

单词 florist
释义 flo·rist 英ˈflɔːrɪst, ˈfləʊr-, ˈflɒr-美ˈflɔrɪst, ˈflor-, ˈflɑr-AHDflôrʹĭst, flōrʹ-, flŏrʹ- ☆☆☆☆☆高八COCA²¹⁶³⁴BNC²⁴⁷⁸⁴iWeb¹³⁸⁹³Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺
someone who grows and deals in flowers;

the florist made up an attractive bouquet

a shop where flowers and ornamental plants are sold来自词根flor, 花,词源同flower.钱博士flor花+ist专业人士⇒花商,种花人,花卉研究者
方振宇词汇奥秘flor花+ist表示人→花匠;花卉研究者;花商flor花+ist专业人士⇒花商,种花人,花卉研究者。近义词 florist shop花店

用作名词The dissatisfied customer berated theflorist.不满意的顾客责骂花商。
If you need to send flowers to someone in another location, you probably don't know the name of a reliablefloristthere.如果你需要将花寄给在另一个位置的某人,你或许不知道哪里花商的名字可靠。
One day a Caucasianfloristgoes to him for a haircut.有一天一个白人的卖花人去找他理发。 The bird of paradise may be found in South Africa. However, check your local florist: this plant is not only one of the most beautiful in the world, but one of the most popular as well.
或许你只能在南非看到天堂鸟花,但是,访问一下你本地的花店你就会发现:天堂鸟花不但是世界上最美丽的花之一,也是最受欢迎的花之一。 kekenet

The tradition continues today thanks to the joint lobbying efforts of the powerful diamond, florist, greeting card, and adorable stuffed bear coalition.
在钻石,花商,节日卡和可爱的毛毛熊的强强联手之下,这个传统一直延续至今。 yeeyan

The florist's son handed her a gift.
花商的儿子递给她一份礼物。 yeeyan

While I was sipping on my cold lemonade, I looked at the florist across the street, especially the peony inside.
我边喝着我的冻柠蜜,边看着对面的花店,凝视内里的牡丹莲。 iciba

“ Wrap up one rose, please.” he told the florist.
“请包一支玫瑰。”他对卖花的人说。 ebigear

A florist-cum- inventor, Duffy, along with a small group of friends, offered a million dollars of stock.
既是花商又是发明家的达菲和一小群朋友发售了以百万美元的股份。 yeeyan

Also, 33 percent said they would go to a specialty store like a florist, gift shop or electronics store.
另有33%的人称他们将去花店、礼品店或电子产品商店等专卖店选购礼物。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Before I returned to the trade show, I stopped at a florist. I bought a rose and put it in the lapel of my jacket.
在返回交易会的路上,我在花店停了一下,买了朵玫瑰别在夹克的翻领上。 ebigear

Finally, if you are wanting a“ long stem,” use a stick and attach to the flower by wrapping it with a bit more florist tape.
最后,如果你喜欢长枝条,可以用胶布把一根树枝和做好的花朵缠起来。 blog.sina.com.cn

How on earth would a harried florist find the time to hold a videoconference with every customer who orders flowers for Mother's Day?
一个忙碌的花商究竟将如何找出时间与母亲节当天预定鲜花的每个客户进行一场视频会议呢? yeeyan

If you are a USA florist exchange banner ads with a Canadian florist. This helps users who need to send international flowers and it also helps to boost your link popularity which everyone loves.
如果你是一位美国种花人,与一位加拿大种花人交换了旗帜广告,这将帮助需要跨国送花服务的用户,它还有助于提高你网站链接的人气度,人人都热衷于此。 yeeyan

In my personal florist, I can flower arrangement or plant.
在我的私人花店中,我可以插花或者种植。 tradeask

Last year, America's 20,277 florist shops moved 214 million roses for Valentine's Day, according to the Society of American Florists.
据美国花商协会称,去年美国20,277家花店在情人节售出了2.14亿朵玫瑰花。 yeeyan

Or a florist that employs a professional writer to craft customers' messages.
或者,你是一名聘有专业写手为顾客撰写留言的花商。 yeeyan

Our florist is a professional entities set shop.
我们的花店是一家专业的实体店。 hjenglish

Select some flowers from your garden or the florist. Attach a thank-you note.

The second option is to visit a good florist in you area and pre- book a bouquet. This allows you to see the quality of the flowers first hand, and add any personal touches such as a handwritten card.
第二种方式就是在附近区域的花店提前预定,这让你真实体验鲜花的感觉,而且还可以亲手写一张卡片代表心意。 hjenglish

The chemical could have wide ranging implications for the florist industry, and provide better value for money for millions of consumers.
这种化学品对花卉工业来说有着更宽泛的影响,并且对上百万购买花卉的顾客而言,他们付出的钱更能买到等值的物品。 hxen

Then, she went to get the telephone and called the florist who had delivered the roses.
随后,她给送花的花店老板打了电话。 jukuu

When you have added all your leaves or reached the desired size, pinch the leaf stems tightly and begin to wrap with florist tape.
卷完所有叶子或者达到你想要的尺寸后,紧紧捏住叶柄,并用园艺胶布把它们绕起来。 blog.sina.com.cn

While we're out, please have the florist send up a dozen roses to our suite.

You’ll be able to negotiate a better rate with everyone from your caterer to florist and band, and the venue will be more negotiable.
你将能够和酒席承办商,花商,乐队尤其是场所提供者进行协商。 yeeyan

You'll be able to watch the florist arrange the bouquet, change your mind if you want, and replace wilting roses with fresh anemones.
你将能够通过网络看到花商布置花束,在你需要的时候可以改变主意,并且让花商用新鲜的海葵代替萎蔫的玫瑰。 yeeyan

Florist’s wire, which can be twisted firmly around branches, is a great way to hang fragile ornaments.
种花人常用的铁丝能牢固地缠绕树枝,可以很好的固定易碎饰品。 yeeyan




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