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fra·ter·ni·ty 英frəˈtɜːnɪtiː美frəˈtɝnɪtiAHDfrə-tûrʹnĭ-tē ★☆☆☆☆高四GS宝八COCA¹³⁵⁹⁷BNC¹⁶⁷⁶⁵iWeb⁹⁹⁶⁷Economist¹²⁵⁴⁹ 基本双解英英词源搭配记法近义反义句型例句Thesaurus例句 n.兄弟般的感情²;手足之情³;友爱²⁴;同人²;兄弟会⁶⁹复数fraternities名词复数fraternities 伙伴友好异同情感校园相同
n.名词 C同业工人,行会;兄弟会an association of people having the stated work,interests,etc. in common U〈正〉兄弟关系;友爱,博爱the state of being brothers;brotherly feeling Noun: a social club for male undergraduatespeople engaged in a particular occupation;the medical fraternity 来自拉丁语frater, 兄弟,词源同brother.fraternity house美国大学生联谊会… 钱博士fra兄弟+ter名词后缀,表亲属+n形容词后缀+ity抽象名词后缀,表性质和状态→兄弟情谊,兄弟关系⇒兄弟会 词根fra-兄弟来自拉丁语。它和希腊词根phra-兄弟以及日耳曼单词brother兄弟中的bro-最终都源自原始印欧语词根*bhra-兄弟,b-f-ph相通。fra兄弟+ter名词后缀,表亲属+n形容词后缀+ity抽象名词后缀,表性质和状态→兄弟情谊,兄弟关系⇒兄弟会。近义词 group群clan氏族gang一群world世界guild行会union结合circle圆圈network网点society社会harmony和谐community社区friendship友谊persuasion说服fellowship友谊connection联系federation联邦sodality兄弟会association协会comradeship友谊institution制定membership成员资格brotherhood手足情谊frat大学男生联谊社…brotherliness弟兄之谊compatibility和谐共处mutual support相互支持反义词 sorority妇女联谊会 用作名词n.He is a member of the medical fraternity.他在医务界工作。 He described sport as a symbol of peace and a means of promoting fraternity between nations.他将体育运动描述为和平的象征,促进各民族间情谊的途径。 名词100% 用作名词There is a strong spirit offraternityamong these isolated people.这些与世隔绝的人之间有强烈的兄弟般的情谊。 There is deepfraternitybetween the brothers.他们兄弟之间有着浓厚的手足之情。 America is well-known for its equality, liberty andfraternity.美国因它的平等、自由、友爱而闻名于世。 He's a member of the medicalfraternity.他是医务界的一员。 They rushed him for theirfraternity.他们争取他加入兄弟会noun.brotherhood 同义词 camaraderie,guild,sororityaffiliation,club,fellowship,frat,house,kinship,order,sisterhood,society 反义词 sisterhood,sorority academynoun society or institution interested in learning alliance,association,circle,council,federation,foundation,institute,league associationnoun group with common interest or pursuit affiliation,alliance,band,bunch,circle,clan,clique,club,coalition,combination,combo,company,confederacy,confederation,congress,cooperative,corporation,crew,crowd,family,federation,fellowship,fraternity,gang,guild,hookup,league,mob,order,organization,outfit,partnership,pool,rat pack,ring,society,sodality,sorority,syndicate,tie up,tie-in,tribe,troops,troupe,union,zoo associationsnoun group with common interest or pursuit acquaintances,acquaintanceships,affiliations,agreements,assistance,camaraderies,companionship,comradeship,conjunctions,cooperations,familiarities,fellowships,fraternization,frequentings,friendliness,hookups,intimacies,memberships,participations,partnerships,relations,relationships brotherhoodnoun association affiliation,alliance,clan,clique,community,comradeship,confederacy,coterie,fellowship,fraternity,guild,kinship,league,society,union circlenoun group of close friends, associates Mafia,assembly,bunch,cabal,camarilla,camp,clan,class,clique,club,companions,company,comrades,coterie,crew,cronies,crowd,crush,fraternity,gang,in-group,insiders,intimates,lot,mob,outfit,party,posse,ring,school,set,society,sorority confederationnoun union alliance,association,bloc,brotherhood,cartel,coalition,confederacy,congress,federation,fellowship,fraternity,guild,league,order,organization,partnership,sisterhood,society,sorority,syndicate How long will it be before he has a go at the national motto, a veritable wealth of abstraction: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity? 萨科齐总统还有多久会对国家的口号进行挑战呢?解放、平等与友爱,一个名副其实的抽象概念的宝藏!? ecocn The impact is worse, she says, because of France’s role as the “ paragon” of liberty, equality and fraternity. 她还说,因为法国一直是自由、平等、博爱的“楷模”,因此此次事件的影响更坏了。 ecocn When the students left the examination room, they jotted down these questions quickly from memory and put them into the fraternity hopper. 学生离开考场后,凭记忆迅速将这些问题写下来,然后存入联谊会的议案箱。 ebigear “The Accidental Billionaires” is at its best when it describes the fraternity-house atmosphere that governs the start-up’s early days. 在新兴世界的初期,大学生联谊会的氛围占主导,“意外诞生的亿万富翁”在形容这种气氛中达到顶峰。 ecocn “You have to grumble in life, otherwise you get trampled on,” was the main reason given by almost one in six people in the land of liberty, equality and fraternity. 至于法国人爱发牢骚的原因,这个宣扬自由、平等和友爱的国家的六分之一的人称,这是因为“在生活中必须得抱怨,不然就会受到轻视。” voa365 And that evening, the students can go to another Thanksgiving meal held by a service fraternity. 而且那晚,学生还可以参加另一个由互助会举办的感恩节大餐。 hjenglish But the absence of a queue for the ladies' loos at the Earl's Court venue, in London, spoke volumes about the male-dominated cycling fraternity. 但是伦敦伯爵宫会场女厕所门前排列的人寥寥无几,充分说明了这更是一场男人们的自行车联谊会。 yeeyan First of all, we’re not hanging out at your fraternity house so try to not to talk like a man- child. 首先,我们在你们的联谊会上不会屈服,因此不要像个小男孩一样说话。 yeeyan In broad sense, fraternity is a body of people associated for a common purpose or interest, or joined by similar backgrounds, occupations, or tastes. 从广义上来讲,兄弟会是一群有着共同目的和兴趣或者有着相似背景、职业和品位的人组织的一个团体。 ebigear It was sort of like a fraternity that worked very hard. 有点像个兄弟会,在一起拼命工作。 yeeyan It reminded me of my pledge class after a semester of hell, a feeling few folks understood from the outside looking in. It was a fraternity I wanted to join. 这让我想起自己在大学加入兄弟会的情景,经过一个学期的磨炼,我终于能够宣誓入会,这种感觉外人是很难理解的。 ecocn Let's be clear: the British and the French hold dear the same values of tolerance and fraternity. 让我们开诚布公地说吧:英国和法国对宽容和友爱有着一样的认同。 yeeyan Nothing must be done to undermine the sense of fraternity and the national unity once achieved at Panglong. 绝不要做破坏友爱和民族团结的任何事,这些友爱和民族团结曾一度在彬龙协议中获得过。 yeeyan Now, the law of progress is, that monsters shall disappear before the angels, and that Fatality shall vanish before Fraternity. 而进步的法律要求怪物消失在天使面前,因果报应让位于博爱。 ebigear One of writer's favourite themes is the fraternity of mankind. 作家最喜欢写的一个主题是人类的博爱。《新英汉大辞典》 Overnight, the French seem to have found that their democratic temples of liberty, fraternity and equality are in fact hotbeds of sexism and predatory behaviour. 一夜之间,法国人民似乎发现他们这个宣扬自由、博爱、平等的民主圣地,事实上却是对女性歧视和掠夺行为的温床。 ecocn Taut faces, threatened fraternity, such strong and chaste friendship among men-- these are the true riches because they are transitory. 在人们之中,紧绷的面孔、受到威胁的友爱、强烈而忠贞的友谊——这些才是真正的财富,因为它们短暂有限。 yeeyan The fraternity may bid four new men. 这个互助会可接纳4名新会员。《21世纪大英汉词典》 There was an exclusive fraternity and it was up to me to gain respect and earn the right to wear Morgan Stanley across my chest. 这个圈子就像一个唯我独尊的兄弟会,而我必须自己努力才能赢得他人的尊重,才有资格在胸口别上摩根士丹利的司徽。 ecocn They are no longer swayed by free coal and talk of Islamic fraternity. 库尔德人不再受免费煤炭和伊斯兰兄弟会劝言的影响。 ecocn Though“King Tut” collected the mimeographed questions from each student, he did not reckon with the organizing ability of fraternity students. 尽管考完后他将每份试卷都收了回去,但绝没料到学生联谊会的组织能力如此出色。 ebigear Ultimately it is this fraternity that makes it possible, over the past two centuries, for so many millions of people, not so much to kill, as willingly to die for such limited imaginings. 最终,正是这种友爱关系在过去两个世纪中,驱使数以百万计的人们甘愿为民族,这个有限的想像,去屠杀或从容赴死。 yeeyan Volunteerism is composed of: Dedication, Fraternity, Mutual-aid and Progress. 志愿服务的精神概括起来是:奉献、友爱、互助、进步。 iciba Whether that outburst is from the mouth of a dictator-toppling hero or toppling-over fraternity twat is out of our control. 无论这些宣泄是来自反抗独裁者的英雄口中,还是来自推翻兄弟会的笨蛋口中,这些都不是我们所能控制的。 yeeyan While there are tons of books written on the subject of parenting, let me share with you a simple but profound insight I learned a couple of years ago at Men's Fraternity. 尽管有成吨的书上有关于养育问题的论述,但是,让我和你分享几年前我在兄弟会学到的一个简单但是深刻的洞察力。 yeeyan |