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fre·quent·ness 英'friːkwənt美'friːkwənt 基本双解英英易错辨析词源搭配近义反义句型用法例句Thesaurus adj.频繁的⁵⁸;经常的¹⁰vt.常到¹¹;常去²¹名词frequentation过去分词frequented现在分词frequenting三单frequents adj.形容词 时常发生的,常见的happening often; habitual Adjective: coming at short intervals or habitually;a frequent guest frequent complaints frequently encountered;a frequent or common error is using the transitive verb `lay' for the intransitive `lie' Verb: do one's shopping at; do business with; be a customer or client ofbe a regular or frequent visitor to a certain place;She haunts the ballet adj.形容词 在这个十字路口时常发生车祸。❌ The motoring accidents are frequent to happen at this crossroad. ✔️ The motoring accidents are frequent at this crossroad. 析 frequent所表达的“频繁”这一概念,它本身已含有“发生”的意思,所以加用to happen这样一个不定式是多余的。 adj.形容词 frequent, ceaseless这两个词的共同意思是“连续的”“经常的”“频繁的”。其区别是: 1.frequent指事物的重复出现,中间可有中断或停止; ceaseless指事物的发展变化过程中没有中断和停止。例如: All things in the universe are in ceaseless development and change.宇宙间的事物都在不断地发展和变化。2.frequent通常用于书面语和较正式的场合; ceaseless常用于口语中。 15世纪中期进入英语,直接源自拉丁语的frequentia,意为频率,周率。 用作形容词 adj. ~+名词frequent caller常客frequent changes经常变换frequent feature常见的特征frequent visitor常客副词+~less frequent不是很频繁very frequent很频繁alarmingly frequent惊人地频繁annoyingly frequent多得令人心烦relatively frequent较为频繁~+介词frequent for频繁地做… 近义词 commonhabitualcustomary反义词 uncommoninfrequent 用作形容词adj. 用作定语 ~+ n.She is a frequent visitor to our house.她是我们家的常客。 Etta was a frequent visitor there.埃塔常去那儿。 He took his frequent seat at the dinning-table.他坐于餐桌旁他惯常坐的座位上。 It is not polite to interrupt a speaker with frequent questions.不断提问打断演讲者是不礼貌的。 It is intended as a handbook for frequent reference.这本书可以当作经常查阅的手册使用。 The attendant on the train fetched us tea at frequent intervals.列车上的服务员给我们频频倒水。 The purchase of a new car is a relatively frequent occurrence in the life of the average American.购买新汽车在普通美国人的生活中是较为常见的事。 The sick man spoke slowly, with a frequent pauses for breath.那个病人慢慢地讲着,不时停下来喘息。 Mary and I have frequent quarrels, but we soon blow over.我和玛丽常吵架,但吵了过后很快就算了。 用作表语 S+be+~Traffic accidents are alarmingly frequent of late.近来交通事故频繁得吓人。 Meetings are annoyingly frequent these days.这些天来会议多得令人心烦。 It was risky to walk in the filthy streets alone , murder was frequent and familiar.单独行走在污秽的街上是件冒险的事,因为谋杀经常发生,人们甚至习以为常了。 His visits became less frequent as time passed.渐渐地,他不常登门了。 My trips to France are less frequent now.我现在不常去法国旅行了。 Storms are frequent in March.三月里常有暴风雨。 Typhoons are frequent here in summer.这里夏天常有台风。 Sudden rainstorms are frequent on this part of the coast.这段海岸地区经常遭到暴风雨的突然袭击。 adj.形容词
frequent作“时常发生的,常见的”解时,指的是事物的重复出现,其中间可有中断或停止。在句中可用作定语或表语。 frequent的比较级和最高级形式分别是more frequent和most frequent。 形容词80%,动词20% 用作形容词My girlfriend writes frequent letters to me.我的女朋友频繁地给我写信。用作及物动词He used to frequent the town's bars and night-clubs.他从前常去镇上的酒吧和夜总会。 The police visited all the bars that the suspectfrequented.警察调查了嫌疑犯时常出没的所有酒吧。 These woods arefrequentedby all kinds of birds.这些树林里经常栖息着各种鸟类。as in.frequency 同义词 density,number,prevalence,recurrence,regularity,repetitionabundance,beat,constancy,iteration,oscillation,periodicity,persistence,pulsation,reiteration,rhythm 反义词 infrequency,irregularity,uncommonness frequenciesnoun commonness, repetitiveness abundances,beats,constancies,densities,frequentnesses,iterations,numbers,oscillations,periodicities,persistence,prevalence,pulsations,recurrences,regularities,reiterations,repetitions,rhythms frequencynoun commonness, repetitiveness abundance,beat,constancy,density,iteration,number,oscillation,periodicity,persistence,prevalence,pulsation,recurrence,regularity,reiteration,repetition,rhythm |