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formis 基本例句 福尔米 Reports on the plant introduction of Pinus tabulaeformisCarr.油松引种试验初报。 Contagiousformisthe type that affects persons of all ages and both sexes who aquire it through sexual contact.传染方式是影响人型男女老少谁热量通过性接触感染。 Robinia pseudoacacia was better than Pinus tabulaeformisin enhancing the soil fertility.在树龄相同的条件下刺槐林对土壤培肥效应优于油松林。 The soil under grown-up Pinus tabulaeformisand Robinia pseudoacacia scarcely had CaCO3-Action.成龄油松林和刺槐林土壤几乎无石灰反应; Onthe other hand,condition’sformisgradual to realize mass scale management of agriculture.农业规模经营的渐进性一方面表现在小规模经营由利大于弊走向弊大于利,另一方面表现在实行较大规模的经营不可能在完全具备各种条件之后进行。 |