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for·feit 英ˈfɔːfɪt美ˈfɔrfɪtAHDfôrʹfĭt ★☆☆☆☆高四研GIST宝八COCA¹⁹⁷⁸⁷BNC³²⁰¹¹iWeb¹¹³⁹¹Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺⁸ 基本双解英英词源搭配记法近义反义句型派生词例句Thesaurus例句 n.没收物¹²;罚金¹⁵;丧失⁵¹vt.没收¹²;丧失adj.丧失了的¹⁰复数forfeits形容词forfeitable名词forfeiter过去分词forfeited现在分词forfeiting三单forfeits 交通掠夺缺乏接受,收回放弃,丧失监禁、没收
v.动词 vt. 因违反协议、犯规、受罚等丧失,失去have sth taken away from one because some agreement or rule has been broken,or as a punishment,or as the result of some action n.名词 C丧失的东西;没收物;代价what must be lost or forfeited for sth;price adj.形容词 P丧失了的;被没收了的taken from one by law as a punishment Noun: something that is lost or surrendered as a penalty;a penalty for a fault or mistake that involves losing or giving up something;the contract specified forfeits if the work was not completed on time the act of losing or surrendering something as a penalty for a mistake or fault or failure to perform etc. Adjective: surrendered as a penalty Verb: lose s.th. or lose the right to s.th. by some error, offense, or crime;you've forfeited your right to name your successor forfeited property for-, 在外面,超过,词源同foreign. -feit, 做,词源同fact.原义为做过头的,越界的,衍生词义犯罪,处罚,没收。pay forfeit money经 付罚金victory by forfeit弃权获胜voluntary forfeit自动弃权forfeited game放弃比赛forfeit one's bail保释后不如期出庭受审…forfeit the good opinion of失掉 … 的好评… GRE红宝书for为了, feit = feet脚-为了脚舒服, 在和老江吃饭的时候, 把鞋脱了, 结果丧失了2年穿鞋的权力, 处以2万元罚金, 并剥夺政治权力终身. 音:罚费;for 因为 + feint 假装,伪装,因为造假,所以没收,丧失;for 废他,废了他 for出去+feit=fec t做→做出去→丧失钱博士for在外面,超过+feit=fact,做→做出格→过错,罪行→因过错或罪行而受罚或被没收财物⇒罚金,没收物for在外面,超过+feit=fact,做→做出格→过错,罪行→因过错或罪行而受罚或被没收财物⇒罚金,没收物GRE难词记忆forfeit → for=away+feit=to do→ to dobeyond, to do wrong→过失→丧失联想记忆for为了+ fei读音:飞+ t → 嫦娥为了飞到月宫而丧失了后羿 ⇒丧失非常记忆for给〖熟词〗+fei肥〖拼音〗+t伞〖编码〗⇒给肥妹的伞被没收了联想记忆for因为+feit看作词根fect,做→因为做错事,所以被处罚→罚款近义词 let让lose丢失loss遗失fine好的slip滑倒forgo放弃waive放弃forego放弃penalty处罚give up放弃pay for偿还benefit利益acquire获得missM-小姐sacrifice牺牲surrender投降punishment惩罚confiscate没收penalization处罚part with和 … 分离throw overboard废除be stripped of撤销职务go without没有 … 也行…forfeiture财产等)没收…let slip偶然泄露(秘密等…forfeited动词forfeit的过去…be deprived of被剥夺, 被夺去…反义词 claim要求 用作动词v. 用作及物动词 S+ ~+n./pron.We can't forfeit the occasion.我们不能失去这个机会。 She forfeited her chance of entering the competition by not posting her form in time.她因为没有及时把表格寄去,从而丧失了参赛的机会。用作名词n.If you lose the game,you will have to pay aforfeit.如果你输了比赛,就得受罚。用作形容词adj. 用作表语 S+be+~The situation was dangerous and she felt her life might beforfeit.形势非常危险,她感到可能会丢掉性命。Pforfeitsn.罚物游戏Pforfeitablea.可没收的Pforfeituren.没收物罚金丧失Pforfeitern.丧失者受没收处分者
动词100% 用作名词He who murders pays theforfeitof his life.杀人者偿命。 If you lose the game, you will have to pay aforfeit.如果你比赛输了,就得受罚。Give me your watch as aforfeit.你输了Her health was theforfeitshe paid for working too hard.她的健康的丧失是辛劳过度所致。用作及物动词Those who move willforfeit50 rupees.动者将罚款50卢比。 Passengers who cancel their reservations willforfeittheir deposit.旅客取消预订票者,定金不予退还。 Heforfeitedhis health due to years of hard work.多年艰苦的劳动使他丧失了健康。 If you don't return the article to the shop within a week, youforfeityour chance of getting your money back.如果你不把物品归还商店,你就丧失了取回钱的机会。 I'll die rather thanforfeitmy pledge to her.我宁可死也不愿背弃我对她的誓言。 If I worked for another car company I wouldforfeitthe money.如果我再到另一家汽车公司工作,那我就得放弃这笔钱。用作形容词All goods may beforfeitto the State in time of war.战时所有的货物都可能被国家徵用。 His lands wereforfeit.他的土地都已被没收。noun.something given as sacrifice 同义词 cost,damages,fine,loss,mulct,penalty,relinquishment 反义词 award,rewardgain,victory,winverb.give up something in sacrifice 同义词 abandon,lose,relinquish,renounce,surrenderdrop,sacrificebe deprived of,be stripped of,give over 反义词 keep,wingain,profit costnoun penalty, sacrifice damage,deprivation,detriment,expense,forfeiture,harm,hurt,injury,loss,suffering damagesnoun cost for problem amends,bill,charge,compensation,expense,fine,forfeit,indemnity,reimbursement,reparation,satisfaction,total damagesnoun cost for problem amends,bills,charges,compensations,expenses,fines,forfeits,indemnities,reimbursements,reparations,satisfactions,totals dropverb abandon;ignore abort,adios,be alienated from,break with,call off,cancel,cast off,cease,desert,discontinue,dismiss,disown,ditch,divorce,dust off,eighty-six,end,forfeit,forget about,forsake,give up,have done with,interrupt,jilt,kick,leave,lose,part from,part with,quit,reject,relinquish,remit,renounce,repudiate,resign,sacrifice,scratch,scrub,separate,shake,stop,terminate,throw over,wash out,waste one,wipe out,write off expensenoun cost, payment amount,assessment,bite,bottom line,budget,charge,consumption,debit,debt,decrement,deprivation,disbursement,duty,expenditure,forfeit,forfeiture,insurance,investment,liability,loan,loss,mortgage,obligation,out of pocket,outdo,outlay,output,overhead,payroll,price,price tag,rate,responsibility,risk,sacrifice,spending,sum,surcharge,tariff,toll,upkeep,use,value,worth finenoun penalty in money amends,amercement,assessment,damages,forfeit,mulct,punishment,reparation,rip Those who miss their classes can forfeit up to a month’s unemployment benefits. 缺课的人最多会被扣一个月的失业救济金作为惩罚。 yeeyan What would these medieval time travelers forfeit if they gave up their wandering and entered society's mainstream? 如果他们放弃漂泊,融入现代社会,这些中世纪的时空旅行者会受到怎样的惩罚呢? yeeyan But the opposition has been reluctant to forfeit short-term advantage or anger privileged insiders—from teachers to television companies—by helping the government pass legislation. 但是反对党并不愿意放弃短期的利益,或这一改革惹怒了帮助政府通过议案的老师、电视公司等在内的特权阶层。 ecocn By contrast, American carers who leave their jobs also forfeit health-insurance and social- security contributions. 与欧洲相反,美国辞工在家的护理人员也免缴医保费及社保费。 ebigear Critics of such policies say that children who grow up in poverty forfeit the chance to prosper as adults, or to become productive workers. 批评削减福利者说,贫困使儿童得不到长大后发展的机会,也得不到成为产业工人的机会。 ecocn If not, then he would forfeit the deal and keep looking for another business opportunity. 不然,他甘愿损不要,接着在别的行业寻找机遇。 yeeyan If firms do fail within, say, five years after a bonus was awarded, then the responsible regulators should have to forfeit a portion of their deferred compensation. 如果奖金发放后五年之内有金融企业破产,那么相关监管人员应当拿出自己的部分延期薪酬。 iciba If man put his country in danger by helping the enemy, his life and possessions were forfeit to the crown. 任何人如帮助敌人危害本国,他的生命财产便被国家没收。 kekenet If you don't return the article to the shop within a week, you forfeit your chance of getting your money back. 如果你不把物品归还商店,你就丧失了取回钱的机会。 kekenet In reaction to religious overreach, we equate tolerance with secularism, and forfeit the moral language that would help infuse our policies with a larger meaning. 在反对宗教泛滥时,我们主张容忍世俗主义的泛滥。这一切从而使我们失去了可以极大程度上帮助我们贯彻政策的道德优势。 ecocn Iodine- deficient people may forfeit15 IQ points, and nearly50 million people suffer from some degree of iodine deficiency- related brain damage. 缺碘者可丧失15分智商,并且有将近5000万人罹患某种程度的与碘缺乏有关的脑损伤。 who Israel provides Britain with much needed intelligence on areas such as Iran which it will be reluctant to forfeit. 在伊朗等问题上,以色列为英国提供急需的情报,这是英国政府不想失去的。 ecocn Making youngsters forfeit part of their productive or educational potential can depress an economy just as heavy government debt or high income taxes do. 年轻人因兵役丧失生产和教育上的潜力,同政府高举债台或者征收重税一样,都会抑制经济。 ecocn One inference was that, if the Palestinians failed to secure a state, Israelis might forfeit theirs too. 一个推论是,如果巴勒斯坦人不能保卫自己的国家,以色列可能会失去他们的国家。 ecocn Pakistanis must understand that they will forfeit some of those rights if they do not meet their obligation to ensure that their territory is not used to shelter terrorists. 巴基斯坦人必须认识到,如果不履行义务、将自己的领土当做恐怖分子的避难所,他们将丧失一些权利。 ecocn Refusing to buy up this year’s wine will mean they forfeit access to next year’s vintage. 拒绝收购今年的葡萄酒意味着他们丧失了明年的收购权利。 ecocn Some worry that, having made big losses, some managers may have lost a bit of nerve—and will forfeit gains if markets rebound. 有些投资者还担心损失太多导致基金经理丧失勇气,就算市场回暖,他们也会错失翻本的机会。 ecocn That's a kind of moral impurity, and his life is forfeit because of that. 它是一种道德的不洁,杀人犯的生活将因此而被没收。163 Those who seek democracy to obtain power, but are ruthless once they do, will forfeit the support of the United States. 那些通过民主获得权利,但是在得到权力之后就放弃民主的人,将会失去美国的支持。 yeeyan |