释义 |
foyers 基本例句 n.福耶斯在英国;西经 4º30' 北纬 57º15' Late arrivals must wait in thefoyer.来晚的人要在门厅等候。 Hung four new paintings in thefoyer.在门厅悬挂展览四幅新的绘画作品 A giant photograph of the actor hang in thefoyerof the theatre.那位演员的巨幅照片挂在剧场的休息室里。 Let's meet in thefoyerof the Bijou Theater.让我们在珠宝戏院的休息室会面。 We 'll meet in thefoyerat 9 p.m .我们晚上九点在大堂见面。 How about going to thefoyerand have some beer?我们去休息室喝些啤酒怎样? |