

单词 flunkeys
释义 flunkeys ˈflʌŋkiz BNC⁸⁶⁶⁶⁰⁺
n.穿制服的仆役;谄媚者flunkey的复数形式原型flunkey的复数 May scientists please not laugh at me. The reason I believed there was still room for improvement on the world was that there were despicable flunkeys in it .
请科学家们不要见笑,我以为世界之所以还大有待于改进者,全因为有这些奴才的缘故。 jukuu

In a country where officials often have flunkeys to hold their umbrellas, the image of a U. S. president keeping his own head dry was poignant.
在中国这样一个常常有随从给官员撑伞的国家,一位美国总统自己打伞的画面非常有力。 iciba

Then, with all my subjects gone, I would no longer be the king of flunkeys.
我将没有一个臣民,我将不再是奴才们的君主。 dioenglish




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