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词汇 Ford Explorer
释义 Ford Explorer
Gloria: It's a redFord Explorerand it was taken from the parking lot behind the movie theater.葛萝莉雅:那是一辆红色的福特探索者,在电影院后面的停车场被偷去。
On more than one occasion, I spotted teenage boys and girls alighting from the driver side of two metre highFord Exploreror Range Rover.我不只一次看到十几岁的孩子从高达两米的“福特开拓者”或“路虎揽胜”的车里下来。
Late New Year's Eve morning, while the family was returning from grocery shopping, a car careened across the center line on U.S. 264 and slammed head-on into theirFord Explorer.去年新年前夜的早晨,全家人从超市购物后开车回家,一辆汽车倾斜着冲过264号公路的中线与他们的福特探索者汽车正面相撞。
New, oversized cars such as theFord Explorerand Toyota Tacoma ply the streets but, like other vehicles are caught in the daily traffic jams that snake through the capital.像福特探索者,或是丰田塔科马这样的新型大排量汽车频现街道,但更多车辆每日都陷于首都拥堵的道路之中。
Louisville Assembly, home of theFord Explorermid-size SUV, is slated to start production of yet more unique small vehicles from the automaker's global C-car platform the following year.路易斯工场,福特中型开拓者suv的发源地,明年可能会生产更多的全系列c型车。




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