

单词 fresh water lake
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The Sea of Galilee is a fresh water lake with water flowing through. It is rich with fish and considered a natural resource.
加利利海实际上是一个淡水湖,他水流通畅,鱼产丰富,被视为天然宝藏。 kitty93917.m.oeeee.com

Boyang Lake is the largest fresh water lake in China and its size of water surface this year is only one tenth as much as usual. Quite a few people are worried about this.
今年,中国最大的淡水湖鄱阳湖的水面只有往年的十分之一,很多人对此颇为担忧,觉得江西省政府一定很头疼。 yeeyan

Boyang Lake is the largest fresh water lake in China and its size of water surface this year is only one tenth as much as usual.
鄱阳湖是中国最大的淡水湖,其规模在中国今年仅是水面十分之一尽可能多的像往常一样。 tui18

Lake Weishan lies in the southwest of Shandong Province, which is the fifth largest fresh water lake in our country.
微山湖位于山东省西南部,是我国第五大淡水湖。 cnki

Situated downstream from the dam, Dongting Lake is the second largest fresh water lake in China.
洞庭湖位于三峡大坝下游,是中国第二大淡水湖。 yeeyan




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