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词汇 floored
释义 floor·ed 英flɔːʳ美flɔːr ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁴²⁴⁸⁷BNC⁴⁵⁰²⁰iWeb⁴²⁷⁵⁶

the surface on which one stands indoors; surface nearest the ground


a level of a building


the bottom of the sea, a cave, etc.


the part of a parliament, council building, public meeting place, etc., where those attending sit

vt. 给…铺地板

provide with a floor

vt. 把…打倒在地

knock down

vt. 击败,打败

beat; defeat

the inside lower horizontal surface as of a room, hallway, tent, or other structure;

they needed rugs to cover the bare floors

we spread our sleeping bags on the dry floor of the tent

a structure consisting of a room or set of rooms at a single position along a vertical scale;

what level is the office on?

a lower limit;

the government established a wage floor

the ground on which people and animals move about;

the fire spared the forest floor

the bottom surface of any lake or other body of waterthe lower inside surface of any hollow structure;

the floor of the pelvis

the floor of the cave

the occupants of a floor;

the whole floor complained about the lack of heat

the parliamentary right to address an assembly;

the chairman granted him the floor

the legislative hall where members debate and vote and conduct other business;

there was a motion from the floor

a large room in a exchange where the trading is done;

he is a floor trader

surprise greatly; knock someone's socks off;

I was floored when I heard that I was promoted

knock down with force;

He decked his opponent


❌ He fell from the bed and landed hard on the bare floors.

✔️ He fell from the bed and landed hard on the bare floor.



❌ Mr. Green's office is in the fifth floor of the 30-storey building.

✔️ Mr. Green's office is on the fifth floor of the 30-storey building.

表示“在某一层楼”用on the…floor,其中介词不用in。


❌ The new building is fifteen floors high and only eight stories are used.

✔️ The new building is fifteen stories high and only eight floors are used.

说建筑物有多少层时用story,而不用floor; 而说楼房的第几层则一般用floor。

floor, ground

两者都可以表示“地面”,但floor指室内的地面; 而ground则指室外的地面。试比较:

There was a cat lying on the floor.有只猫躺在地板上。
There was a cow lying on the ground.有头牛躺在地上。floor, storey, story


1.floor指的是与“ceiling天花板”相对应的地面,即室内的地面、地板; storey与story着重指大楼层与层之间的空间,所不同的是storey是英式英语,而story是美式英语。例如:

The house has two stories〔storeys〕.那房子有两层。

2.在用法上, floor前面习惯用on,而storey前面习惯用in。例如:

They live in one of the upper storeys.他们住在上面的某一个楼层。


There's a nine-storey apartment building next to the bank.那所银行旁边有一座九层高的宿舍大楼。

4.表示房子的第几层时,用storey〔story〕时,层数叫法英美相同,“第一层地面层”英美都叫first storey〔story〕或ground storey〔story〕,第二层英美都叫second storey〔story〕,其余层数依此类推; 但用floor时,在英国“第一层地面层”叫ground floor,“第二层”叫first floor,“第三层”叫second floor,…,而在美国first floor就是“地面层第一层”, second floor为“第二层”,其他层次依此类推。

用作名词 n.
动词+~board floor铺地板brush a floor刷地clean a floor扫地clear the floor把地板腾出来fall to the floor倒在地板上lay floor with在地板上铺…sweep a floor扫地wash a floor刷洗地板ask for the floor要求发言get the floor有发言权,取得发言权have the floor有发言权,取得发言权take the floor发言wipe the floor with sb击倒某人形容词+~bare floor光秃秃的地板next floor上面一层楼the first floor〈英〉二楼,〈美〉一楼top floor顶楼wooden floor木地板名词+~basement floor地下室bathroomfloor浴室的地面brick floor砖铺的地earth floor泥地面ground floor一楼wage floor工资最低标准wood floor木地板介词+~at every floor在每层on every floor在每层~+介词the floor of the House议会用作动词 v.~+名词floor the attacker将进攻者打倒在地floor the room给房间铺地板
用作名词n.come〔get〕 in on the ground floor

得到最早的机会,取得有利地位 be let in on the ground floor

fall through the floor

惊奇得不知所措 be extremely surprised

hold the floor

演说 speak to an audience, especially at great length, so that no one else has a chance to say anything

sink through the floor

暴跌 fall steeply and rapidly

take the floor

起来跳舞 get up and start to dance

近义词 storeyn. ground反义词 ceiling天花板
用作名词n.When he heard the bomb whistling down,Gaer chucked himself down on the floor with his hands over his head.盖尔听到炸弹呼啸落地的声音,立即用双手抱住头趴在地上。
The bare concrete floor was cold on my feet.光秃秃的水泥地板使我两脚发冷。
There weren't enough chairs so that I had to sit on the floor.椅子不够,我得坐在地板上。
The bag fell on the floor and broke open.The sweets went everywhere!包掉在地板上,摔破了。糖撒了一地!
The surely insolence of the waiters drove him into a rage, and he flung his serviette to the floor and stalked out of the restaurant.侍者们粗暴无礼的行为使得他怒不可遏,他将餐巾扔到地上,昂然走出餐厅。
All the windows were closed when the downpour came, yet the floor was found wet through afterwards. It just didn't add up.下大雨时所有的窗子都是关着的,但事后发现地板全湿了,真不知道是怎么回事。
The best way to lay the dust is to damp the floor down, and then rub it all over with a piece of cloth.不使尘土飞扬的最好方法就是把地板润湿一下,随后用布擦一遍。
Many houses have floors made of board.许多房子的地板是用木板铺成的。
This elevator stops at every floor.电梯在每层都停。
The library has five floors.图书馆有五层楼。
He lives on the eighth floor.他住在八楼。
The floors of these seas are extensions of China's eastern mainland submerged in the water.这些海的海底是中国东部大陆在海下的延伸。
On the floor of the basins lie deserts, lakes and swamps.这几个盆地的底部有沙漠、湖泊和沼泽。
The dam rises 68 metres from the valley floor.山谷底筑起一道68米高的堤坝。
The representative shouted for the floor.那位代表嚷着要发言。
This was agreed to, so he took the floor.这一点同意了,于是他开始发言。
The member for Brigton has the floor.代表布赖顿市的议员在议会上有发言权。
After the visiting speaker has finished,I shall ask for questions from the floor.在来访的客人演说完了以后,我就请听众提问。
It's a good idea to bring students in on the ground floor, so that they can learn on the job.让学生从地位低微的工作干起是个好主意,那样的话,他们就能在工作中学会做事。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.The carpenter will floor this room with oak.木匠将用橡木铺设这个房间的地板。
The soldier floored his attacker with one heavy blow.士兵重重一拳,把向他进攻的人打倒在地。
The news really floored me.这个消息真使我吃惊。
I was floored by his argument and had to admit defeat.我被他驳倒了,只得承认失败。


floor表示“楼房的层”时,英、美用法不同。地面上的“第一层”,英式英语说the ground floor,美式英语说the first floor; 地面上的“第二层”,英式英语说the first floor,美式英语说the second floor,其他依此类推。表示“在某一层”时,用介词on。



用作名词Father asked me to flushed off the garagefloor.父亲让我刷洗一下车库的地面。
Thefloorwas moist and slippery.地面潮湿而光滑。
We put the books in piles on thefloor.我们把书在地板上堆起来。
Our office is on the firstfloor.我们的办公室在一楼。
On thefloorof the basins lie deserts, lakes and swamps.这几个盆地的底部有沙漠、湖泊和沼泽。用作及物动词We willfloorthis room with oak.我们打算用橡木铺地板。
With Victor's guard down, Jack knocks him to thefloor.由于维克多的戒心松懈,杰克将他击倒在地。
When you see a police car, don'tfloorit.当你看到警车时,別开快车。as in.bewildered
同义词 astonished,awed,baffled,befuddled,dazed,mystified,perplexed,puzzled,rattled,shocked,startled,stunned,surprisedaddled,appalled,astounded,dazzled,disconcerted,dizzy,dumbfounded,flabbergasted,flustered,lost,misled,muddled,reeling,staggered,stumped,stupefied,thrownagape,aghast,agog,awe-struck,bowled over,dumbstruck,flipped-out,giddy,in a dither,punchy,shook-up,speechless,taken aback,thunderstruck,uncertain,unglued
反义词 aware,clearoriented,understandingas in.bowled over
同义词 amazed,astonished,dumbfounded,dumbstruck,flabbergasted,knocked for a loop,shocked,staggered,thunderstruckas in.dumbfounded
同义词 amazed,astonished,bamboozled,beat,bewildered,buffaloed,confounded,dismayed,flabbergasted,knocked,licked,nonplused,overcome,overwhelmed,puzzled,shocked,staggered,startled,stuck,stumped,stunned,surprised,thrownagape,aghast,blown-away,bowled over,breathless,dumb,speechless,taken aback,thunderstruck
反义词 awareexpectant,unsurprisedas in.kaput
同义词 all washed up,belly up,burned out,cooked,dead,destroyed,done for,down and out,down for the count,down the drain,down the tubes,finished,had it,nonfunctioning,on the skids,out of business,out of circulation,sunk,totaled,washed up,wiped-outas in.puzzled
同义词 baffled,bewildered,clueless,doubtful,mystified,perplexed,rattledbollixed,discombobulated,lost,nonplussed,shook,stuck,stumped,thrownat a loss,at sea,come apart,come unzipped,dopey,foggy,fouled-up,hung up,in a fog,loused up,messed-up,mind-blown,mixed up,mucked up,screwed-up,shook-up,spaced out,unglued,without a clue
反义词 clearaware,certain,cognizant,sureas in.stunned
同义词 amazed,astonished,bewildered,confused,dismayed,overwhelmed,shocked,speechless,startled,surprisedastounded,confounded,dumbfounded,flabbergasted,frozen,numb,overcome,stumped,stupefiedaghast,blown-away,bowled over,breathless,taken aback
反义词 clear,oriented,understandingas in.stupefied
同义词 amazed,astonished,astounded,bewildered,confounded,confused,dismayed,dumbfounded,flabbergasted,frozen,numb,overcome,overwhelmed,puzzled,shocked,startled,stumped,stunned,surprisedblown-away,bowled over,breathless,speechless,taken aback
反义词 aware,clear,oriented,understanding,unsurprisedas in.thunderstruck
同义词 agape,aghast,astounded,awestruck,bowled over,confounded,dazed,dismayed,dumbfounded,flabbergasted,overwhelmed,petrified,shocked,staggered,startled,stunned
bewilderedadjective confused
addled,agape,aghast,agog,appalled,astonished,astounded,awe-struck,awed,baffled,befuddled,bowled over,dazed,dazzled,disconcerted,dizzy,dumbfounded,dumbstruck,flabbergasted,flipped-out,flustered,giddy,in a dither,lost,misled,muddled,mystified,perplexed,punchy,puzzled,rattled,reeling,shocked,shook-up,speechless,staggered,startled,stumped,stunned,stupefied,surprised,taken aback,thrown,thunderstruck,uncertain,unglued
bowled overadjective completely surprised
amazed,astonished,dumbfounded,dumbstruck,flabbergasted,floored,knocked for a loop,shocked,staggered,thunderstruck
dumbfoundedadjective astounded, confused
agape,aghast,amazed,astonished,bamboozled,beat,bewildered,blown-away,bowled over,breathless,buffaloed,confounded,dismayed,dumb,flabbergasted,floored,knocked,licked,nonplused,overcome,overwhelmed,puzzled,shocked,speechless,staggered,startled,stuck,stumped,stunned,surprised,taken aback,thrown,thunderstruck
kaputadjective ruined, wrecked
all washed up,belly up,burned out,cooked,dead,destroyed,done for,down and out,down for the count,down the drain,down the tubes,finished,floored,had it,nonfunctioning,on the skids,out of business,out of circulation,sunk,totaled,washed up,wiped-out
puzzledadjective confused
at a loss,at sea,baffled,bewildered,bollixed,clueless,come apart,come unzipped,discombobulated,dopey,doubtful,floored,foggy,fouled-up,hung up,in a fog,lost,loused up,messed-up,mind-blown,mixed up,mucked up,mystified,nonplussed,perplexed,rattled,screwed-up,shook,shook-up,spaced out,stuck,stumped,thrown,unglued,without a clue
stunnedadjective dazed
aghast,amazed,astonished,astounded,bewildered,blown-away,bowled over,breathless,confounded,confused,dismayed,dumbfounded,flabbergasted,floored,frozen,numb,overcome,overwhelmed,shocked,speechless,startled,stumped,stupefied,surprised,taken aback Dominique de Villepin, the current prime minister, was floored by mass street protests last year against his labour reform.
现总理多米尼柯·德维尔潘,被去年抗议其劳动改革的声势浩大的街头示威所击垮。 ecocn

In so doing, it has placed its monetary fate in the hands of the Federal Reserve, which has floored rates and promised not to raise them any time soon.
因此,香港就将其货币的命运交到了美联储手中,美联储将利率降到了零并承诺近期不会提息。 yeeyan

It is a wide, low, bare space with huge easterly windows, floored in pale timber and with a ceiling of folded concrete beams that seem to hover lightly, bathed in reflections from the sea.
窗户硕大无比,面朝东方,地上的木料纵向排列,依次推开。折叠式的横梁是用混凝土浇铸而成的,它们搭建的天花板看上去似乎有些似抖非抖的躁动,仿佛这躁动已全然沐浴在来自大海的映像中。 ecocn

The three“ were floored” by the results, she says, as much for what they showed as what they didn't show.
她说:“我们三个被结果难住了。” ,他们所公布的结果和没有公布的结果一样多。 yeeyan

“ We floored prices and gave people a better service, ” says Mr O'Brien.
我们大降价,并向人们提供更好的服务。奥布莱恩先生承诺。 ecocn

Among Mr Sarkozy’s own supporters, from the fields and factories to the parquet- floored salons of Paris, disenchantment has set in.
萨科齐自己的支持者们,从农场和工厂到巴黎高档沙龙,已经不抱幻想。 ecocn

And then when I realized that there was1.6 million homeless children in America, it just floored me.
后来当我了解到美国有160万流浪儿童时,我非常震惊。 ebigear

As the author navigates the salons of French diplomacy, or the elegant dinner tables of parquet- floored Paris, she meets seduction at every turn.
作者就像是在操纵着法国的外交沙龙,或者用镶花木地板装饰的巴黎的绅士晚宴的餐桌,她似乎无处不能够观察到诱惑。 ecocn

But the one message that floored Jody was Samson's reference about a ' permanent mark' or a' Sharpie' pen.
但让乔迪震惊不已的一条讯息是山逊提到的“永久性标记”或'三福'记号笔 Sharpie。 yeeyan

He hurried to the driver's side, jumped in and floored it.
他跑到驾驶的位置,跳了进去,踩了油门。 yeeyan

He floored his opponent with a fine punch in the first round.

I was floored by a fairly shabby-looking old wooden casket, displayed without ostentation; according to the label, it contained the remains of Henry V.
在那里,我曾经被一个看上去又旧又破的木质骨灰盒绊倒,它没有任何修饰的展示在那里,看上面的标签,里面是亨利五世的骨灰。 yeeyan

In their mud- floored homes, residents display flatscreen televisions, refrigerators and other modern conveniences.
在村民地面是泥地的住宅里,主人家展示着平板电视、冰箱及其他各种现代化设备。 face21cn

Indeed, a new European pecking order has emerged, with statist France on top, corporatist Germany in the middle and poor old liberal Britain floored.
的确,一个崭新的欧洲权势等级已经出现,宣扬国家统制经济论的法国居首,统合主义者的德国居中,可怜的老牌自由主义者英国垫底。 ecocn

It was a lime- washed, stone- floored room, unspeakably dreary with its furniture of deal boards and benches, and its prison smell.
这是一间白灰刷墙石头铺地的房子,摆满了饭桌和条凳,说不出的沉闷和乏味,颇有一些监狱的气息。 yeeyan

LAST December, in a canvas tent erected on a building site in rural east Mississippi, Haley Barbour worked the dirt- floored space as deftly as Sonny Rollins on a saxophone.
去年12月,在密西西比州东部乡村一处建筑工地上的帆布棚里,海利•巴伯整理着泥土地面,麻利得仿若桑尼•罗林斯在弹奏萨克斯。 ecocn

Of course, for a more personal idea of how expensive texting is, ask any parent who has ever been floored by the phone bill of a child without an unlimited texting plan.
当然,为了更直观地知道发短信多贵,可以去问任何一位因为没有定制不限量短信套餐而接到洪水般的账单的家长。 yeeyan

The boxer tore into his opponent and floored him.

There was a little clearing in the middle of the grove, which was floored with soft grass and moss covered rocks.
树林中央有小一块空地,上面长着软软的草,岩石上还长满了苔藓。 ebigear

Zakir paid one of his surprise visits recently at a dirt- floored house in the crowded Quetta suburb of Pashtunabad.
贾基尔最近突击访问了奎塔郊区拥挤的帕什吞巴德区的一座布满灰尘的房子。 yeeyan




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