

单词 fork
释义 fork 英fɔːk美fɔrkAHDfôrk ★★☆☆☆小中高四六研牛4COCA⁴⁸⁸⁰BNC⁷¹³⁸iWeb⁴⁴²¹Economist¹⁴⁷⁹⁶


a thing with long points at one end, that you use for putting food in your mouth


a large tool with points at one end, that you use for digging the ground


a place where a road or river divides into two parts

vi. 分叉

divide into two parts

vt. 走岔路

take one fork of road, path, etc.

vt. 叉; 耙

lift, move, turn soil, grass, etc. with a fork

vt. 支付

pay money

cutlery used for serving and eating foodthe act of branching out or dividing into branchesthe region of the angle formed by the junction of two branches;

they took the south fork

he climbed into the crotch of a tree

an agricultural tool used for lifting or digging; has a handle and metal prongsthe angle formed by the inner sides of the legs where they join the human trunk
lift with a pitchfork;

pitchfork hay

place under attack with one's own pieces, of two enemy piecesdivide into two or more branches so as to form a fork;

The road forks

shape like a fork;

She forked her fingers

fork这个词,在古英语中写作forca,指的是叉干草等用的长柄叉。在餐桌上用的叉子据说是一位名叫Thomas Coryate的人在1601年意大利带到英国来的,他在意大利见别人在餐桌上用过这种叉子。英国人嘲笑他,说他出洋相,剧作家们还在他们的喜剧中送了他个绰号:“带叉子的施行家”。有一点可以完全肯定,17世纪这种餐叉的出现为改善饭食习惯、改变在餐桌上抓取食物的不卫生的方式向前迈出了可喜可贺的一步,因为在那以前用脏手抓取食物是很普遍的现象。
用作名词 n.
动词+~use fork用叉子形容词+~left fork左边的岔道right fork右边的岔道名词+~dinner fork餐叉hay fork干草叉road forks道路的岔口salad fork吃色拉用的叉子table fork餐叉介词+~at the fork在岔口a set of forks一套餐叉~+介词fork at the crossroad路口岔道fork of a river河的分岔fork in a road道路的岔口用作动词 v.~+名词fork hay用叉子叉干草fork the ground叉地~+副词fork out耙出fork over the whole garden耙一下整个花园~+介词fork in manure用耙施肥fork the hay into the wagon用耙子把干草挑进马车里去fork onto耙入
用作名词n.fork in the road

决定性的时刻 point or moment of decision

fork into v.+prep.

耙入 move sth into sth with a fork

fork sth into sthWe have to fork the hay into the wagon.我们将把干草用叉子挑进马车里去。
fork out v.+adv.

〈口〉付钱 pay (money)

fork over v.+adv.

付钱 pay for sth

fork up v.+adv.

付钱 pay for sth

fork sth ⇔ upYou have to dig down deeply to fork up the roots.你得深挖一些才能耙出根来。fork upEvery year the tax man expects us to fork up.每年税收员都等着我们纳税。fork sth ⇔ upHe had to fork up some money again to have his watch repaired.他又要花些钱去修表。联想记忆for给+k音似:客→给客人用的餐具⇒餐叉故事记忆拿着 Fork叉吃着 Pork猪肉近义词 split分裂leave委托branch分部divide划分crotch裆部ramify分枝cleft裂开的diverge分歧forking分叉offshoot分枝junction连接division划分turn off关掉branching分支furcate叉形的silverware银器separate分开的divergence分歧branch off分歧separation分离bifurcation分叉pitchfork干草叉ramification分叉
用作名词n.They usually eat with a knife, fork and spoon.他们通常用刀、叉、勺吃饭。
Set the table with knives and forks.把餐刀和餐叉摆在桌子上。
We use forks for digging the ground.我们用叉子翻地。
Take the right fork.走右边的岔道。
They parted at the fork.他们在岔路口处分手。
We came to a fork in a road, and we couldn't decide whether to take the left or the right.我们走到一条路的岔口,不知该向左拐还是向右拐。用作动词v.
S+~+AThe road forks further ahead.路在前面分岔。
You will see our house just before the road forks.走到道路分岔处,你就会看到我们的房子。
The river forks just before it reaches town.河流正好在流到城市之前分岔了。
S+~+ n./pron.The farmer forked hay.这农民用叉子叉干草。
Fork the bales and lift them onto the wagon.用叉子把草捆挑到马车上去。Phayforkn.干草叉Pbiforkeda.分叉的Pdung-forkn.施肥耙Pforkya.分叉的分歧的Pforkeda.成叉的叉的叉状的Pforkliftn.铲车叉式升降机Ptoasting-forkn.长柄烤面包叉Ppitchforkn.干草叉草靶音叉vt.骤然把…塞进骤然把…抛入






用作名词He stabbed the meat with hisfork/stabbed hisforkinto the meat.他用叉子叉肉。
We came to aforkin the road and could not decide whichforkwe should take.我们来到了岔路口,不能决定走哪一条岔路。
We parted at theforkof a road.我们在叉路口分手。用作不及物动词The riverforkshere.河流从这里分流用作及物动词You shouldforkover the garden before you plant the peas.在播种豌豆之前,你得耙耙地。
In the cork workshop, the workersforkthe pork.在软木车间,工人们用叉子叉猪肉。
We have toforkthe hay into the wagon .我们将把干草用叉子挑进马车里去。
You have to dig down deeply toforkup the roots.你得挖深一些才能耙出根来。verb.go separate ways
同义词 angle,bifurcate,divaricate,diverge,divide,part,splitbranch off,branch out
反义词 agree,combine,connect,join
anglenoun shape formed by two lines meeting at a point
anglesnoun shape formed by two lines meeting at a point
bifurcateverb divide into two branches
bisectverb divide in two
bifurcate,branch off,cleave,cross,cut across,cut in half,cut in two,dichotomize,dimidiate,divaricate,divide in two,fork,furcate,halve,hemisect,intersect,separate,split,split down the middle
boughnoun branch
branchnoun arm, limb
bough,branchlet,bug,detour,divergence,extension,fork,growth,offshoot,prong,scion,shoot,spray,sprig,wing Just like you don’t leave explaining why not to take crumpets out of the toaster with a fork to your child’s teachers, talking about sex is similarly important.
就像你不能把“为什么不把带着叉子的小圆烤饼从面包机里拿出来”的解释留给你的孩子的老师,讨论性的问题是同样的道理。 yeeyan




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