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flos daturae 基本例句 洋金花 Flos Datura is dried flower of an annual herb Datura metel L. which belongs to the family of Solananeae.洋金花为茄科植物白曼陀罗Datura metel L.;的干燥花;又名曼陀罗花、风茄花、山茄子和白花曼陀罗等;全国大部分地区均有分布。 Flos Daturae combined with Semen Strychni reduced the toxicity of the latter, suggesting that this formula antagonizes the toxicity.且有一定的耐受性;洋金花与马钱子配伍,减低了马钱子的毒性。 After a long process of experiment, finally isolate the active fraction from Flos Daturae for psoriasis with Sephadex LH-20 column chromatography and water-methol solvent system successly.本文经过长期反复的摸索,最终采用葡聚糖凝胶柱色谱以水-甲醇溶剂系统成功地对洋金花治疗银屑病的有效部位进行了分离。 Flos daturae to influence rat's electrostimulus-induced cerebral cortex convulsant threshold and its hippocampal neuron morphosis洋金花对电刺激大鼠皮层惊厥阈值及海马神经元形态结构的影响 Keywords Flos Daturae FD;Chinese hamster ovary CHO;dimethyl sulfoxide DMSO;withanolides constituents WC;flavonoids constituents FC;洋金花;中国仓鼠卵巢CHO细胞;二甲基亚砜DMSO;醉茄甾内酯;黄酮组分FC; |