

单词 Alternanthera
释义 al·ter·nan·the·ra AHDˌȯltərˈnanthərə BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺

genus of low herbs of tropical America and Australia; includes genus Telanthera Effects of clonal integration on growth of invasive clonal plant Alternanthera philoxeroides under two kinds of trampling stress were studied.
研究了两种践踏胁迫下克隆整合对入侵植物空心莲子草生长的影响。 ecology.jnu.edu.cn

Has studied the Alternanthera Philoxeroides to the ultra eutrophication water body, eutrophication water body total nitrogen total phosphorus elimination ability and damps the algae effect.
研究了水花生对超富营养化水体、富营养化水体的总氮总磷的去除能力及抑藻效果。 dictall

It has been confirmed that Alternanthera philoxeroidesAPG can markedly protect suckling mice from being infected by epidemic hemorrhagic fever EHF virus.
利用致死性乳鼠动物模型,证实了空心莲子草有效部分对流行性出血热病毒感染的乳鼠具有保护作用。 cnki

Alternanthera philoxeroides infestation was quite serious in water environment, especially in canals and ponds, but slight in dry environment and paddy field.
水生境危害严重,特别是沟渠和池塘,旱生境和水稻田危害很轻。 ahnydxxb

Alternanthera philoxeroides was superior to Phragmites communis in nitrate- nitrogen removal under the same condition;
相同条件下水花生去除硝酸盐氮的效果比芦苇更好; d.wanfangdata.com.cn

Experiments were carried out in Meiliang Bay of Lake Taihu to study the purifying effects of Alternanthera philoxeroides with different throw-in density for eutrophic lake water.
为了研究水花生在不同投放密度下净化富营养化湖水的效果,在太湖梅梁湾进行了多种密度水花生放养试验。 dictall

Objective To review the study on chemical constituents and biological activities of Alternanthera.
目的对苋科莲子草属植物的化学成分和生物活性作一综述。 chemyq




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