

单词 foreign debt
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For the region as a whole, unemployment is edging down, real wages are increasing, foreign debt has fallen, the public finances are close to balance and investment and consumption are rising.
整个区域的失业率水平正在缓慢下滑,真实工资水平在上升,外债在减轻,公共财政收支趋于平衡,投资和消费在上升。 ecocn

Between2000 and2008, the ratio of foreign debt to GDP dropped from37% to 20% in Latin America and from28% to 17% in emerging Asia, but jumped from45% to 51% in central and eastern Europe.
在2000到2008年间,就外债占总 GDP的比例来说:拉丁美洲国家从37%减少到了20%;新兴亚洲国家从28%降到了17%;但是中欧和东欧国家从45%上升到了51%。 ecocn

In it, he reiterated his theory, called U.S. foreign debt“ a pyramid scheme,” and predicted China and Russia would usurp Washington's role as a global financial regulator.
在那篇文章中,他反复强调自己的理论,称美国的外债为“一种传销”,并预测中俄将会攫取华盛顿全球金融规则制定者的地位。 yeeyan

Many analysts in the US view foreign debt casually: if needed, America could just print more dollars, but the subsequent financial chaos could ruin the US for years to come.
许多美国分析师认为外债无所谓:如果需要,美国可以印钞票,但是结果在后面若干年的金融混乱将搞垮美国。 blog.sina.com.cn

Yemen has embarked on an IMF- supported structural adjustment program designed to modernize and streamline the economy, which has led to substantial foreign debt relief and restructuring.
也门已经开始实施受国际货币基金支持的结构调整计划以加速经济的现代化和提高效率,使外债负担减轻和结构重组。 ebigear




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