

单词 flutist
释义 flut·ist 英ˈfluːtɪst美ˈflutɪstAHDfl›“tĭst ☆☆☆☆☆高四八COCA⁵⁷⁵⁴⁷BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²iWeb⁴¹⁵³⁸
someone who plays the flute来自flute, 笛子。flautist吹长笛者
钱博士flute长笛+ist专业人士→吹长笛的人⇒笛手flute长笛+ist专业人士→吹长笛的人⇒笛手。近义词 musician音乐家flautist吹长笛者

用作名词A fruit fly flew through the flute and into the throat of the frightenedflutist.果蝇通过烟管飞进吓坏了的笛手的咽喉。
The enchanting performance of the bull sent the demon into ecstasies, and he asked theflutistto tell him what he desired.公牛迷人的表演把魔鬼变得入迷,他要笛手告诉他到底想要什么。 He undertook the chief flutist of the China Boyish, Youth Philharmonic and completed much internal and external performance successfully.
王伟先后担任中国少年、青年交响乐团的长笛首席,均出色完成了国内外的一系列演出任务。 kinhai.net

The enchanting performance of the bull sent the demon into ecstasies, and he asked the flutist to tell him what he desired.
公牛迷人的表演把魔鬼变得入迷,他要笛手告诉他到底想要什么。 chinaufo.com

Native American flutist, A. Brent Chase performs with celestial soundscapes musician Gerald Jay Markoe to create music that is grounded in the earth yet connected to the stars.
原住民长笛家 A。布瑞蔡斯,以及擅长创造神圣景致的音乐家杰拉杰马寇,共同演奏出这张立足地球、仰触星辰的音乐作品。 blog.sina.com.cn

The orchestra member kept on playing, but all during the first act of the opera Arditi's attention was divided between the score and the growing lump on the flutist's head.
乐队成员们继续演奏。但在歌剧整个第一幕的演奏过程中,长笛手头上持续变大的肿块不断地分散着阿迪蒂看乐谱的注意力。 dict




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