

单词 foot
释义 foot 英fʊt美fʊtAHDf‹t ★★★★★常小中高研I牛4COCA⁴⁰³BNC¹²⁵²iWeb⁶⁰²Economist³⁷⁴⁸


the movable part of the body at the end of the leg, below the ankles, on which a person or animal stands


the part of a sock or stocking that covers the foot


particular manner of walking; step


the bottom part or lower end


a measure of length equal to 12 inches or about 0.305 metres

vt. 走,踏


vt. & vi. 结算; 总计,共计

pay the cost of sth

the part of the leg of a human being below the ankle joint;

his bare feet projected from his trousers

armored from head to foot

a linear unit of length equal to 12 inches or a third of a yard;

he is six feet tall

the lower part of anything;

curled up on the foot of the bed

the foot of the page

the foot of the list

the foot of the mountain

the pedal extremity of vertebrates other than human beingslowest support of a structure;

it was built on a base of solid rock

he stood at the foot of the tower

any of various organs of locomotion or attachment in invertebratestravel by walking;

he followed on foot

the swiftest of foot

a member of a surveillance team who works on foot or rides as a passengeran army unit consisting of soldiers who fight on foot;

there came ten thousand horsemen and as many fully-armed foot

prosody a group of 2 or 3 syllables forming the basic unit of poetic rhythma support resembling a pedal extremity;

one foot of the chair was on the carpet

pay for something;

pick up the tab

pick up the burden of high-interest mortgages

foot the bill


let's hoof it to the disco

add a column of numbers

❌ Marathon runners are prone to stress fractures and a large number of feet ailments.

✔️ Marathon runners are prone to stress fractures and a large number of foot ailments.



❌ He left the bed to the old man and lay at foot of the bed himself.

✔️ He left the bed to the old man and lay at the foot of the bed himself.

at the foot of…是固定词组,不能省略定冠词the。


❌ She gave me the impression that she had a foot in the grave.

✔️ She gave me the impression that she had one foot in the grave.

“一只脚进坟墓入土半截”,英语的说法是have one foot in the grave,不能把one改成a。


❌ The spy was arrested as soon as he set a foot on the country.

✔️ The spy was arrested as soon as he set foot on the country.

set foot on是习惯用语,意思是“走进,进入”, foot前不可加不定冠词a。


❌ I like to go to school by foot.

✔️ I like to go to school on foot.


❌ They made the journey by foot.

✔️ They made the journey on foot.


❌ They went by foot while we drove.

✔️ They went on foot while we drove.

“步行”应该说on foot,而不是by foot。


❌ We decide to walk to the museum on foot.

✔️ We decide to go to the museum on foot.

walk本身就是go on foot的意思,再与 on foot连用句意重复,所以应该去掉其中之一。

at the foot of, at the feet of

两者意思不同:at the foot of意为“在…的底部,在…的基部”; 而at the feet of的意思是“在某人脚下或支配下”“拜倒在…脚下”。例如:

My native village stands at the foot of the mountain.我出生的那个小村庄坐落在山脚下。
They fell down at the feet of their enemy.他们向敌人屈服了。on foot, on one's feet

两者意思不同:on foot意思是“步行; 进行起来,在筹划中”,而on one's feet意思是“站着,站起来; 痊愈”。

用作名词 n.
动词+~break one's foot弄伤脚carry sb off his foot使某人极度兴奋cut the foot to fit the shoe削足适履fall on one's foot安然脱险,运气好find one's foot开始能走路,能独立行动,适应新环境get a foot in在…中找机会参加get cold foot害怕,胆战心寒,临阵畏缩,畏缩不前get to one's foot站起来go on foot步行去have cold foot害怕,胆战心寒,临阵畏缩,畏缩不前have one foot in the grave已是风烛残年,离死不远have two left foot极其拙笨hurt one's foot弄伤脚keep one's foot站住脚land on one's foot运气不错,化险为夷put a foot wrong做一件错事,说一句错话put one's foot down坚决,坚定,行动果断,坚决反对,坚定不移地干put one's foot in one's mouth说错话,做错事put one's foot up双脚平搁起来休息put one's best foot forward飞速地向前,全力以赴rise to one's foot站起来set foot踏上,进入set foot on Chinese soil踏上中国国土set on foot开始,发动spring to one's foot跳着站起来stand on one's own foot自力更生,自立struggle to one's foot挣扎着站起来sweep sb off his foot使某人大为激动warm one's foot暖脚wash one's foot洗脚形容词+~broken foot骨折的脚,受伤的脚light foot脚步轻naked foot赤脚,光脚wounded foot受伤的脚名词+~club foot先天畸形足~+名词foot brake脚刹车foot carrier步行邮递员foot drop足下垂foot's pace步行速度介词+~at the foot of在…下部,在…脚下at the foot of page在一页的下端at the foot of the grave墓脚下at the foot of the hill山脚下at the foot of the mountain山脚下at the foot of the statue雕像脚下at the foot of the table桌子脚下beyond a few feet数英尺以外from head to foot从头到脚the pain in one's foot脚痛on foot步行,在进行中on one's foot站着,起立回答等,痊愈,复原set a plan on foot实施计划under foot脚下用作动词 v.~+副词foot up把…加在一起,结算foot up all items把各项加起来foot up an account结算账目foot up to加起来共
用作名词n.catch on the wrong foot

〈口〉使人措手不及 catch sb off balance

catch sb on the wrong footThe boss caught me on the wrong foot when he asked where I was yesterday when I should have been at work.老板问我昨天上班时间到哪里去了,这使我措手不及。dead on one's feet

〈俚〉疲惫不堪 exhausted

drag one's feet

拖延不走,迟迟不行动; 故意拖拉 delay purposely

feel one's feet

感到有把握或有信心 be sure about sth

find one's feet

会走路; 适应新环境 be able to walk; be accustomed to new surrounding

get a/one's foot in〔into〕 the door

〈口〉得到机会接受; 获得机会参加 gain acceptance〔admission〕 to an organization, etc.

have〔keep〕 a foot in both camps

脚踏两只船 deal with both parties in a dispute

have one foot in the grave

一只脚踏进了坟墓,风烛残年 be very ill; be very old

keep one's feet

站住不倒 remain upright

keep one's feet clean of

不介入 not to take part in sth

land〔fall〕 on one's feet

运气不错,化险为夷 have a good luck

let grass grow under one's feet

懒惰,不做事 be lazy; do nothing

my foot

〈俚〉算了吧,去你的吧 certainly not

on foot

步行; 进行起来,在筹划中 walking; in the planning

on one's feet

站着,站起来; 痊愈 standing; being cured

put a foot wrong

做一件错事,说一句错话 make a mistake

put one's best foot forward

〈口〉全力以赴 begin to do sth purposefully

put one's foot down

坚持 insist

set foot in〔on〕

进入; 踏上 enter〔go〕 somewhere (for the first time)

stamp one's foot

气得直跺脚 display anger

stand on one's own feet

〈非正〉不依赖他人,自立 be independent

under foot

脚底下; 在某人权势下 at the foot of sb/sth; under sb's control

under sb's foot〔feet〕

完全受某人控制 being totally controlled

foot up v.+adv.

结算 pay the cost

foot sth ⇔ upThe waiter footed up our bill.服务员结算了我们的账单。
foot up to v.+adv.+prep.

共计,加起来 add together

foot up to sthThe expenses foot up to 50 yuan .费用共计五十元。
His debts foot up to a huge sum.他欠的债加起来是一笔巨款。非常记忆f佛〖编码〗+oo望眼镜〖象形〗+t踢〖编码〗⇒佛拿着望眼镜不断地踢脚小学英语速记联想记忆:吃完美味的食物food,双脚foot更有力气了近义词 it它of关于pick拾hoof 蹄end结束base底部walk步行seat座位part部分body身体march行军sole独占的kicker踢者bottom底部heel脚后跟leg it徒步hoof it步行pes动物足hike徒步旅行lowest最低的infantry步兵fundament基础foundation根基groundwork基础understructure基础substructure底部构造foot up把 … 加在一起…FT傅里叶变换=Fouri…反义词 horse马head头部
用作名词n.His foot has gone to sleep.他的脚麻木了。
A man has two feet.人有两只脚。
A dog has four feet.狗有四足。
I hurt my left foot.我弄伤了左脚。
He slowly eyed me from head to foot.他从头到脚慢慢地打量着我。
The two children eyed the stranger from head to foot.那两个孩子把陌生人从头到脚打量了一番。
He has a light foot.他脚步轻快。
One old woman walked with heavy foot up the stairs.一个老妇人步履蹒跚地走上楼梯。
He is six foot two.他身高六英尺二寸。
The height of the bar is now five foot and two inches.杆已升到5英尺2英寸。
Twelve inches make a foot.12英寸为一英尺。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.As there's no cab,I have to foot it.没有了出租车,我不得不步行。
The celebration cost hundreds of pounds, and I wonder who's going to foot the bill.庆祝会花费了数百英镑,我想知道谁来负担这笔费用。Pgumfoot警察Pfootpedal踏板Pwebfootn.蹼足Pfoot-board踏板Pfoot-tonn.尺吨Pfootgearn.鞋袜Pfootmarkn.足迹Pfootnoten.脚注Pfootracen.竞走Pforefootn.前脚Ptip-foot马蹄足Pcoltsfootn.款冬Pfootclothn.地毯Pfootprintn.足迹Pfootstonen.基石Pfootstooln.脚凳Pstumpfoot畸形足Pbarefoota.赤脚的Pbumblefoot禽掌炎Pclubfootn.畸形足Pfoot-plate足底跖Pfoot-poundn.尺磅Pfootrestn.搁脚物Pinfooted趾内向的Poverfoot多计总额Psub-footings小结Pswell-foot足踝肿Pfoot-warmer暖脚器Pfootboyn.小仆小厮Pfootbrake脚踏煞车Pfootcandlle尺烛光Pfootdrill脚踏钻床Pfootlathe脚踏车床Pfootmann.马夫仆役Pfootpadn.拦路强盗Phollow-foot弓形足Phorsefoot马蹄样足Psingle-footn.单步Pcrowfootn.毛茛玉柏Pfootbathn.洗脚脚盆Pfootbridgen.人行桥Pfoothilln.山麓小丘Pfootprinting足迹法Pfootsorea.伤了脚的Pfootsurea.脚跟稳的Pfootwearn.鞋类靴类Phead-to-foot顶到底Prabbitfootn.兔后足Pskewfoot内收内翻跖Psplit-foot足裂裂足Pweb-footeda.蹼足的Blackfootn.黑脚族人; Pfootplaten.踏板地板Pfootsien.脚调戏挑逗Pfootstalkn.叶柄花梗Pfootwayn.小路人行道Pfour-footeda.四足的Pgoosefootn.藜属植物Prefootvt.换基脚换底Pclawfoot爪形足弓形足Pflatfootn.扁平足警察Pfootballn.足球橄榄球Pcross-footing交叉核对Pcrossfoot内翻足足内翻Pfoot-candlen.英尺烛光Pfoot-phenomenon踝阵挛Pfootcandlen.英尺-烛光Pfootslogvi.费力地步行Pfleet-footeda.走路快的Pfootfalln.脚声踏步脚步Pswift-footeda.脚步快的Pfootlightn.脚光舞台生涯Pfootya.无足轻重的蹩脚的Psoft-footeda.轻轻行走的Pfeather-footeda.脚步轻的Pfootern.墩基墙基足球比赛Pfootlockern.军人用床脚柜Pfootpathn.步道人行道小路Pfootropen.帆底边索踏脚索Pfootstepn.脚步脚步声足迹Poutfootvt.驶得比…快比…快Punderfootad.在脚下碍事地Pclub-footeda.弯脚的畸足的Pfootholdn.立足处据点根据地Prough-footeda.脚上有羽毛的Psix-footern.身高六英尺的人Pfootballern.足球员足球选手Pfootboardn.踏脚板放脚台竖板Pfootingn.站稳立足点立场关系Pslow-footeda.速度慢的缓步的Psplayfootn.八字脚a.八字脚的Pfooteda.有脚的脚步…的有…脚的Plight-foota.脚步轻快的轻盈的Pfungus-foot足霉菌病足分支菌病Pfoot-candle-metern.英尺烛光计Pfoot-cells足细胞塞尔托利氏细胞Pfootlessa.无足的无基础的笨拙的Pheavy-footeda.动作迟钝的冗长的Plight-footeda.脚步轻快的轻盈的Ptanglefootn.烈酒蹩脚的威士忌酒Pcat-footvi.象猫似地偷偷摸摸前进Pfootagen.英尺长度英板尺连续镜头Pbarefooteda.光着脚的ad.光着脚地Pfootpacen.一般的步行速度梯台步测Pfootworna.走得脚累的被脚踏坏了的Ptender-footn.艰苦地区的新来者新手Pfootworkn.脚的动作脚力现场采访活动Ptenderfootn.新来者新手生手无经验者Ppussyfootern.抱骑墙态度者禁酒主义者Pwing-footeda.快步如飞的飞快的迅速的Pcrossfooting交叉合计交叉验算行未脚注Psurefooteda.脚踏实地的稳健的准没错的Pflat-footeda.扁平足的断然的直截了当的Pflat-footn.平脚有半脚缺陷的人穿制服的巡警Pfootlinga.无能的无价值的无用的缺乏判断力的Pfootloosea.自由自在的能做所要做的不受束缚的Ppussyfootvi.蹑行抱骑墙态度n.抱骑墙态度者禁酒Pafoota.徒步的在进行中的活动中的ad.徒步在进行中Pfootlen.废话傻话愚蠢的做法呓语呆话vi.说呆话做笨事



foot作“足部”解时一般用单数形式; 作“底部,底座”解时是单数名词,并常与定冠词the连用; 作“脚步,步伐”解时为不可数名词,其后常接介〔副〕词短语。

foot还可以用作长度单位,意思是“英尺”,有时可采用零复数形式,即单数形式表示复数意义,表示“每英尺”时, foot前加a而不加one。



foot用作动词的意思是“走,踏”,也可作“结算; 总计,共计”解。



用作名词I apologized to her for stepping on herfoot.我因踩了她一脚向她道歉。
I hurt myfootwhile playing football.在踢足球时,我的脚受伤了。
They sank the post twofeetdeep in the ground.他们把这根柱子在地下埋了两英尺深。
I missed the target by onefoot.我差一英尺就击中目标。
The waves wash thefootof the cliffs.波浪拍打断崖底部。
They camped at thefootof the mountain.他们在山脚下露营。
He sat on thefootof the bed.他坐在床脚处。用作动词Wefootit all the night.我们跳了一整夜的舞。
We have missed the last bus,so we'll have tofootit.我们没有赶上最后一班公共汽车,只有步行了。
We decided tofootit over to the convenience store.我们决定步行去便利店。
I suppose Jim willfootthe bill as usual.我想吉姆会像往常一样付账的。
Let mefootthe bill,if you don't mind.如果你不介意,就让我付账吧。
He wildly stamped the chair with hisfoot.他粗野地把一只脚踏在椅子上。
I stepped in a puddle and got myfootwet.我踏进一个小水潭,把脚弄湿了。
His debtsfootup to a huge sum.他欠的债加起来是一笔巨款。
The expensesfootup to 50 dollars.费用共计50美元。noun.extremity of an animate being
同义词 hoof,pad,paw
反义词 head,lidnoun.base of an object
同义词 bottom,foundation,nadir,pierlowest point
反义词 head,top
ambulateverb walk about
amble,foot it,move about,pace,perambulate,step,traipse,walk
appendagenoun a subsidiary part, as a limb
basenoun foundation
basisnoun physical foundation
base,bed,bottom,foot,footing,ground,groundwork,rest,resting place,seat,substructure,support
bottomnoun foundation
base,basement,basis,bed,bedrock,deepest part,depths,floor,foot,footing,ground,groundwork,lowest part,nadir,nether portion,pedestal,pediment,rest,seat,substratum,substructure,support,terra firma,underbelly,underneath,underside
buttnoun end, shaft
base,bottom,edge,extremity,fag end,foot,fundament,haft,handle,hilt,shank,stock,stub,stump,tail,tip If it shows the entire sole of our foot with little to no curve on the inside, it means you have low arches or flat feet and tend toward over- pronation your feet roll inward.
如果脚印描出你的整个脚底,内测几乎没有任何曲线,就表示你的足弓较低或属于扁平足,倾向于过度内旋(你的脚往内翻。 i21st

It's like an agile athlete balancing on one foot: They constantly adjust and realign themselves, but these adjustments are virtually unnoticeable in the context of the performance.
这就像一只脚平衡的灵活的运动员:他们不断地调整并重新校准自己,但这些调整在性能的情况下实际上是不明显的。 ibm

Legend has it that a student once asked a medieval rabbi if he could, while standing on one foot, tell the questioner all he needed to know about being a good person.
有个故事是这样的:一名学生请教一位中世纪拉比,当时这位拉比正在练单脚站立,学生问拉比能否告诉他如何才能做一个好人。 yeeyan




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