

单词 flower garden
释义 flower garden ˈflauəˈɡɑ:dn 短语³⁹⁰⁵⁵

a garden featuring flowering plantsThe air in the garden was warm and fragrant.花园里的空气一片温馨。
His garden is his ruling passion.他生活中的主要兴趣是照顾他的花园。
Tell the gardener to trim up these flower beds.让园丁把这些花圃修剪一下。
I found this button in the garden this morning.今早我在花圃里找到了这颗钮扣。 The flower garden, the garbage can, and yesterday he started digging holes in the yard!
花园,垃圾桶,而且昨天还在院子里刨了几个洞! xue163

This spring: I stormed an outrageous flower garden in our yard.
本年春天,我在自己的院子内里启迪了一块野花园。 chinafreecall

Why, thank you, Mr. Timm. I only wish I had a wonderful flower garden like yours.
真的吗?谢谢,蒂姆先生。我只是希望能有一个像你一样的漂亮的花园。 iciba

But think for a second what life would be like without being able to gaze on your grandchild or your flower garden or even navigate the kitchen without incident.
但是试想一下,假如你不能目睹你的儿孙、不能欣赏你美丽的花园,甚至每次去厨房转一圈都要惹出点儿事来,这会是一种什么样的生活。 lailook.net

But what if you don't have room for a flower garden or a fruit tree?
但是如果你没有地方培育花园或种植果树怎么办? blog.sina.com.cn

Create messages of hope and inspiration for loved ones, specifically affected by cancer, in this community flower garden.
创建亲人的希望和鼓舞的消息,特别是受癌症这个社区花园。 movingshop.org

I indulged my interest in flowers for several years by planting a large flower garden.
我在一个大花园里种花,热衷花卉若干年。 tdict

Indoor flower garden is a developing, important and special component of garden, also development of modern housing environment and realization of new life.
室内庭园是园林中新兴的一个重要的特殊组成部分,是现代居住环境的发展和新的生活体现。 cnki

James planted his flower garden with oblique rows of tulips.
詹姆斯在花园里种了斜斜的几排郁金香。 hxen

Near a flower garden, two white-haired grannies are knittinging the sunshine.
在一个花圃边有两个白头发的老太太在织毛衣。 ebigear

The hotel is surrounded by flower garden.
这家饭店为花园所环绕。 tdict

The farmer put up iron fences around the flower garden C. lest his neighbor's sheep should break in.
为了防止邻居家的羊搞破坏,那农民在花园周围搭起了铁栅栏。 blog.sina.com.cn

The window of the study overlooked a flower garden.
从书房窗囗俯视花园。 hotdic

Therefore, I've seen things in my neighbourhood I never noticed before, like a big flower garden around the block and artwork and sculptures down the road.
因此,我在附近一带看到了以前从来没有注意到的东西,像街区旁的大花园,路旁的艺术装饰和雕塑。 yeeyan

When we see something beautiful such as a flower garden, that garden serves as a reflection.
当我们看到美丽的事物时,例如一座花园,那这花园就起到了反射作用。 hjenglish




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