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词汇 franz
释义 franz
n.弗朗茨·斐迪南Francis Ferdinand的德文名
Would-be reformers are drawn into a “ dance of the sharks,” says Franz Knieps, a former health official.
Franz Knieps是前卫生部官员,他担心改革者是否会陷进“鲨鱼之舞”的尴尬。 topsage

“ But the carriage and horses?” said Franz.
“但那车和马怎么办呢?”弗兰兹说道。 ebigear

“ Economic growth alone will not alleviate poverty, ” says Franz Berger of Concord, a Brussels-based grouping of development NGOs. “ It depends how the proceeds of that growth are distributed.”
来自发展性非政府组织“和谐”总部位于布鲁塞尔的 Franz Berger表示“单有经济增长,还不能减少贫困”“这取决于发展成果的分配”。 ecocn

“ It all depends on whether the jury and the judges take the confession to be a mitigating circumstance, ” said the vice- president of the court, Franz Cutka.
“这完全取决于陪审团和法官是否认为他的认罪只是为了缓和气氛,”法院副院长 Franz Cutka说。 yeeyan

“ Or maybe it was only as big as a dog, ” Franz said.
“或者可能跟一只狗的大小差不多。”弗朗茨又说。 yeeyan

“ We think speech-to-speech translation should be possible and work reasonably well in a few years’ time,” said Franz Och, Google’s head of translation services.
“我们认为对话翻译是可能的并且在未来几年会做的相当好,” Franz Och说,他是Google翻译部门的负责人。 hjenglish

At a press conference held this afternoon, the court spokesman Franz Cutka said it was not clear whether any of these witnesses would be called to court.
在今天下午举行的新闻发布会上,法庭发言人 Franz Cutka表示现在还不清楚是否要传唤这些证人出庭作证。 yeeyan

Destiny's agent was a Bavarian officer named Franz Hipper: an opportunistic Raeder recognized the agent.
眷顾他的命运是由一个叫做弗朗茨希佩的巴伐利亚军官带来的:机会主义者雷德尔紧紧地抓住了命运。 yeeyan

Former FIFA technical director Osieck was also Franz Beckenbauer's assistant when Germany lifted the1990 FIFA World Cup and won the2007 AFC Champions League as coach of Japan's Urawa Red Diamonds.
前国际足联技术指导奥希耶克是德国赢得1990年世界杯时弗朗茨贝肯鲍尔的助手,也作为浦和红宝石队教练赢得了2007年的亚冠联赛冠军。 yeeyan

Gaetano sprang to shore, exchanged a few words with the sentinel, then his comrades disembarked, and lastly came Franz.

Google Translate now covers more than 50 languages, according to Franz Och, one of the company’s engineers.
谷歌公司的工程师 Franz Och声称其翻译服务现在能够应付50种语言的翻译。 ecocn

Hurston became the first black student to attend Barnard College in New York. She studied with anthropologist Franz Boas.
赫斯特成为第一个进入纽约市巴纳德学院的黑人学生,她受教于人类学家弗朗茨.博厄斯。 yeeyan

I shall not scold you, little Franz.
我不批评你,小弗朗茨。 ebigear

In2005 Franz Münterfering, a German politician, described them as“ locusts”, intent on sacking workers and making a quick euro.
在2005年,德国政客 Franz Münterfering将他们描述为“蝗虫贪婪,破坏)”,他们只想让员工下岗,让自己赚取快钱。 ecocn

Such benevolence carries “ clear social- democratic handwriting”, boasts the vice- chancellor( and labour minister, Franz Müntefering.
怪不得副总理兼劳工部长弗朗兹·敏特菲林兴奋地说这些深得人心的举措都刻着“清晰的社会民主主义的印记”。 ecocn

The researchers based their studies on an optical illusion theory described by the19th century philosopher Franz Delboeuf.
研究人员是以19世纪哲学家 Franz Delboeuf描述的视觉错觉理论为基础进行研究的。 yeeyan

Franz Hipper often boomed to his bantam favorite: “ When I become an admiral, I'll make you my chief of staff.”
弗朗茨希佩经常赞许的对他的爱将说:“我要是当了舰队司令,肯定让你做我的参谋长。” yeeyan

Franz Ferdinand, who were in Tokyo for28 hours to film a commercial for Sony, play six songs, and get asked a few daft questions by the MC.
Franz Ferdinand,为了 Sony表演在东京停留28小时,唱了六首歌,以及被问了几个愚蠢的问题。 engadget

Franz Josef Jung, then defence minister, initially denied that any civilians were killed.
国防部长弗朗茨.约瑟夫.容最初否认空袭造成了平民死亡。 ecocn

Franz stopped.
弗朗茨停住了脚步。 yeeyan




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