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fm. 基本英英搭配近义反义例句例句 abbr.=fathom
Noun: modulation of the frequency of the radio carrier wavea radioactive transuranic metallic element produced by bombarding plutonium with neutrons FM transmitter调频发射机FM wave调频波FM laser调频激光器FM noise调频噪声FM broadcast调频广播fm receiver调频收音机,档接受器…fm radar档雷达 近义词 frequency modulation调频fermium〈化〉镄(放射性元素… The headphone cord functions as theFMantenna.耳机导线也具有FM天线的功能。 Auditory Trainers or WirelessFMHearing Systems?语训器,还是无线调频辅听系统? AM/FMstereo synthesizer tuner.FM立体声合成调谐器. I like the stereo music program ofFM97.4.我喜欢调频97.;4的立体声音乐节目。 I can get lots ofFMstations on this radio.用这台收音机我能收到很多调频电台。 Both can be used to tune in to anFMstation.均可用于调出fm电台 The proliferation of FM radio and multichannel television in emerging markets is also driving revenues from copyrights. 在新兴市场, FM广播和多频道电视的发展也在剥夺着版权的收益。 url.cn The composite video signal is transmitted as an AM signal and the sound as an FM signal on these channels. 在每个频道中,组合视频信号被当作调幅 AM信号传输,声音信号作为 FM调频信号传输。 yeeyan The number of people listening to short- wave radios has been dropping fast, while a growing number now listen online or via local FM re-transmissions. 收听短波电台的听众人数急剧下降,相反在线收听或者通过当地调频接受的用户不断增加。 ecocn The station I listen to most often is on FM. 我最常听的广播电台是在调频网。 ebigear The style of programmes was innovative and pioneering, we moved from rather didactic sounding programmes to an FM friendly sound to attract the radio stations. 节目形式新颖而富有创意,我们从说教式的节目转向更适于在调频台播放的内容,以吸引广播电台的参与。 putclub Time the beam right and the star could be turned, in effect, into an FM transmitter—broadcasting to the universe on the underlying carrier-wave of the Cepheid's pulsati on. 精确调制中微子束实际上能够将这些恒星变成 FM发射器,使用造父变星的脉冲作为基础载波对整个宇宙进行广播。 yeeyan “ But it has Bluetooth, GPS, Wi- Fi, FM radio, a digital video camera, hundreds of games, even a voice recorder,” says Liu. 不过,这个手机有蓝牙, GPS,无线网卡, FM收音机,一个数码摄像机,数百个游戏,甚至还可以录音。 yeeyan “ Something terrible is happening there. Tens of people are being dragged out on stretchers, on trolleys,” he told City FM radio. 他告诉城市调频广播的记者说:“那里景象很惨,数十人被担架和轮椅抬出。” yeeyan A fail- safe way to prevent FM access in every scenario is required and described in the remainder of this document. 需要一种能够在每个场景中防止 FM访问的可靠方法,本文档余下的部分描述此方法。 ibm Again it is not sufficient to limit physical access to FM or SDK applications. 仅仅限制对 FM或 SDK应用程序的物理访问同样是不够的。 ibm Another way of confounding the authorities is to build portable FM radio stations. 挫败强权的另一方法,是建立便携式调频无线电台。 yeeyan As an engineering student, it was more exciting and satisfying when my radio received FM signals than when I got all the answers right in paper tests. 作为一名工程技术专业的学生来说,与测验拿满分相比,自己动手制作的收音机能收到调频信号更令人兴奋和满足。 kekenet Big transmitters were costly; podcasts and webcams, FM radio and cable television are cheap and often open to all【3】. 大型发射设备耗资巨大,播客和网络摄像头以及调频广播和有线电视则更为便宜,而且往往对大众开放【3】。 ecocn Determined that FM radio would never succeed, Armstrong jumped from the13th floor of his apartment in 1954. 由于确信他的调频收音机不会成功,1954年,阿姆斯特朗从他位于13层的房间纵身跃下。 yeeyan He first began work on the idea of FM radio at university, and patented his idea in1914. 在大学期间他就开始研究调频收音机,并于1914年获得专利。 yeeyan If the problem were simply technical, it would presumably be soluble; an army bristling with space- age gadgetry must be capable of jamming a crude FM transmitter. 如果这只是技术问题,大概不难解决;配备着众多太空时代装备的部队,肯定能干扰粗糙的调频收音机收发信号。 ecocn In fact, due to their lower frequency, at similar RF exposure levels, the body absorbs up to five times more of the signal from FM radio and television than from base stations. 事实上,由于频率较低,在射频接触水平相同的情况下,人体从调频收音机和电视吸收的信号比从基台吸收的信号要多四倍。 who Similarly, India is about to auction off FM radio spectrum and the competition is expected to be fiercest for the big cities, says N. 萨布拉马尼说,与此类似,印度即将拍卖 FM无线电频段,而据预计针对大城市的竞拍将会是最激烈的。 ecocn Some of these players also include FM radios. 一些这类播放器也有 FM收音机。 ebigear The only downside is that he works out every day at the gym, where cardio machines face TVs that broadcast sound over FM radio. 唯一不足的是,在他每天锻炼的健身房里,锻炼心脏的健身器材对面,电视是通过调频播放声音的。 yeeyan The user can add FM to the system, that is the complete saving and establishing of cryptographic information. 这个用户可以在系统中添加 FM,这会完整地保存并建立密码学信息。 ibm This unit has auto- reverse, recording capability, and an AM/ FM radio band. 这一台有自动回带,录音功能,和接收 AM/ FM波段的收音机。 examw Time the beam right and the star could be turned, in effect, into an FM transmitter—broadcasting to the universe on the underlying carrier-wave of the Cepheid’s pulsati on. 只要恰当地控制粒子束的照射时间,该恒星将有效地成为一台调频电台——以“造父变星”的脉冲为基础载波向宇宙广播。 ecocn FM radio: Another one that was highly unlikely, but again, we know there are some who want it. 调频广播:另一个非常不切实际的期望,但同样的,我们知道有些人希望新操作系统中有这个功能。 yeeyan |