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franoisCOCA⁴⁶⁰⁶¹BNC⁵⁰⁷⁰⁴ 基本例句 📍国弗拉努瓦 But when Franois called him to his old place in front of Dave, Buck refused. 弗朗索瓦招呼它回到戴夫前边它的老位置,巴克没有听从。 www.thnu.edu.cn At first light they returned to the sledge and found Perrault and Franois tired and angry. 第二天天一放亮,它们便跑回雪橇边。只见弗朗索瓦和佩罗特又累又气地呆在那里。 zftrans Buck decided that this was fair, and began to like Franois a little. 巴克认定这样做是公道的,便开始有点喜欢弗朗索瓦了。 www.thnu.edu.cn But Franois saw this, and gave Spitz a terrible beating for it. 不过,弗朗索瓦看到了这一幕,并为此狠揍了斯皮兹一顿。 www.thnu.edu.cn Finally, Franois sat down, and Perrault looked at his watch. 最后,弗朗索瓦一屁股坐到地上,佩罗特则看着手表。 zftrans He kept a few metres away and circled around Franois carefully. 它呆在几米开外的地方,围着弗朗索瓦小心翼翼地兜圈子。 zftrans He knew that Buck was the problem, but Buck was too clever for him and Franois never saw him actually starting a fight. 他心里清楚,巴克是问题的症结。但是巴克很聪明。弗朗索瓦从来没见到巴克真地挑起一场打斗。 zftrans He turned and ran towards the man, sure that Franois would save him. 它相信弗朗索瓦会搭救它,就调身朝他跑去。 www.thnu.edu.cn His book had to better the work of Franois Quesnay, author of La Physiocratie, and the man to whom Smith would have dedicated The Wealth of Nations had he lived. 他的著作超越了重农主义作者弗朗索瓦魁奈的作品,如果魁奈在世的话,斯密会把国富论题献给他。 theautoindex One day Franois made four little shoes for him, and this made Buck much more comfortable. 有一天,弗朗索瓦给它做了四只小靴套。这可让巴克感觉舒服多了。 zftrans Perrault and Franois came to help with clubs, but then they had to run back to save the food. 佩罗特和弗朗索瓦挥舞着棍棒前来助战,不过他们马上又得跑回去抢救食品。 www.thnu.edu.cn Perrault and Franois tried to fight them off with their clubs but the dogs, made crazy by the smell of the food, showed their teeth and fought back. 弗朗索瓦与佩罗特试图用棍棒将它们赶开,但是这些狗已经因为食物的气味疯了,反而呲牙咧嘴反扑过来。 www.thnu.edu.cn Perrault was a French-Canadian, but Franois was half- Indian, tall and dark. 佩罗特是一个法裔加拿大人,而弗朗索瓦则有一半印地安血统。 www.thnu.edu.cn The other dogs fought in their harnesses and Franois often had to stop the sledge. 其余的狗则常边跑边打,弗朗索瓦只好不时停下雪橇。 zftrans Then he saw Franois with an ax, and two or three other men with clubs jump in among the dogs. 接下来,巴克又看见弗朗索瓦手持斧头、另有二、三个人手执棍棒跳进了狗群中。 www.thnu.edu.cn When Franois, U.S. ambassador Pamela Harriman, Hillary, and I arrived, we found that our tour guide was none other than Pei himself. 密特朗、美国驻法国大使帕梅拉.哈里曼、希拉里和我到达新卢浮宫时,发现我们的导游不是别人,正是贝聿明本人。 yeeyan Franois and Perrault were in their tent, but when he went in, they shouted angrily and threw things at him. 可是,巴克进去时,他们就会愤怒地大叫,还把东西向它这边儿扔过来。 www.thnu.edu.cn Franois harnessed him, and in a minute the sledge was moving. 弗朗索瓦给它套上了绳索。不一会儿,雪橇便启程上路了。 zftrans Franois leashed the dogs and took them outside. 弗朗索瓦给几只狗套上皮索,带它们下了船。 www.thnu.edu.cn Franois was quick and hit Spitz before Buck had time to move. 巴克还没来得及有所动作,弗朗索瓦就敏捷地打了斯皮兹一下。 zftrans Franois and Perrault bought three more dogs that morning, and a quarter of an hour later all the dogs were in harness and on their way up the Dyea Canyon. 当天上午,弗朗索瓦和佩罗特又买了三条狗。一刻钟以后,所有的狗都套着缰绳,奔跑在前往戴依峡谷的路上。 zftrans Franois dropped the club, and immediately Buck came up to the front of the team. 弗朗索瓦放下棍棒,巴克立即走到了队列的前头。 zftrans Franois started to harness the dogs. 弗朗索瓦开始往狗身上套缰绳。 www.thnu.edu.cn Franois stood, holding his ax and as Buck passed, the ax crashed down on Dolly's head. 弗朗索瓦手持斧头站在那里。巴克跑过去后,那斧子便狠狠砸在了多莉的脑袋上。 www.thnu.edu.cn |