

单词 frailties
释义 frail·ty 英'freɪlti美'freɪlti COCA⁵²⁹¹¹BNC⁴⁵⁰²⁴Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺
the state of being weak in health or body especially from old agemoral weakness近义词 vice缺点flaw瑕疵defect缺点failing失败weakness软弱delicacy柔弱puniness微小debility虚弱infirmity虚弱fragility脆弱frailness脆弱feebleness衰弱shortcoming缺点ill health不健康imperfection不完美valetudinarianism体弱多病

用作名词The love stories that touch us most deeply are punctuated by humanfrailty.最深深打动我们的那些爱情故事总是打满了人性脆弱的洞孔。
Despite his age andfrailty, he did not die.尽管他年老虚弱,但他没有死。
One of thefrailtiesof human nature is laziness.人性的弱点之一是懒惰。 A constitution should be structured to permanently protect the people from the human frailties of their rulers.
宪法构建的基础是能够永久保护人民免于统治者的人性弱点的侵害。 chinaunix

In the network of government organization, have many frailties of self, as well as attack inside and outside from government organization latent threat.
政府机关网络中存在着自身的诸多脆弱性,以及来自政府机关内外攻击的潜在威胁。 cnki

The financial crisis had been surmounted but not without lingering frailties, especially the under- employment of the West.
金融危机已经克服,但是经济形势仍不容乐观,特别是西方国家的就业问题。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The missteps and frailties of every one else in the world were canvassed here with the most shameless publicity.
在这里,人们毫无顾忌地公开谈论世上他人的失误和过失。 kuenglish

Add Messi to that group, and you can see what a tough task awaits Arsenal, which has exhibited defensive frailties this season.
有梅西的加入,你就可知道阿森纳的处境有多严峻,在本季的后防失利可见一斑。 yeeyan

But some frailties are emerging.
但是,有些弱点也慢慢暴露。 ecocn

But too often, human frailties gum up the works by leaving unforeseen breaches in otherwise secure systems.
但情况经常是,人为过失在原本安全的系统中留下意外的漏洞,把事情弄糟。 hotdic

Even though the world's economists lauded the effectiveness of China's recession- fighting methods, these were, in fact, a sign of the economy's frailties.
但是,世界各地的经济学家还是对中国应对经济危机的做法大加赞赏。实际上这些做法是经济衰退的象征。 yeeyan

He loved her in spite of her little frailties.
虽然她在品德上有些小缺点,他依然爱她。 chinafanyi.com

Health care needs to have its design Renaissance, where products and services are redesigned to be responsive to human needs and considerate of human frailties.
医保系统需要像文艺复兴一样重塑,要考虑到人们的需要以及人们的弱点。 yeeyan

In the cold war Western strategists probably spent too much time worrying about the Soviet Union's military clout, and not enough analysing its commercial frailties.
冷战期间,西方的战略家们可能花费过多的时间担心苏联军事力量,而没有用充足的时间来分析他的商业缺陷。 ecocn

Iverson's athletic abilities armored him like a bullet proof vest and teams overlooked his frailties because of his production on the court.
艾弗森的运动能力,他像一个装甲防弹背心和团队的忽视,因为他在球场上生产的弱点。 douban

Love of a mate provides us with another soul to feel kinship, with someone to share life with , someone to be loved, in spite of shortcomings and human frailties.
对配偶的爱让我们拥有了另一个可以感受亲情的灵魂;可以共度今生;可以去爱而不去计较缺点和不足; calm-sea

Many corporate treasurers will want to hold more cash than normal given the size of their firms’ debt and the frailties of the financial system.
许多企业的财务主管考虑到公司的债务以及脆弱的金融系统希望持有比平常更多的流动资金。 putclub

Many corporate treasurers will want to hold more cash than normal given the size of their firms' debt and the frailties of the financial system.
很多企业财务主管愿意持有比常规更多的现金,这是考虑到他们公司的债务规模以及金融系统脆弱性。 yeeyan

Nevertheless, while Anakin's human frailties lead him to the dark side, he is redeemed by love.
然而,当阿纳金的人性弱点让他投向黑暗面的时候,又是爱将他拯救。 starwarsfans.cn

No matter how divided you are in your positions, always remember the humanity of the other person. Keep in mind their weaknesses and frailties.
不管你处于什么位置,都要始终记得别人的好处,将他们的弱点和短处压在心底。 suiniyi

One of the frailties of human nature is laziness.




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