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flock 英flɒk美flɑkAHDflŏk 基本双解英英辨析词源搭配短语记法近义反义句型派生词用法例句Thesaurus例句 n.一群⁵⁰;兽群¹;大堆²;群众³;羊群³⁴v.聚集⁹;成群而行¹
n.名词 C羊、山羊、鸟的群a group of sheep, goats or birds C人群,群众a crowd; large number of people C同一教会团体的教徒the group of people who regularly attend a church v.动词 vi. 群集,成群结队而行gather or move in a large crowds Noun: a church congregation guided by a pastora group of birdsoften followed by `of' a large number or amount or extent;a batch of letters a deal of trouble a lot of money he made a mint on the stock market see the rest of the winners in our huge passel of photos it must have cost plenty a slew of journalists a wad of money an orderly crowd;a troop of children a group of sheep or goats Verb: move as a crowd or in a group;Tourists flocked to the shrine where the statue was said to have shed tears come together as in a cluster or flock;The poets constellate in this town every summer n.名词 flock, drove, herd, pack, school, swarm这组词都可作“群”解。其区别在于:flock是鸟或兽群的通俗用语,特指绵羊、山羊的“群”; herd通常指大动物的“群”,特指家畜的“群”; drove指被驱赶着的牛、羊、猪等的“群”; pack指猎犬、狼、狐、恶人等,用来指人群时含有轻蔑的意味; swarm指蜜蜂、昆虫等的“群”; school指水栖动物的“群”,如鱼、虾等。例如: This is a drove of deer.这是一群鹿。 There are a flock of wild ducks in the pool.池塘里有一群野鸭。 A pack of hounds chased the fox.一群猎狗追猎那只狐狸。 I keep a large herd of cattle.我养一大群牛。Schools of dolphins live in the Pacific Ocean .太平洋里生活着成群的海豚。 A swarm of ants are moving busily.一群蚂蚁正在忙碌地搬家。词源不详。可能来自folk, 人们,民众。原指一群人或队伍,后来才用来指兽群,羊群。参照基督教牧师,其原义即为牧羊人。 用作名词 n. 介词+~in flocks成群地~+介词a flock of pigeons一大群鸽子用作动词 v.~+副词flock together聚集在一起~+介词flock after成群结队地跟随flock in〔into〕成群地涌入flock round聚在…周围flock to成群地去… 用作动词v. flock after v.+prep.
成群结队地跟随…; 争取得到…follow sb in large numbers, as with admiration; try to gain sth flock after sb/sthCrowds flocked after the popular singer as he left the theater.这位红歌星走出剧场时,成群的人尾随着他。 Firms are flocking after the government's offer of money to help them move to areas needing industry.许多公司都想得到政府提供的旨在帮助他们迁向需要工业的地区的资助。 flock in〔into〕 v.+prep.
大批地涌进arrive in large numbers (in a place) flock in〔into〕 sthThe crowd flocked into the church.人群涌入教堂。 flock round v.+prep.
聚集在…周围gather round (sb/sth in large numbers) flock round sb/sthThe children flocked round their teacher.孩子们聚集在老师的周围。 flock to v.+prep.
成群结队地走向…go in large numbers to (sth) flock to sthLarge crowds flocked to the performance.人们成群结队地来看演出。 flock together v.+adv.
聚在一起gather in large numbers flock togetherBirds of a feather flock together.物以类聚。GRE红宝书原指一簇羊毛,一群;lock 一束长发;floor + lock 地上上锁将羊群锁在圈里;block 这一街区密密麻麻全都是羊群非常记忆f斧头〖编码〗+lock锁〖熟词〗⇒斧头砸在锁上,吓走了羊群非常记忆f 飞 lock锁 ⇒飞锁系在羊身上floc絮状物flock聚集在一起和clockn. 钟表一起记近义词 herdn. group 用作名词n.A flock of birds comes over, and the hunting starts.一群鸟飞过来,打猎开始了。 A flock of customers were waiting for the store to open.一群顾客在等候着商店开门。 The priest warned his flock against breaking God's law.牧师警告他的教友不要违背上帝的训诫。用作动词v. 用作不及物动词 S+~+to- vPeople flocked to hear the new prophet.人们成群结队地去听这新的预言家演讲。Pflock-papern.带绒厚纸Pflockingn.羊毛屑棉屑植绒图样Pflockya.毛茸茸的毛丛状的毛丛多的
flock后的谓语动词可为单数,也可为复数。 v.动词
flock用作动词的意思是“群集,成群结队而行”,指人们从不同的地方走到一起或一起朝某一特定的地点出发,常常带有一定的目的性。 名词70%,动词30% 用作名词There are manyflocksof tourists in the palace.宫殿里有好几群游客。 Aflockof sheep poured through the gate.一群羊从羊圈口涌了出来。 People came inflocksto see the royal procession.人们蜂拥而至瞻望皇室人员外出时的仪仗队。 A few sheep have been lost from theflock.羊群里少了几只羊。用作动词Huge numbers of birds haveflockedtogether by the lake.成群的鸟聚集在湖畔。 People areflockingto the cinema to see the new film.人们正蜂拥到电影院去看这部新电影。 In the summer, touristsflockto the museums and art galleries.夏季游人成群结队到博物馆和艺术馆参观。noun.group of people 同义词 assembly,colony,congregation,gathering,legion,multitude,throngarmy,bevy,brood,cloud,collection,company,convoy,crowd,crush,drift,drove,flight,gaggle,group,herd,host,litter,mass,pack,progeny,rout,scores,skeinverb.congregate 同义词 converge,gather,throngcollect,crowd,group,herd,huddle,mass,troop amountnoun quantity aplenty,bags,bulk,bundle,chunk,expanse,extent,gob,heap,hunk,jillion,load,lot,magnitude,mass,measure,mess,mint,mucho,number,oodles,pack,passel,peck,pile,scads,score,slat,slew,supply,ton,volume,whopper amountsnoun quantity bodies,burdens,cores,full values,imports,matters,purport,results,senses,significances,substances,thrusts,upshots,values armiesnoun group resembling military force armed forces,artillery,battalions,batteries,brigades,cavalry,columns,commands,companies,corps,details,divisions,flights,formations,infantry,legions,outfits,patrol units,platoons,regiments,soldieries,soldiers,squads,troops,wings armynoun group resembling military force array,cloud,company,crowd,division,flock,horde,host,legion,mob,multitude,outfit,pack,regiment,scores,swarm,throng,unit assembleverb congregate accumulate,agglomerate,amass,bring together,bunch,bunch up,call,call together,capture,collect,come together,convene,convoke,corral,flock,gang up,gather,group,hang around,hang out,huddle,lump,make the scene,meet,meet up,mobilize,muster,rally,reunite,round up,scare up,summon,unite assemblynoun congregation accumulation,aggregation,assemblage,association,band,body,bunch,clambake,cluster,coffee klatch,collection,company,conclave,confab,conference,convocation,council,crew,crowd,faction,flock,gathering,get-together,group,huddle,mass,meet,meeting,multitude,rally,sit-in,throng,turnout As a shepherd is of a nature superior to that of his flock, the shepherds of men, i. e., their rulers, are of a nature superior to that of the peoples under them. 如同牧羊人天生比他的羊群优越一样,人类的牧者——也就是他们的统治者——也天生地比他统治下的人们优越。 yeeyan As a shepherd is of a nature superior to that of his flock, the shepherds of men, i. e. , their rulers, are of a nature superior to that of the peoples under them. 因一个羊倌的本性比他的羊群要高超,人类的羊倌,就是说,他们的统治者,在天性上是比地位低于其下的人们高超的。 yeeyan Like a flock of homesick cranes flying night and day back to their mountain nests let all my life take its voyage to its eternal home in one salutation to thee. 像一群思乡的鹤鸟,日夜飞向他们的山巢,在我向你合十膜拜之中,让我全部的生命,启程回到它永久的家乡. ebigear |