合并前后状况进行了比较,总结成绩,找出问题。 cnki

Even the character and accent of the two peoples had shades of difference, despite the amalgamating effects of a roundabout railway;
尽管那条蜿蜒而过的铁路起到了一些同化的作用,但是两边的人甚至在性格和口音方面也有细微的差别; hjenglish

God forbid that I should diminish France! But amalgamating Napoleon with her is not diminishing her.
上帝惩罚我要是我有贬低法兰西的意思,但是把它和拿破仑结合在一起,这并不贬低它一丁点。 ebigear

In the practice process of transport industry amalgamating modern logistics, many problems bring about market economy run and modern logistics development.
在交通运输融入现代物流的实践过程中,出现了不利于市场经济运行、限制现代物流发展的诸多问题。 cnki

In this part, the author analyzes two questions mainly: Company amalgamation and the inheriting of labor contract, the company after amalgamating dismisses employees of the company amalgamated .
在这一部分,主要分析公司合并与劳动合同继承,合并后的公司解雇被合并公司雇员这两个问题。 cnki

On the basis of practice, this article has put forward the constructive suggestion on how to develop the polytechnic school after amalgamating with colleges and universities.
在实践的基础上,就中专学校合并到高等学校后如何发展问题进行了探讨,提出了建设性的建议。 cnki

Since modern times, Guangdong has become the window amalgamating Eastern culture and Western culture, and Guangdong tea houses have accepted the Western snacks, such as bread, cakes and so on.
近代以来,广东成为中西文化交融的窗口,广东的茶楼也接受了西方传进的点心,如各种面包,蛋糕等。 danaintecultureschool

Then the method of synchronous amalgamating is chosen to implement the mining of classification rules from multiple data sources.
最后,选择规则的同步融合策略实现多数据源中的分类规则挖掘。 cnki

This paper analyses the six new trends of the free flow of the international capital nowadays from the phenomena of some enterprises in the fifth tide of international purchasing and amalgamating.
本文从第五次国际购并浪潮中各国企业的购并现象分析了当今国际资本流动的新趋势。 cnki

This paper puts forward and analyses the principle, the tropism and the means of establishing the tax policy in amalgamating the two taxes.
本文重点提出和分析了“两税”合并中确立税收优惠政策的原则、优惠政策的取向和优惠方式。 cftl




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