

单词 fractionated
释义 frac·tion·ate·d 英'frækʃəneɪt美'frækʃənˌeɪt COCA¹³⁹²⁵⁴BNC⁷¹⁵⁵⁰
separate into constituents or fractions containing concentrated constituentsobtain by a fractional processfractionate tower分馏塔fractio…fractionate contraction不全收缩
Non- fractionated coconut oil is available in ethnic food stores. It should be white and solid at room temperature.
其中未分馏椰子油可在民族食品店买到,它在室温条件下是白色固体。 yeeyan

Objective:To observe the radiotherapy effect about2 kinds of fractionated regimen lower than routine dosage on metastases bone pain.
目的观察低于常规剂量的2种分割方式治疗骨转移性疼痛的疗效。 cnki

The kinetics of repair of sublethal damage was studied on cervical spinal cord in rats after fractionated irradiation.
本文研究了大鼠颈部脊髓分割照射后的亚致死性损伤修复过程。 cnki

The details establish the formal rhythm, the building's finely fractionated scale.
细节确定了合理的节奏,以及房子精美的层级比例。 renren

The heavy materials are fractionated to the bottom of the column.
重的物质被分馏至塔底。 www.infopetro.com.cn

The toluene layer is separated off washed with water and then distilled at atmospheric pressure until all the toluene has been removed. The residue is fractionated under diminished pressure.
分理出甲苯层,用水洗涤,然后在大气压下蒸馏直到移除所有的甲苯,剩余物在负压下分馏。 lugujk

“ It so happens that if you bring a solar component in and mix it with that fractionated krypton, you get the present atmospheric composition,” Pepin explains.
“如果确实是这样的话,那么你能够把太阳能的组成部分纳入,然后把它和分馏出来哦氪气混合,然后就可以获得现在大气层中的各项组成成分。” Pepin这样解释道。 yeeyan

As it is, voters gave Kadima only one seat more than Binyamin Netanyahu’s Likud, which thanks to Israel’s fractionated political system means that he may yet lead a ruling coalitionsee article.
现在,选民们给予 Kadima的席位只比 Binyamin Netanyahu的 Likud多一个,由于以色列各自为政的政治体制,这意味着他仍然能够领导一个执政联盟。 ecocn

BACKGROUND& OBJECTIVE: Accurate target localization is the essential requirement in the quality control in fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy FSRT.
背景与目的:明确靶区定位的精确度是立体定向分次照射质量保证的基本要求。 cnki

Carbazole compounds were fractionated and detected in oils from the Central Tarim district, Tarim Basin, and these nitrogen compounds were utilized for research work of oil migration successfully.
在塔里木盆地塔中地区的原油中分离和检测到咔唑类含氮化合物,并成功地将其应用于油气运移研究。 cnki

Cellulose, stearic acid, magnesium stearate, modified cellulose, modified cellulose gum, fractionated coconut oil, and carnauba wax.
纤维素,硬脂酸,硬脂酸镁,改性纤维素,改性纤维素胶,分馏椰子油,巴西棕榈蜡。 diula

High dose rateHDR fractionated interstitial brachytherapy was carried out in48 gliomas patients including surgical inaccessible tumors and recurrence after combined treatment.
我们采用高剂量率分割照射方法对48例位于手术难以切除部位或经综合治疗复发的病人进行间质内放射治疗。 cnki

In the continual observation, size- fractionated dissolved organic N and P had similar trend with their inorganic counterparts.
在连续观测中,各形态溶解有机氮、磷的变动趋势与无机态较为接近。 cnki

In this study, the efficacy and toxicity of accelerated fractionated radiotherapy with concurrent capecitabin chemotherapy for advanced NPC were investigated.
为此,本研究探讨加速分割放疗同步卡培他滨化疗治疗晚期鼻咽癌的疗效和毒副反应。 dictall

Later in the year,10 volunteers at Brooke General Hospital were studied with fractionated material from a lot of Swedish dextran.
在今年晚些时候,在布鲁克总医院,用大量瑞典的葡聚糖分割材料对十名志愿者进行了研究。 ausbio

Objective To analyse the result of late course accelerated hyper- fractionated radiotherapyLCAHFR of upper and middle thoracic segment esophageal T2N0M0 carcinoma.
目的分析临床T2N0M0胸上中段食管癌后程加速超分割放射治疗的疗效、副反应及失败原因。 cnki

Objective To compare the acute radiation reactions and sequelae with different radiation fields and different modes of fractionated radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
目的比较不同照射野或不同剂量分割放疗鼻咽癌的急性放射反应及后遗症。 cnki

Objective To evaluate the clinical effects of low dose fractionated irradiation on spleen combined with radiotherapy in patients with esophageal cancer.
目的分析低剂量分次照射脾脏联合放射治疗食管癌的临床疗效和失败原因。 cnki

Objective To explore the treatment of giant gliomas with fractionated gamma knife surgery according to the the-ory studied.
目的探讨巨大脑胶质瘤伽玛刀分次治疗的理论依据及实际疗效。 dictall

Objective To prolong the survival of patients with skin carcinoma, pingyangmycin was injected into tumor region combined with regularly fractionated irradiation.
目的晚期皮肤癌单纯放疗的预后欠佳,为了提高皮肤癌患者的疗效,我们采用平阳霉素瘤内注射加局部常规分割放疗。 dictall

Objective To study the effect of post mastectomy radiotherapy with different fractionated dose schemes for early breast cancer.
目的探讨早期乳腺癌根治术后或改良根治术后不同剂量分割放射方案的疗效。 cnki

ObjectiveTo evaluate the preliminary results of locally residual or recurrent nasopharyngeal carcinoma treated with fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy FSRT.
目的评价分次立体定向放射治疗 FSRT对局部残留和复发鼻咽癌的初步疗效。 cnki

Recombinant positive clones containing microsatellite sequences of Chinese shrimp, Peneaus chinensis were obtained through rapid screening small-size fractionated genomic libraries with PCR technique.
运用 PCR法在中国对虾的小片段基因组文库中快速筛选含有微卫星序列的重组阳性克隆。 cnki

Several humic acids of different molecular weight were fractionated by means of fractional solution containing various volume ratios of ethanol and ethyl acetate.
以不同体积比的乙醇和乙酸乙酯分级溶解方法,分离出了几种不同分子量的腐殖酸。 cnki

The pyrolysis liquid obtained are fractionated to get light fractions, used as gasoline and diesel fuel and heavy fractions, used as filling oil for rubber processing.
研究表明,所得到的热解液体中,轻中馏分可作为汽、柴油馏分,重馏分可作为橡胶加工中的填充油; cnki

The volatiles were fractionated by preparative GC and GC fractions were assayed for EAG activities to unmated and mated females.
用制备气相色谱对挥发物分馏并测定各馏分对来交配和交配雌蛾的 EAG活性。 cnki

Fractionated, stepped selection and Identification, one HKE cotton genotype 103 and one LKE cotton genotype122 had been got.
经过分次、分步筛选和鉴定,获得了1个钾高效高潜基因型103,1个钾低效低潜基因型122。 cnki




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