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词汇 FML
释义 FMLBNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
I already owed20 dollars and haven't been able to talk for more FML than five minutes without getting called out on it FML.

FML Today, I went over to surprise my girlfriend of two years with flowers and dinner at her apartment.
FML今天,拿着鲜花和晚餐,打算给我认识了两年的女友一个惊喜。 lyoop

FML Today, I went to my first strip club for my friends birthday. I also found out what my girlfriend does for a living.
FML今天,为了给我哥们庆祝生日我们第一次来到了脱衣舞俱乐部。我也发现了我的女友的工作是什么。 lyoop

FML Today, while I was out to eat, I was approached by the restaurant manager.
FML今天,我在外面吃饭的时候,饭店经理来找我谈话。 lyoop

FML Today, I was driving on the freeway when I get a call from my friend explaining that our two best friends died in a car accident.
FML今天,我在高速上开车的时候接到了一个电话,得知了我两个最好朋友因交通事故而死。 lyoop

FML Today, I was feeling sick and having trouble breathing easily.
FML今天,我感觉有点病了,呼吸很不舒畅。 lyoop

FML Today, I was laying in bed naked and blindfolded.
FML今天,我裸身躺在床上,被蒙上了眼罩。 lyoop

FML Today, I was taking a shower with my new boyfriend for the first time.
FML今天,我第一次和我的新男友一起淋浴。 lyoop

FML Today, I asked my boyfriend to come over for dinner because I had some big news.
FML今天,我让我男朋友来我家吃饭因为我有个大消息要告诉他。 lyoop

FML Today, I asked my parents to sign for me to enlist in the military. They asked me how much money the government gives them if I die.
FML今天,我拜托我父母帮我报名加入军队。结果他们问我的是如果我死了,政府能补贴多少钱。 lyoop

FML Today, I came home early from work to surprise my son with a new mountain bike for his birthday.
FML今天,我提前下班回家,买了辆新的山地车来给他个生日惊喜。 lyoop

FML Today, I caught my little brother peeping at my friend getting dressed in the bathroom.
FML今天,我在我的小弟弟偷看我朋友在卫生间换衣服的时候把他抓了个正着。 lyoop

FML Today, I found out just how thin the walls at my new student flat are.
FML今天,我才发现我的新学生宿舍的墙,是多么的薄。 lyoop

FML Today, I got a call from the hospital that my fiance was in the ER.
FML今天,我接到一个电话说我的未婚夫被送进了急救室。 lyoop

FML Today, I handed my PhD dissertation, which I have spent the past year researching and writing full- time.
FML今天,我上交了我的博士论文,我花了半年的时间做调查来写这篇论文。 lyoop

FML Today, I saw a lesbian couple walking through the mall.
FML今天,我看到了一对女同性恋在购物中心里逛。 lyoop

FML Today, I text ed my boyfriend to see if he wanted to finally have sex today.
FML今天,我发短信给我的男友,问他到底想不想今天来亲热。 lyoop

FML Today, I text ed my boyfriend of6 months saying that I was in the mood, and that I was in bed, and naked.
FML今天,我给我6个月的男友发了条短信说我很想要,而且我躺在床上光着身子。 lyoop

FML Today, I was arrested because my6 year old son called the police saying that I was hitting my wife and that she was crying.
FML今天,我被逮捕了,因为我6岁的儿子打电话叫警察,说我把我的妻子打得哭了。 lyoop

FML Today, I was running late for work so instead of walking the ten minutes to the office, I took a taxi.
FML今天,我上班要迟到了,所以我没去走那十分钟的路程而是打了辆出租车。 lyoop

FML Today, I was sifting through my parents old home movies.
FML今天,我在翻看我父母的旧的家庭录像。 lyoop

FML Today, I was walking from my office to the place i had parked my car, a distance of approximately three blocks.
FML今天,我得从我的办公室走到我停车的地方,距离大概有三个街区远。 lyoop

FML Today, I woke up to find that my dog was missing.
FML今天,我醒来以后发现我的狗丢了。 lyoop

FML Today, I'm playing basketball with my little brother.
FML今天,我在和我的小弟弟打篮球。 lyoop

FML Today, my cat was in the bathroom with me.
FML今天,我的猫和我一起在浴室里。 lyoop

FML Today, my parents won't stop bragging about how my sister is dating the captain of her high school football team. I just got accepted to law school.
FML今天,我父母不停地吹嘘说我妹妹正在和学校美式足球队队长约会。我刚刚被法学院录取。 lyoop

FML Today, my tampon string was hanging from my bathing suit. My boyfriend thought it was a thread hanging from my bikini bottom. He publicly pulled out my tampon.
FML今天,我卫生棉在我的泳装旁边露出了一点点。我男友以为那是我比基尼多余的线头。于是乎他在大庭广众之下把我的卫生棉拉了出来。 lyoop

FML Today, my wife is divorcing me because she wants to party more with her friends alone.
FML今天,我老婆要和我离婚因为她想和她的狐朋狗友们多玩一玩。 lyoop

FML Today, was the first time my boyfriend slept over.
FML今天,是我的男友第一次来我家过夜。 lyoop




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