

单词 floppy disks
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n.软盘;🌏软磁盘原型floppydisk的复数 A floppy disk drive is a storage device that reads data from and writes data to floppy disks.
软驱是一个从软盘里读取数据和写入数据存储设备。 blog.sina.com.cn

The install process can be performed with a pair of floppy disks with network access, a full CD-ROM, or via PXE boot.
安装进程可以通过一对软盘带网络访问、一个光盘或者通过 PXE启动芯片来执行。 iciba

To store data permanently. For example, to transfer data from hard disks to tapes or floppy disks, allowing them to be erased from the original medium.
永久性地存储数据。例如,把数据从硬盘传送到磁带或软盘上,而允许数据从原介质上清除掉。 iciba

Another intriguing piece of info: because there are1.5 billion images in Google, you would need112 million floppy disks if you wanted to store them all.
另一个耐人寻味的信息: Google有150亿图片,如果你想将他们全部保存,需要1亿1200万张软盘。 yeeyan

Besides filesystems on partitions, floppy disks, and CDs, there are other types of filesystems.
除了分区、软盘和 CD上的文件系统外,还有其他类型的文件系统。 ibm

Bootable floppy disks are generally used as a last resort to boot the installer on hardware that cannot boot from CD or by other means.
可启动的软盘一般被视为是在那些不能从 CD或其它方式启动的硬件上引导安装程序的最后一种方法。 launchpad

Creative laptop bag made out of42 recycled floppy disks.
用42张回收软盘做成的创意笔记本电脑包。 yeeyan

In either case, the virus can spread to more users, and more machines, via floppy disks or networks.
不管是哪一种情况,通过软盘或网络,病毒就会传播给更多的用户和更多的计算机上。 blog.sina.com.cn

It accommodates floppy disks and most desktop and notebook hard drives, whether they are functioning or not.
它适用于软盘,以及大多数台式机和笔记本的硬盘驱动器,而不管这些磁盘运行与否。 www.21csp.com.cn

Some technologies have disappeared on their own, like those big floppy disks that used to be standard on every IBM PC.
某些技术自身消失得无影无踪,如曾经作为 IBM PC机标准配置的大型软盘。 yeeyan

This typically only occupies two or three floppy disks in total.
这种发行的操作系统大小只占两个或三个软盘。 yeeyan

This provides greater functionality to bootable floppy disks and embedded devices that use Linux.
这就为可引导的磁盘和使用 Linux的嵌入式设备提供了更多功能。 ibm

This version of Tetris spread like wildfire around the world on copied floppy disks, catching the attention of many game publishers.
这一版本的俄罗斯方块通过软盘拷贝以野火燎原之势在全世界风行开来,引起了很多游戏发行商的关注。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Where possible, they may pass the information by such electronic means as networks or floppy disks.
有条件的地区应通过网络或软盘等电子介质传递信息; lawinfochina

You can redirect data to printers, floppy disks, Terminal Types TTYs, and various other devices.
可以把数据重定向到打印机、软盘、终端类型 TTY以及各种其他设备。 ibm

Floppy disks are noted for their relatively slow speed and small capacity and low price.
软盘由于其相对缓慢的速度和小容量以及低价格而著称。 websaru

Floppy disks are flexible recording media, sometimes contained in hard shells.
软盘是灵活的记录介质,有时包含在硬质保护罩内。 support.ap.dell.com




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