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词汇 amal
释义 amal.
A prominent Yemeni human rights activist, Amal Albasha, is also outraged the practice continues.
也门著名人权活动家 Amal Albasha,同样因童婚行为的继续存在而怒不可遏。 yeeyan

Her uncle, Hashem al- Sada, recalled telling Amal al-Sada that he knew bin Laden was from a“ devout and respectable family” in Saudi Arabia but didn't know them personally.
阿玛勒的叔叔哈西姆·萨达回忆道,当时他告诉阿玛勒,他知道本拉登出身于一个虔诚的沙特阿拉伯名门望族,但他并不认识他们家的人。 yeeyan

Members of the family then went to Afghanistan to visit Amal al-Sada and the baby.
家人得到这个消息,便去阿富汗探望了阿玛勒和孩子一次。 yeeyan

When the protests began, photographer and multi-media artist Amal Kenawy hit the streets in Cairo.
抗议发生时,摄影师阿迈勒·科那威直击开罗街头,她擅长运用多媒体手段展现作品。 yeeyan

Amal al- Sada was shot in the leg as she rushed the Navy Seals, according to U.
据美国官方说,阿玛勒·萨达在反击海豹突击队时被击中腿部。 yeeyan

Amal al- Sada's cousin recalled her describing bin Laden as a“ noble” man who treated her well.
据这位堂兄回忆,在阿玛勒的描述中,本拉登是一个对她很好的贵族男人。 yeeyan

But ownership of UAVs enhances Hizbullah’s prestige in the eyes of its supporters, says Amal Ghorayeb, a Beirut academic who is an expert on the group.
因此,这些无人机的作用有限。但真主党的专家,一个贝鲁特学者 Amal Ghorayeb指出:拥有无人机可以提高真主党在其支持者中的威望。 ecocn

Even when bin Laden told them that he was “ subject at any moment to death,” Amal al-Sada cut him short. “ I've made my decision,” she said.
甚至当本拉登对她们说“我随时都可能遇难”时,阿玛勒迅速打断了他:“我已经决定了。” yeeyan

Holding the pack, I asked the store owner if he had Amal plain yogurt instead of banana.

Later, when the cousin and Amal al-Sada's father were listening to news of the9/11 attacks, the father said: “ Osama bin Laden did it.”
后来,当阿玛勒的父亲和堂兄听到9.11事件的新闻报道时,阿玛勒的父亲立即说道:“肯定是奥萨马·本·拉登干的!” yeeyan

Others fear that if Amal is brought back to Yemen she may be handed over by President Ali Abdullah Saleh to the Americans for further questioning.
另外一些人则担心,如果阿玛尔被遣送回也门,总统阿里·阿卜杜拉·萨利赫有可能会将她交给美国接受进一步的审讯。 yeeyan

The family portrayed Amal al-Sada as a simple but determined and“ courageous” young woman, religiously conservative but not fundamentalist.
在家人的描述中,阿玛勒·萨达是一个单纯但却坚定而勇敢的女子。 她对待宗教虔诚而保守,但并不带有原教旨主义的色彩。 yeeyan

Amal had never produced anything as fancy as flavored yogurt, they told me.
他们告诉我,那个 Amal乳品加工厂根本就没生产过任何高档的果味酸奶。 chinaunix

Amal Sadah,29, became Osama bin Laden's fifth wife a year before the terrorist attack of Sept.11, according to CNN.
据 CNN报道,现年29岁的阿玛尔·萨达是在9·11恐怖袭击发生前一年成为奥萨马·本·拉登的第五个妻子的。 yeeyan

Amal al- Fatah bin Laden’s fifth wife was screaming in Arabic.
本拉登的第五个妻子 Amal al- Fatah用阿拉伯语尖叫着。 yeeyan




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