

单词 fractured
释义 frac·tured ˈfræktʃəd;ˈfræktʃərd 高COCA¹⁹⁹⁸¹BNC¹⁸⁰⁹⁷iWeb¹⁵¹²⁸Economist⁸⁹²⁵
动词 fracture:
violate or abuseinterrupt, break, or destroybreak into piecesbecome fracturedbreak a bonefracture a bone offractured surface破裂面fractured reservoir裂隙储集层fractured zone破裂带fractured formation裂缝层,压裂过的地层…fractured part断裂零件
近义词 split分裂cleft裂开的broken弄坏的cracked破碎的fissured裂缝的

A usually black or banded, hard volcanic glass that displays shiny, curved surfaces whenfracturedand is formed by rapid cooling of lava.黑曜岩火山玻璃,一般为黑色,带状,摔碎时色泽光亮,表面变曲,由火山熔岩迅速凝而成
The fallfracturedhis skull.这一跤把他的颅骨摔裂了。
His son suffered from afracturedpelvis.他儿子出现骨盆骨折。
Her legfracturedin two places.她的腿有两处骨折。as in.broken
同义词 busted,collapsed,cracked,crippled,crumbled,crushed,damaged,defective,demolished,fragmented,injured,mangled,mutilated,ruptured,severed,shattered,smashedburst,disintegrated,dismembered,hurt,pulverized,rent,riven,separatedshiveredshredded,slivered,splitfragmentary,in pieces
反义词 perfect,unbrokenOK,complete,connected,continuous,fixed,flowing,happy,kept,satisfied,uplifted,whole,workingas in.cracked
同义词 broken,damagedcrazed,split
反义词 fixed,OK,unbroken,workingas in.torn
同义词 broken,cracked,damaged,divided,mangled,ripped,ruptured,severedburstcleavedgashed,impaired,lacerated,ragged,rent,slashed,sliced,slit,snapped,split,wrenchedshabby
反义词 fixed,OK,unbroken,workingcertain,decided,healed,mended,perfect,resolute,sure
brokenadjective destroyed;made into pieces from a whole
burst,busted,collapsed,cracked,crippled,crumbled,crushed,damaged,defective,demolished,disintegrated,dismembered,fragmentary,fragmented,hurt,in pieces,injured,mangled,mutilated,pulverized,rent,riven,ruptured,separated,severed,shatteredshiveredshredded,slivered,smashed,split
crackedadjective fissured
tornadjective cut open
broken,burstcleavedcracked,damaged,divided,fractured,gashed,impaired,lacerated,mangled,ragged,rent,ripped,ruptured,severed,shabby,slashed,sliced,slit,snapped,split,wrenched A fractured Libya will not only curtail oil exports, it will open the gates to a flood of African emigration to southern Europe.
破碎的利比亚将不仅缩减石油出口,他将打开大批非洲人到南欧的移民大门。 yeeyan

He is bequeathing a politically fractured country, even if many of the splits turn more around personalities than policies.
乌里韦留下的是个政治上支离破碎的国家,即使很多分歧是性格上的而不是政策上的。 ecocn

Last year Prince Harry was in hot water when he flouted this rule by signing the plaster cast of a girl who had fractured her arm, a media report said.
曾经哈里王子就犯了这样的错,他擅自就给一个手臂骨折的小女孩签名了,还是签在她手上打的石膏上面。 putclub

The always fractured return to normal life is in fact the essence of a successful liberation.
事实上,一次成功的解放的本质是长期破碎的人生回归到正常生活。 yeeyan

A metal plate keeps his fractured left forearm together.
骨折的左前臂被一块金属板联在一起。 yeeyan

Archaeological excavations of the Tollense Valley in northern Germany unearthed fractured skulls, wooden clubs and horse remains dating from around1200 BC.
在德国北部托伦瑟河谷的考古发掘中出土的骨折头骨、木棍和马的遗骸,可以追溯至大约公元前1200年。 yeeyan

As the sand grains turned over in the flasks and hit each other, they fractured, breaking apart some chemical bonds at the newly- exposed surfaces.
当砂粒在烧瓶内翻滚并相互碰撞,它们就会破碎,分裂出一些具有新暴露表面的化学键。 yeeyan

But you don’t understand: incoherence of imagery is a fair representation of the acutely distracted and fractured mind.
但你并不理解:画面的无条理性恰恰是那烦乱而断裂的思维的良好体现。 yeeyan

Even the basic forward curve that promotes balance in upright walking is “ not a structurally ideal solution, ” she said, since it can lead to instability and even fractured vertebrae.
甚至为直立行走增加平衡的前弯脊柱“在结构上不属于最理想的解决方式”,她说,因为它可导致身体不稳定,甚至椎骨骨折。 yeeyan

He has fractured his shoulder and is under observation to assess any possible further injuries.
他肩部骨折,现正住院以进一步检查出是否有更严重的损伤。 hjenglish

Her arm was shattered and her right hip was fractured.
车祸后她手臂断裂,右髋关节骨折。 yeeyan

If he does, the fractured opposition of past and present Radicals will have little chance.
如果他这样做,过去和现在的激进党派中支离破碎的反对党机会不大。 ecocn

It had started to rebuild the fractured economy and establish some semblance of confidence.
政府已开始着手重建破碎的经济和一点点地重振信心了。 ecocn

It melds fractures and helps envisage solidarity in our imbalanced and fractured world.
它弥合了裂痕,有助于实现在不平衡的破碎世界休戚与共的设想。 yeeyan

On top of the haziness created by a fractured childhood, there is confusion created by the fact that we were drugged most of the time.
除了因记忆断裂带来的模糊感,还有一种混乱感,因为大部分时间里我们都被麻醉了。 yeeyan

Something similar is occurring among Hazaras as they try to repair their fractured past with one notable difference: There are pictures of the destroyed Buddhas.
与此同时,同样的事情也在哈扎拉人中进行——他们在修复哈扎拉人断裂的历史。他们把被损坏的佛像的照片也放在其列。 yeeyan

The researchers said the wells they analyzed had been hydraulically fractured, but that more study of that process was needed to understand whether fracturing might be causing the contamination.
研究人员说,他们分析的钻井是已经采用水力压裂法完成的,但是,岩层破裂是否可能正在导致污染,这个问题还要更多的过程研究才可以理解。 yeeyan

The central span suddenly gave way after the gusset plates that connected the steel beams buckled and fractured, dropping the bridge into the river.
由于连接钢梁的加固板被压弯后折断,导致桥身中央突然断裂,整座桥随之坠入河中。 ecocn

The student was saved but Roberts leg fractured in two places.
那名学生得救了,但因此罗伯特的腿两处骨折。 ebigear

Today’s reality, much larger but vastly more fractured, says Mr Aimard, has little space for the monolithic grand narrative.
艾马尔认为今天的真相范围更广,却更加支离破碎,没有给长篇叙事留下喘息的空间。 ecocn




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