释义 |
ForsaEconomist⁴¹³⁰³⁺² 基本例句 n.福沙在挪威;东经 16º40' 北纬 68º17' Just a quarter of voters who have defected from the CDU want it to become more conservative, notes Manfred Güllner of Forsa, a pollster. 民意测验家 Forsa的负责人居尔纳尔指出从基民盟脱离出来的选民中,仅有四分之一的人希望它更加保守一些。 ecocn Only a fifth of voters want them, says Forsa, a pollster. 民意测验专家 Forsa表示只有五分之一的选民支持这一决定。 ecocn Some62% of Germans want to pull out, the highest level recorded by Forsa, a pollster. 大约62%的德国群众想要撤军,这是民意测验机构福尔萨所记录的最高比例。 ecocn |