

单词 fountains
释义 foun·tain·s 英'faʊntən美'faʊntn COCA¹⁹⁷⁰³BNC¹⁶⁴⁰³Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

jet of water, especially one forced up into the air artificially as an ornament


source or origin of sth

a structure from which an artificially produced jet of water arisesa natural flow of ground wateran artificially produced flow of watera plumbing fixture that provides a flow of water15世纪初期进入英语,直接源自古法语的fontaine;最初源自拉丁语的fons,意为温泉,泉源。
用作名词 n.
形容词+~drinking fountain自动饮水器live fountain活泉ornate fountain华丽的喷泉名词+~soda fountain散装苏打汽水容器,冷饮柜台water fountain喷出式饮水设备~+名词fountain pen自来水笔,钢笔介词+~at the fountain在源头~+介词fountain of pleasure快乐的根源fountain of trust信用的根源fountain of wisdom智慧的源泉
近义词 fount泉font字体spray喷雾cause引起spring春天source来源origin起源well很好地cascade瀑布outflow流出spoutC喷口geyser间歇泉jet喷气式飞机beginning开始outpouring流露fountainhead水源natural spring天然泉water feature水的特点
用作名词n.There fountains play.那儿喷泉飞溅。
The fountain plays only at weekend.这个喷泉仅在周末喷水。
A fountain of water shot up from the burst pipe.一股水流从破裂的管子里喷出来。
The fountain is fed from the adjacent hill.这泉里的水来自邻近的那座小山。
A beautiful stone fountain was set in the middle of the garden.花园中央砌造了一个漂亮的石头喷泉。
The parks of this city are famous for their spectacularfountains.这个城市的公园以其壮观的喷泉而出名。
Ancient Greece was a fountain of wisdom and philosophy.古希腊是智慧和哲学的发源地。



用作名词She dabbled her fingers in thefountain.她用手指在喷泉中玩水。
The parks of this city are famous for their ornatefountains.这个城市的公园以其华丽的喷泉而著名。
Social life is thefountainof wisdom of writers.社会生活是作家们智慧的源泉。
The brain is the ultimatefountainof ideas.大脑是思想的根本源泉。
OK. You go out and get a drink of water at thefountain.好。你出去在饮水机那儿喝点水吧。
Thefountainbabbled its familiar music.泉水发出惯常的潺潺声。
Thefountainis clear at its source .泉水源头清。 It is night: now do all leaping fountains speak louder.
夜来了:现在一切跳跃的喷泉都更加高声地说话。 yeeyan

Questioned amid the shady pines and fountains of the presidential palace in Kabul, he blustered, calling the Milly Dowler allegations “ really appalling,” and if true, a “ dreadful situation”.
他在喀布尔总统府的树荫喷泉间接受采访时大声咆哮,说米莉•杜勒事件“实在令人震惊,”如果情况属实,“事态糟糕透顶”。 ecocn

The parks of this city are famous for their ornate fountains.
这个城市的公园以其华丽的喷泉而著名。 ebigear

What viewers have seen instead were pictures of fountains in Chechnya and of polite policemen in Moscow helping old ladies and children.
相反,观众们看到却是在车臣拍摄的一些慰人的图片——美丽的喷泉与莫斯科警察帮助老妇人与孩子。 ecocn

A plenty of sculptures and fountains are located in the park around the castle.
城堡周围的公园里也安置着许多雕塑和喷泉。 kekenet

And, just as in Rome, people were drawn to the city's fountains, even introducing their dogs to the water to cool them down.
而且像罗马一样,人们被吸引至城市的喷泉,甚至带着他们的狗一起到水中凉快凉快。 hxen

Besides the air, the farms would also recycle and purify gray water, which is wastewater from sinks, bathtubs and drinking fountains.
除了空气,昆虫型农场还能回收和净化来自水池、浴缸和饮水机的生活污水。 yeeyan

In 1967 he smashed a hip, femur, wrist and both ankles attempting to clear the fountains at Caesars Palace, in Las Vegas.
1967年,在拉斯维加斯的凯撒宫殿,他试图要飞跃那里的多个喷泉,结果摔碎了自己的臀、大腿骨、手腕与两个踝关节。 ecocn

It was he who built many of the straight roads and broad squares on which his successors bestowed the Baroque churches and fountains that have been the city's pride ever since.
正是西斯科特修建了笔直的道路和宽阔的广场,他的继任者在广场上增建了巴洛克式教堂和喷泉,自那以后这些就成了罗马的骄傲。 ecocn

It emerged from the sea dripping a trail of green, glistening seaweed; spouts of water gushed in fountains from fields that lent it the sheen of an emerald.
它从海平面冉冉升起,绿色的闪闪发光的海藻纷纷从它身上落下来;喷涌的水注像喷泉一样发出祖母绿的光彩。 yeeyan

It's used for sound-and-light shows, with dancing fountains in the swimming lanes where Michael Phelps won his gold medals.
它被用来声光表演,伴以在迈克尔菲尔普斯获得金牌的泳道中的舞蹈喷泉。 yeeyan

Like Southdale, it has fountains, flowers, piped music and a good selection of underwear.
和南谷购物中心一样,内设喷泉、花卉、管乐和内衣裤精选品。 ecocn

Manicured grass lawns, statuary, fountains, sculptured hedges, and huge beds of gorgeous flowers, all in perfect bloom.
修剪得整齐的草坪,雕像,喷泉,休整的树篱,好大一床非常好看的花簇,都在鲜艳绽放。 yeeyan

PINK sandstone elephants stand to attention on granite plinths. Fountains leap, as more elephants squirt jets of water.
花岗岩底座上整齐地立着几只粉色砂石大象,它们喷出一串串水流,引起喷泉跃动。 ecocn

Such houses are built side by side with no openings between them, but the patios offer space for trees, flowers, and fountains and ensure privacy for the occupants.
这些房子彼此挨在一起,房屋之间没有留下空间,但天井给树木、花草、喷泉及居民的隐私留下了空间。 yeeyan

The Hall is flooded with natural light and provides a great sense of space and tranquillity, with fountains and fish ponds and many wonderful objects.
大厅充满了和谐的自然光,厅里还有喷泉,鱼池和很多美妙的装饰,让人心神安定地沉浸在周遭美好的氛围中。 for68

The hall itself was as long as a football field, lavishly furnished with statues, fountains, colorful inlaid marble and a gilded bronze ceiling.
大厅本身有一个足球场那么长,奢华地布置着雕像、喷泉、色彩斑斓的镶饰大理石以及一个镀金青铜天花板。 edu.sina.com.cn

The exhibition dedicated to those who maintained the fountains in the past.
这个展览室是专门奉献给那些过去维护喷泉的工人的。 yeeyan

The fountains were fully restored in 1949.
这些喷泉在1949年全面修复。 yeeyan

These man-made systems include showers, spa pools, fountains, and air conditioning cooling towers.
这些系统包括淋浴器、矿泉池、喷泉以及空调设备的冷却水塔。 edu.sina.com.cn

Tourists and Romans alike splashed themselves with water from some of the Italian city's famous fountains on Monday as temperatures climbed to33 degrees.
周一的时候,随着气温爬升至33度,游客和罗马人都把意大利城市的著名喷泉的水往自己身上泼。 hxen

Triton's fountains of youth are thought to be volcanoes that erupt a cold lava of water and liquid ammonia, which freeze to cover the surface with fresh ice and erase the signs of age.
特里同上年轻的喷泉被认为是在过去喷发低温岩浆和液态氨的火山,这些岩浆和液态氨结成冰包裹表面,抹掉了年龄的印记。 yeeyan

We were whisked by golf buggy past fountains and manicured gardens to a cool, airy suite overlooking the Atlantic Ocean.
高尔夫球车载着我们走过喷泉和整洁的花园,来到凉爽而通风的套房里,套房窗外可以俯瞰大西洋。 yeeyan

We glitzed up the lobby with a couple of fountains and a bird cage.

We rested, took the metro, visited other fountains, and ate.
我们休息后,搭了地铁去参观其他的喷泉与吃饭。 blog.sina.com.cn

You will see it in the design of a doorway or arch and in the little fountains and quaint balconies.
你可以在门廊或拱门以及小喷泉和古怪有趣的走廊的设计上看见。 ebigear




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