

单词 alter ego
释义 al·ter ego 英æltərˈəɡəʊ美æltəˈiːgəʊ ☆☆☆☆☆高短语²⁷⁷²⁷
a very close and trusted friend who seems almost a part of yourselfalter, 不同。ego, 我,拉丁词,词源同I 。近义词 twin孪生的correspondence通信
He's myalter ego, we go everywhere together.他是我的知己--彼此形影不离。noun.other side to personality
同义词 Doppelganger,evil twin,second selfnoun.companion
同义词 soul matebuddy,chum,confidante,counterpart,Doppelganger,pal
body doublenoun stand-in for actor
alter ego,stand-in
chip off the old blocknoun family likeness
alter ego,counterpart,second self,spitting image
confidantnoun close friend
acquaintance,adherent,adviser,alter ego,bosom buddy,companion,crony,familiar,intimate,mate,pal
confidantenoun friend
acquaintance,adherent,adviser,alter ego,amigo,bosom buddy,companion,confidant,crony,familiar,intimate,mate
equalnoun peer
alter ego,coequal,companion,compeer,competitor,complement,copy,counterpart,double,duplicate,equivalent,like,likeness,match,mate,parallel,rival,twin
equalsnoun peer
alter egos,coequals,companions,compeers,competitors,complements,copies,counterparts,doubles,duplicates,equivalents,likenesses,likes,matches,mates,parallels,rivals,twins His alter ego, who promoted him as Everyman all over the world, sometimes spoke for him.
毕普有个时常代他说话的知己,这个知己把毕普提升到了具有普世意义的高度。 ecocn

The question how“ alter ego” is possible may be regarded as a fascinating but hard nut to crack since ancient times.
“他我”如何可能的问题,自古就是一个迷人而如今仍有待解决的难题。 cnki

Bryant even brought up his alter ego afterward, saying he“went to the Black Mamba” when asked if he was “ in the zone” in the final few minutes.
之后,科比甚至展示了他个性的另一面,当被问到在最后几分钟他进入的那种状态时,他说他变成了黑色曼巴蛇。 www.kobechina.com.cn

But he is also Mr. Mubarak’s closest aide, considered almost an alter ego, and the protesters’ negative reaction was immediate.
但是他同样也是穆巴拉克的亲密幕僚,甚至是密友。这也立即引发了抗议者的消极反应。 yeeyan

He will, however, demurely admit that he's “ not exactly” the lascivious lothario of his TV alter ego.
然而,他将郑重地承认,他完全不是如剧中个性中的好色之徒。 qafone

She is my alter ego, We go everywhere together.
他是我的知己,我们彼此形影不离。 tingclass

Under the traditional “ alter ego” view, since the youth did not have the privilege to hit back to prevent a lawful arrest, D did not have that privilege to do so for the youth's benefit.
按过去的观点,青年人无权对合法逮捕进行自卫,因此防卫人打坏警察下巴的行为不构成防卫他人。 kdnet

Unlike his dreamy alter ego, “in real life, he can be dark, ” Singh says of the actor. “ He can be funny.”
不像他幻想中的另一个自我,“现实生活中他可以是忧郁的”,辛格谈到男主角时说,“他也可以很搞笑”。 hjenglish




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