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词汇 FM signal
释义 FM signal
This thesis analyzes the AM andFM signaland give a actual realization of software radio receiver.本论文对输入的调频和调幅信号的解调进行了具体的分析。
ChaoticFM signalis similar to random signal.It has good Electronic Counter-Counter Measure capabilities.混沌调频信号类似随机信号,具有较强的抗干扰性能。
Such noise generally affects the amplitude of a radio wave But not its frequency, so anFM signalremains virtually unchanged.噪音信号只影响无线电波的振幅而不影响其频率,因此,调频信号可以基本上保持不变。
As the pressure of the pregnant woman s abdomen would change if the foetus move, theFM signalis gotten by using pressure sensor.针对胎动发生时引起母体腹壁压力改变这一生理特性,首先利用压力传感器从母腹部提取胎动信号并经采样至计算机内;
The frequency spectrum of an actualFM signalhas components extending out to infinite frequency, although they become negligibly small beyond a point.在模拟应用中,载波的频率跟随输入信号的幅度直接成等比例变化。在数字应用领域,载波的频率则根据数据序列的值作离散跳变,即所谓的频率键控。
Synchronous FM System provides broadcasters with continuous program coverage along highways or within a region under-served by a singleFM signal.摘要调频同步广播系统是仅使用一个频率,实现地域覆盖或高速路线性覆盖的调频传输系统。




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