

单词 forgiver
释义 for·giv·er 英fə'ɡɪv美fər'ɡɪv COCA³¹⁵¹¹¹⁺iWeb⁵³⁸⁸⁰
vt. & vi. 原谅; 饶恕

say or feel that one is no longer angry about

vt. 免除

say that sb need not repay sth

stop blaming or grant forgiveness;

I forgave him his infidelity

She cannot forgive him for forgetting her birthday

absolve from payment;

I forgive you your debt


❌ Forgive me to come so late.

✔️ Forgive me for coming so late.

表示“原谅某人做某事”须用forgive sb for sth/ v -ing结构,不可接不定式。

forgive, spare


spare往往指放过不杀,保全性命; forgive则指“宽恕”,饶过某人的过失,不涉及丧命与否。例如:

We forgave our friends' faults.我们宽恕朋友们的过失。直接源自古英语的forgifan,意为不给处置
用作动词 v.
~+名词forgive one's life丧生forgive sb's sin饶恕某人的罪行forgive sb the debt免除某人的债务~+副词forgive easily容易原谅人forgive graciously慈悲为怀forgive heartily宽恕forgive meekly心宽~+介词forgive sb for原谅某人的…forgive sb for a mistake原谅某人的错误forgive sb for being rude原谅某人的鲁莽
forgive for v.+prep.

原谅某人做了某件错事( show mercy to sb for a fault)

forgive sb for sthI'll never forgive you for what you said to me last night.我绝不会宽恕你昨晚对我所说的话。
I will never forgive you for what you have done to me.我永远也不会宽恕你对我所做的事。forgive sb/oneself for v-ingI cannot forgive myself for not seeing my mother before she died.母亲临终前我未去看她,为这件事我永远不会原谅我自己。
I shall never forgive myself for failing to help you when you were in danger.在你遭遇危险的时候,我未能及时帮助你,这是我永远不能饶恕自己的过失。
Can you forgive me for forgetting your birthday?你能原谅我忘了你的生日吗?
Forgive me for misunderstanding you.请原谅,我误解了你的意思。
Forgive me for leaving some of your questions unanswered.请原谅,你有几个问题我没回答。
He forgave her for missing the date.他原谅了她的失约。
An Ming forgave her brother for tearing off a page from her exercise book.安明的弟弟从她练习本上撕了一页,她原谅了他。
He was forgiven for missing the meeting.他没有来开会,得到了大家的谅解。
The family could be forgiven for thinking that we were still in London.家人以为我们还在伦敦也是可以谅解的。forgive and forget

不念旧恶,不记某人的仇 dismiss from one's mind all unkind feelings and the desire to blame and punish sb

近义词 excusepardoncondoneexculpate反义词 blamepunishcensurecondemndiscipline
S+~+AHe is not a man who forgives easily.他不是一个轻易宽恕别人的人。
To error is human, to forgive is divine.犯错是人之常情,宽容才是超凡脱俗。
S+~+ n./pron.I hope you'll forgive me.希望你能原谅我。
Your disciple failed to welcome you. Forgive me.你的徒弟没能迎接你,请原谅我。
Forgive me, but I'm busy at the moment. I can't go out with you.对不起,我现在很忙,不能和你外出。
We may not agree about this, but forgive me,Geoffrey,I think we could at least discuss it.我们在这一点上也许看法不一,但请谅解,乔弗莱,我想,我们对此事起码可以商讨一下吧。
Will you try to forgive me, my dearest, as I forgave you?亲爱的,您能像我原谅您那样地原谅我吗?
I was unkind last night; please forgive me if you can.昨晚我不太礼貌,能否请你原谅。
They forgave their enemies.他们饶恕了敌人。
I forgave his behaviour.我宽恕了他的行为。
We can't forgive his impoliteness.我们不能原谅他的粗鲁。
It was clearly a lymphoma, if you forgave my medical jargon.如果你能谅解我使用医学术语的话,那分明是个淋巴瘤。
You're forgiven.原谅你了。
Your sins will be forgiven.你的罪将被宽恕。
Sins cannot be undone, only forgiven.犯了罪不能说没犯罪,只能求宽恕。S+~+ v -ingI cannot forgive his calling me a liar.他骂我是撒谎者,我不会原谅他。
Jack will never forgive swearing in his presence.杰克绝不会宽恕当着他的面骂人。
S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.He forgave her the awful things she said about him.他原谅了她所说的关于他的那些坏话。
She forgave him his thoughtless remark.她原谅了他那无心的话。
They forgave us our rudeness.他们原谅了我们的无理。
Have you forgiven him his rudeness?你原谅了他的粗鲁吗?
Forgive me my offence.请原谅我的冒失。
Please forgive me my neglect in returning your dictionary.请原谅我的疏忽,没有把字典还给你。
If you forgive men their trespasses, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you.如果你们饶恕他们的过失,你们的天父也必将饶恕你们的过失。
He forgave our friends their faults.他宽恕了我们那些朋友的过失。
I'm surprised that he should agree to forgive you the debt unconditionally.使我感到惊讶的是,他会无条件同意豁免你的债务。
Will you forgive me the debt?你豁免我的债务行吗?
He was forgiven his offences.他的罪被赦免了。


forgive既可用作及物动词,又可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或动名词作宾语,也可接两个直接宾语,变为被动结构时应以人作主语; 用作不及物动词时,通常与介词for连用。

He is not a man whoforgiveseasily.他不是一个肯轻易宽恕人的人。
Iforgavehim his crimes.我饶恕了他的罪行。 And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Farther in heaven may forgiver you your sins.
你们站著祷告的时候,若想起有人的罪你们,就当饶恕他,好叫你们在天上的父也饶恕你们的过犯。 blog.sina.com.cn

The heart of a healthy forgiver is fully aware of how offensive we've been to God and how God has graciously forgiven us.
一个愿意饶恕人的人,内心完全明白我们曾经如何得罪神,以及神如何施恩赦免我们。 blog.sina.com.cn

If you never made a mistake, How would you know that I am a forgiver?
如果你从未犯错,那么你怎么知道他赦免饶恕你? blog.sina.com.cn

So there is a two-directional relationship here between the forgiver and forgiven.
因此,这是一种建立在宽恕者和被宽恕人之间的双向关系。 yeeyan

Talking with his son, the old man was the forgiver of the young man's past wrong donges.
谈到儿子,老人宽恕了年轻人过去所干的坏事。 blog.sina.com.cn

Talking with his daughter, the old man was the forgiver of the girl's past wrong doings.
在和女儿谈话时,老人宽恕了女孩过去干的坏事。 ebigear

The old man was forgiver of the young man's past wrong doings.
老人宽恕了年轻人过去所干的坏事。 sciencenet

You are truly a forgiver when you forgive murderers who never spill blood thieves who never steal, and liars who utter no falsehood.
你若能宽恕那些从不染血的凶手,从不偷窃的窃贼,从不欺骗的骗子,你才是真正的宽容者。 douban




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