

单词 flower shop
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It's easy to keep your vagina clean without making it smell like a flower shop.
如果你不想让阴部闻起来像花店一样的芬芳,只是想保持阴部清洁,那么还是挺容易的。 yeeyan

Meanwhile, he was also busy searching the nearby flower shop so that we could buy Mr. Chen some flowers.
司机一边骄傲着,一边还要左顾右盼,忙着找路旁哪儿有花店,以方便我们给陈先生买鲜花。 ecocn

The Audrey II doesn't directly generate any money for Mushnik's Flower Shop.
奥黛丽二世并没有直接为穆希尼的花店带来收益。 yeeyan

The flower shop charges me a fortune to deliver them on the day but it is worth the smile that she will meet me with tonight.
花店当天送达服务收费颇,但想到今晚见面时她开心的笑容,这是值得的。 yeeyan

“ Why did you try to work at a flower shop?” I asked, puzzled.
“为什么你要去花店工作?”我不解地问。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

A florist prepares red carnations at a flower shop on Valentine's Day in Tirana February14,2009.
在2009年的2月14日情人节这天,一个花商在花店里准备红康乃馨。 visualchinese

Cat Zhualaoshu Cat chasing a mouse was, into a flower shop.
猫抓老鼠一只老鼠被猫追赶,误入花店。 joozone

For the flower shop in Australia that wants to get plugged in to every marketplace in the world but does not know how, UDDI provides a way to do this.
对于一家地处澳洲的花店,虽然很希望能进入世界上的所有市场,但苦于不知道怎样才能成功, UDDI提供了一种能实现这一目标的办法。 ibm

He saw a flower shop and went inside to wait in line.
他看到一家花店,便走进去排队。 www.netfm.com.cn

He searched for a flower shop and a local winery and found none.
他想找家花店和当地的葡萄酒厂,但一无所获。 yeeyan

Her Mother keeps a flower shop.
她母亲经营一家花店。 suxuewang.com

I know of a flower shop on the way.
我知道沿途有一家花店。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn

I passed by this flower shop on the way home, and I just had to buy you this bouquet because it reminded me of you.
我在回家时经过了一家花店,然后我就必须为你买下这束花,因为这花色让我立马想起了你。 www.ef.com.cn

I wanted to bring up breakfast and also see if I could find a flower shop open where I could get a rose for Hanna.
我想把早餐拿回来吃,还想看看我能否找到一家开门的花店,为汉娜买一朵玫瑰花回来。 yeeyan

She had moved east, and opened a flower shop in a small coastal town, and spent her life brightening the days of others.
她现在搬到东部地区,在沿海的一个小城开了一家花店,用她的余生来带给其它人希望。 yeeyan

She has a flower shop near the station.
她在车站附近开了一家花店。 ept-xp

Then, the general layout of princess online flower shop is proposed based on the E- commerce platform.
然后,给出了依托电子商务平台建设的“公主花店网上店铺”的系统总体规划。 fabiao

Younger sister cleaned the rooms. Then she went to a flower shop and bought carnations.
妹妹打扫房间,然后跑到花店买康乃馨。 tdict




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