

单词 formalists
释义 formalistsCOCA⁷⁴⁰²⁹BNC³²⁷¹²
n.拘泥形式的人;形式主义者原型formalist的复数 A new aesthetic horizon emerges, and texts are constituted in a different way, much also as the Russian formalists have said, only with the sense in Jauss of the historical imperative.
新的美学视界产生了,文本就已不同的方式重新组织了,正如俄国形式主义者,与姚斯的历史规则一致的看法。 open.163.com

The newness that the Russian formalists are interested in is not just any newness.
俄国形式主义者并不是对,所有的新奇都感兴趣。 v.163.com

The Russian formalists do this as well.
俄国形式主义者也是这样想的。 open.163.com

The Russian Formalists were sponsors of a revolution in poetics.
俄国形式主义者是诗学革命的发起者。 cnki

The Russian formalists raised the question of literariness to negate the school of historical culture.
当年俄国形式主义提出“文学性”问题,其文化冲动在于对历史文化派的否定; cnki

The formalists regard language as an independent system; the formalists study language in the social context by referring to its social function.
形式主义者把语言当成独立系统研究;功能主义者把语言放在社会功能中研究。 xxdoc

This is not a wasteland of thought by any means, and the Russian formalists are an important part of what's going on.
俄国并不是一座思想的废都,形式主义者是思想界很重要的一个部分。 v.163.com

By the way, if we begin by talking about poetic and practical language, we're beginning where the Russian formalists began.
谈到诗化语言和实用语言,我们就和俄国的形式主义者站到了同一个起点。 v.163.com

In the work Bakhtin concentrated his criticism on Russian Formalists' failures of denying the function of literary evaluation towards reality and neglecting the meanings of literary language.
巴赫金在这部著作中集中批判了俄国形式主义否认文学对现实的评价关系、漠视文学语言的意义的理论偏失。 cnki

It becomes, at certain moments in the evolution of forms according to the Russian formalists, the dominant.
根据俄国形式主义者们的说法,它只是在进化中变成了支配而已。 v.163.com

Russian formalists put their attention to the strange effect from those distorted and deformed words.
俄国形式主义者进行诗歌创作偏重语词的扭曲、变形所带来的陌生化效果。 cnki

So they are still engaged in the hermeneutic enterprise in interpretation The formalists are really relatively indifferent to questions of meaning and to questions of interpretation.
所以,他们感兴趣的仍然是解释学,但是形式主义者对,阐释和含义不感兴趣。 v.163.com

There you would really think the formalists are on thin ice.
你会发现形式主义者的论点在这里如履薄冰。 v.163.com

This is a crucial issue for the Russian formalists, which they handle very boldly.
这是俄国形式主义者的重要论点,他们处理的十分大胆。 v.163.com

Trotsky's Literature and Revolution is a brilliant book, an attack on many things and a defense of certain other things, but in particular and very painfully an attack on the formalists.
列夫,托洛斯基的文学与革命非常精彩,它攻击了许多当时的理论,同时也维护了一些,但是它特别猛烈地攻击了形式主义者。 v.163.com

Formalists research on the definition, structure, plot, ending and narration of short story is unprecedented and it has realistic significance.
俄国形式主义者关于短篇小说的定义、结构、情节、结尾和叙事手法等方面的研究前所未有且具有现实意义。 dictall




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