fog the bathroom mirror
fog the bathroom mirror
He was a priest,a sage,and a man
He was a progressive thinker
He was a puppet maker
He was a puppet to be played by others
He was a pure abolitionist
He was a quasi actor
He was a quasi artist
He was a quiet and gentle man
He was a rather hard lot
He was a real bastard
He was a real gentleman
He was a real gentleman,first and last
He was a real gentleman, first and last
He was a real laugh-such fun to be with
He was a real sensation as Hamlet
He was a real sport
He was a rebel rising against the oppressor
He was a reformist
He was a reformist,every bit of him
He was a regular visitor
He was a Rhodes scholar
He was armed with a bow and arrow
He was aroused from his nap by the doorbell
He was arraigned for high treason
He was arraigned for murder
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更新时间:2024/11/12 0:09:44