

单词 flitting
释义 flitting 英flɪtɪŋ美flɪtɪŋ COCA⁴⁰⁹⁹⁰BNC³²²⁵⁰Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

名词 flit:
a sudden quick movementa secret move to avoid paying debtsThe little girl wasflittingabout in the garden, picking flowers.小姑娘在花园里轻盈地跑来跑去,摘着花。
There are some ghostly shapes of batsflittingabout in the dark.黑暗中有些蝙蝠飞翔的鬼影。adj.transitory
同义词 fleetingephemeral,evanescent,temporary
ephemeraladjective momentary, passing
fleetingadjective brief, transient
cursory,ephemeral,evanescent,fading,flash in the pan,flitting,flying,fugacious,fugitive,impermanent,meteoric,momentary,passing,short,short-lived,sudden,temporary,transitory,vanishing,volatile
fugitiveadjective fleeing, transient
avoiding,brief,criminal,elusive,ephemeral,errant,erratic,escaping,evading,evanescent,fleeting,flitting,flying,fugacious,hot,impermanent,lamster,momentary,moving,on the lam,passing,planetary,running away,short,short-lived,temporary,transitory,unstable,volatile,wandering,wanted
momentaryadjective brief, fleeting
cursory,dreamlike,ephemeral,evanescent,flashing,flitting,flying,fugacious,fugitive,gone in flash,hasty,impermanent,impulsive,in wink of an eye,instantaneous,like lightning,passing,quick,shifting,short,short-lived,spasmodic,summary,temporary,transient,transitory,vanishing,volatile
more transientadjective temporary
brief,changeable,deciduous,emigrating,ephemeral,evanescent,flash,fleeting,flitting,fly-by-night,flying,fugacious,fugitive,going by,impermanent,insubstantial,migrating,momentary,moving,passing,provisional,short,short-lived,short-term,temporal,transitory,transmigratory,unstable,vacating,volatile
more transitoryadjective temporary, brief
changeable,deciduous,emigrating,ephemeral,evanescent,flash,fleeting,flitting,fly-by-night,flying,fugacious,fugitive,going by,impermanent,insubstantial,migrating,momentary,moving,passing,provisional,short,short-lived,short-term,temporal,transmigratory,unstable,vacating,volatile A flutter of a flitting touch brushed me and vanished in a moment, like a torn flower petal blown in the breeze.
一霎飞触的撩乱扫拂过我,立刻又消失了,像扯落了的花瓣在和风中飘扬。 examw

A flutter of a flitting touch brushed me and vanished in a moment, like a torn flower petal blown in the breeze.
一霎飞触的撩乱扫拂过我,马上又消散踪了,像扯落了的花瓣在和风中飘零。 com

Entranced, I see fish playing in the water, birds flitting past cloud tips, beasts of all descriptions racing down the prairie, and insects chirping in the field.
仿佛看到鱼儿在浪中嘻戏;鸟儿在云端飞翔;百兽在原野奔跑;小虫在田间鸣叫。 kekenet

And all birds are singing loud, there, the first white butterfly in the sun goes flitting to spring!
鸟儿们全都在高声唱歌,第一只蝴蝶一闪而过飞向春天的怀抱! blog.sina.com.cn

And the raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting.
而那鸟鸦并未飞离,依然端坐,依然端坐。 blog.sina.com.cn

Digital wave flitting technique can be adopted to solve the problem of data acquisition error.
数据采集误差大的软件对策是采用数字滤波技术; cnki

Great joy can be experienced from even the smallest, seemingly inconsequential thing by going deeper into the experience and not just flitting along the surface of it.
如果不是仅仅停留在感觉的表面,而是将它深深地印在心里,那么即使那些很小的、很简单的、偶尔发生的小事也能够带来极大的欢乐。 yeeyan

He stood blinking his dinosaur eyes in the bright sunlight, feeling the familiar warmth on his dinosaur skin, watching dragonflies flitting among the horsetails at the water's edge.

He talks and talks, flitting between different stories: about what happened on April18th when, he says, “many more were killed than the media knew about”;
他不停地诉说,在不同的事件中切换:对于4月18日当天的事件,他说道,“被杀死的人比媒体报道要多得多”; ecocn

He could see the American reconnaissance planes flitting in and out of the clouds, tracking his task force.
他看到美军的侦察飞机在云层间轻快地飞过,对自己的舰队实施跟踪、观察。 yingkong

Heaven grant it be a better one; for, in good sooth, I hardly think to tarry with my flock through the flitting seasons of another year!
但愿上天保佑,那是个更好的世界;因为,说老实话,我认为我难以再和我的教众度过转瞬即逝的另一个年头了! hjenglish

If he had come nearer, he would probably be aware, from the lights flitting to and fro, and the opening and shutting of the outer doors, that all was not right within.
如果他走近些,他大概会从灯火闪来闪去,以及外面那些门的开开关关,发觉里面出事了。 putclub

I'm a bird of passage, dah-ling, just flitting through.
亲爱的,我是只飞来飞去信使鸟,为的就是完成这些。 blog.sina.com.cn

No teleportation, worm holes or flitting between dimensions, then, at least until2100, when Mr Kaku's story ends.
加来先生的故事讲到2100年,因此不谈远距传物,不谈虫洞,也不谈时空穿梭。 ecocn

Once outside the house she darted quickly along the road then through a gap in a hedge, and the last I saw was the little black figure flitting over the rain- swept grass of a field.
戴比一出屋就沿路飞奔,然后穿过树篱一处空隙,最后只见那小黑影轻快地在雨淋过的草地上一掠而过。 maboshi

One yearns for a full-blooded, sturdy, and capable personality; these are all so many shadows, flitting about, out of touch with the world.
我渴望全心全意的,坚定的,有能力的个性,然而那些全都是影子,轻快掠过,在与世界瞬间接触之后。 yeeyan

One yearns for a full-blooded, sturdy, and capable personality; these are all so many shadows, flitting about, out of touch with the world.
他们渴望地道的、健全的和有行为能力的人格;这些都是众多飞来飞去的阴影,与这个世界没有关联。 yeeyan

Readers were flitting from story to story, rarely paying.
读者阅读新闻报道犹如走马观花,鲜有付费。 ecocn

The boat moves slowly to minimise erosion of the mangrove- lined banks, a flitting swallow categorically outpacing us.
船行缓慢以尽可能减少对红树林堤岸的破坏,一只飞燕轻巧地掠过我们的游船。 yeeyan

The butterfly flitting from flower to flower ever remains mine, I lose the one that is netted by me.
那只穿花拂柳的彩蝶永远属于我,而我却失去了网中的那只。 powertoronto

This flitting cheerfulness was always at the farther extremity of some long vista through the forest.
这种转瞬即逝的欢快,总是闪现在森林纵深的远端。 hjenglish

Today my friend chided me for being an erratic lousy Singaporean, always flitting in and out of my home country.
今天我被朋友责怪说我越来越不像新加坡人了,老是在新加坡进进出出逗留一小段时间。 blog.sina.com.cn

You've got your awareness deeply rooted in your hands, in your feet, in the different parts of your body, not just in your head, not flitting around from here to there.
你已经把觉知深深地扎根在你的双手、你的双脚、你的身体的各个部位,而不是单单住在你的头部,不会从这里到那里乱闪。 dhammatalks




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