

单词 frisk
释义 frisk 英frɪsk美frɪskAHDfrĭsk ☆☆☆☆☆高四G宝八COCA³⁹⁸⁴⁰BNC⁸⁶⁶⁶⁰⁺iWeb³⁷⁷⁶⁶Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

the act of searching someone for concealed weapons or illegal drugs;

he gave the suspect a quick frisk

play boisterously;

The children frolicked in the garden

the gamboling lambs in the meadows

The toddlers romped in the playroom

search as for concealed weapons by running the hands rapidly over the clothing and through the pockets;

The police frisked everyone at the airport

词源同fresh, 新鲜的,充满活力的,引申词义活蹦乱跳的。后来衍生词义搜身,可能是来自顽皮的小孩乱翻大人衣服。GRE难词记忆frisk→f音“弗”+risk n.危险→蹦蹦跳跳,没有危险 联想记忆f看作for+ risk冒险⇒娱乐联想记忆f看作for+ risk冒险⇒娱乐近义词 play玩leap跳跃lark云雀dance舞会check检查caper跳跃disport玩sport运动frolic嬉戏gambol跳跃search搜寻bounce弹起footle胡闹heel脚后跟examine检查inspect检查skylark云雀rollick玩耍romp嬉闹玩笑frisking搜寻cavort骑马腾跃run around环绕body search搜身lark about鬼混胡闹, 行为不负责任…

用作动词There are lambsfriskingin the meadow.那儿有些在草地上跳来跳去的小羊。
Are they going tofriskall the passengers?他们要搜查每个乘客的身体吗?
Everyone wasfriskedbefore getting on the plane.每个人都经过搜身才登上飞机。verb.cavort
同义词 bounce,caper,dance,frolic,gambol,hop,jump,lark,leap,play,prance,rollick,romp,skip,sport,trip
反义词 faceverb.search
同义词 check,fan,inspectrun over,shake down
boundverb jump, bounce
circumscribed,confined,defined,delimitated,delimited,demarcated,determined,encircled,enclosed,hem in,limited,marked,marked out,measured,restrained,restricted,surrounded,terminated
caperverb frolic, cavort
blow the lid off,bounce,bound,cut capers,cut loose,dance,gambol,go on a tear,hop,horse around,jump,kick up one's heels,leap,let loose,play,raise hell,rollick,romp,skip,spring,whoop it up
caperedverb frolic, cavort
blew the lid off,bounced,bound,cut capers,cut loose,danced,frisked,gambolled,hopped,horse around,jumped,kicked up one's heels,leapt,let loose,played,raised hell,rollicked,romped,skipped,sprang,went on a tear,whooped it up
cavortverb frolic, prance
caper,caracole,carry on,cut loose,cut up,dance,fool around,frisk,gambol,go places and do things,horse around,horseplay,monkey around,play,revel,rollick,romp,roughhouse,sport
checkverb inspect, examine
analyze,ascertain,audit,balance account,candle,case,compare,confirm,correct,count,enquire about,eyeball,find out,frisk,go through,investigate,keep account,look at,look over,make sure,monitor,note,overlook,probe,prove,quiz,review,scout out,scrutinize,study,take stock,tell,test,try,verify
examineverb analyze, test
appraise,assay,audit,canvass,case,check,check out,chew over,consider,criticize,delve into,dig into,explore,eye,finger,frisk,go into,go over,go through,gun,inquire,inspect,investigate,look over,parse,pat down,peruse,pick at,ponder,pore over,probe,prospect,prove,read,reconnoiter,research,review,scan,scope,screen,scrutinate,scrutinize,search into,sift,size up,study,survey,sweep,take stock of,try,turn over,vet,view,weigh,winnow The policeman found the man was a fugitive during a stop and frisk for weapons.
在拦截和搜查武器时,警察发现该人是个逃犯。 legalenglish

Are they going to frisk all the passengers?
他们要搜每个乘客的身吗? blog.sina.com.cn

Chelsea makes a statement condemning any violent threats to Frisk.
切尔西发表声明谴责了任何对弗里斯克的暴力恐吓。 qieerxi

Didier Drogba says Chelsea are paying in Europe for the Anders Frisk affair.
德罗巴称切尔西正在欧洲为弗里斯克裁判事件买单。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn

Given the odium already heaped on, for example football referees such as Sweden's Anders Frisk, it's a reasonable question.
考虑到积怨,再想想瑞典的足球裁判安德斯.弗雷斯克的前车之鉴,提出这个问题是有道理的。 yeeyan

However, if an officer has reason to suspect that an onlooker is also engaged in criminal activity, the officer might be able to“ frisk” the onlooker for weapons.
但是,如果警察有理由怀疑旁观者也参与了犯罪行为,则可以对其是否携带武器进行拍身搜查。 wwenglish

Meanwhile, Frisk has called for improved communication throughout the game to avoid future incidents, and believes the lack of trouble inside English stadiums can be attributed to this.
同时,弗里斯克呼吁要改善比赛中的沟通工作,以避免重蹈覆辙。他相信英国球场内的安全环境就是得益与此。 mufans

Often the police will frisk them anyway, and search their cars as well.
通常情况下,警察还是执意上前把他们浑身搜个遍,连他们的车也不会放过。 ecocn

Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter deployed an“aggressive” stop-and- frisk policy in the year since his election in November2007 and overall crime has dropped.
费城市长麦克·纳特自2007年11月当选那年,部署了一项“顶呱呱”的盘查政策,整体犯罪率都下降了。 yeeyan

Referee Anders Frisk surprisingly announces his retirement and says that threatening letters and emails to him and his family following the awe leg at Barcelona over two weeks ago are the reason.
裁判安德斯-弗里斯克突然宣布退休,原因是自两周以前客场对巴塞罗那的比赛后一直收到针对他及其家庭的恐吓信件和电子邮件。 qieerxi

She offers the tease without the squeeze, attraction without satisfaction, frisk without risk.
她给予戏弄却不带纠缠,诱惑却不带满足,欢快却不带危险. yeeyan

Then with a doleful sigh, he gave Michael a thorough frisk for a weapon.
然后他悲叹了一声,彻底搜了迈克尔的身,看他是否带有武器。 jukuu

They gave him a thorough frisk for drugs.
他们对他彻底搜身寻找毒品。 ebigear

Frisk was forced to abandon the match between Roma and Dynamo Kiev in September2004 after being hit by an object thrown from the crowd.
2004年9月罗马与基辅迪纳摩的比赛中,弗里斯克曾因被球迷投掷物砸伤而中途退场。 iciba

Frisk was minding his own business and we ended up threatening his family. Or something.
弗里斯克只是完成他的工作,我们居然想要威胁他的家人。 qieerxi

Frisk your home.
搜查你的家。 yeeyan




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